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Over-view of MSc Occupational Therapy ( pre registration) March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Over-view of MSc Occupational Therapy ( pre registration) March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Over-view of MSc Occupational Therapy ( pre registration) March 2013

2 How it is different Alternative, faster route to qualification Mature students with first degree in relevant subject -some knowledge of research Some experience of working in a related area and some leadership or supervisory skills

3 Course overview Work based learning style For the first 18 months of the course -3 days per week in practice, one day at Uni, one day study Completed in 2 years four months Jan intake, every year of 15 students currently 10 E Mids, 5 Y &H

4 Course overview cont. Masters level for all taught modules but Practice Education is at undergraduate level – 3 part-time placements 3 days per week over 13 weeks; pass/fail ; 1000hours Only one full-time placement in final year 8 weeks Contains interdisciplinary in-put

5 USP's pattern of placement / univ learning voluntary sector placement, creativity, innovation and project management practice based research leadership skills

6 Semester One year 1 Jan - June Occupational therapy philosophy, theory and practice Introduction to practice Research for Occupational Therapy Practice Practice Experience 1 client-centred practice core skills critical reflection codes of practice /ethics models and frameworks person,environment and occupation activity analysis OT process anatomy practical skills interprofessional agendas govt agendas evidence based practice user involvement team work and communication anti-oppressive practice

7 Semester Two year 1 Sept - Dec Practice Experience 2 Assessing occupational performance Influences on function Research proposal standardised/ non standardised assessments motivation and engagement ethics and risk environmental assessments anatomy and neuro anatomy conditions- acute and long- term and influence on function – mental health and physical complex problems environmental barriers

8 Semester One year 2 Jan - June Practice Experience 3 Contextualising OT Research Management of common conditions – physical/ mental health professional issues for OT's occupational participation occupational deprivation and injustice new concepts in occupational therapy

9 Semester Two year 2 Sept - Dec Leadership in OT Enabling occupational engagement Research mentorship and supervision publication processes research ethics submissions therapeutic use of self group work psychosocial factors OT frameworks and intervention strategies cultural sensitivity personal and environmental safety

10 Semester One year 3 Jan - Apr Final research submission Practice Experience 4 full-time 8 weeks

11 Interdisciplinary link with Social Work Parallel course developed with Social work discipline at SHU MA Social Work Joint interprofessional modules Introduction to Practice

12 Teaching, learning and assessment Academic modules, face to face teaching and learning, self-directed work, Blackboard supported Assessments – written assignments, presentation. Using practice experience Research – supervisor, mentor, practice

13 Practice Experience Integration of knowledge, theory and practice Longer length of placement add on benefits Practice experience 3 in non-statutory organisation

14 third sector placement/ developing practice placement Mappin Street RSB Heeley City farm Archer project for homeless people Asylum seeker project Moorland Court Age Concern Agewell Care home for homeless older men with drink and drug issues Healthy Sheffield Project Sure Start Doncaster womens centre Platform 51 Mencap

15 Research Primary study Based in practice 15,000 word report Research for Occupational Therapy Practice OT Project module - research methods

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