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Presentation on theme: "TRAINING THE AVERAGE SPRINTER 100m/200m/400m NATASHA KAISER-BROWN Drake University."— Presentation transcript:


2 Weekly Format: Each week must contain the following types of workouts listed below. You can start with any day as long as the sequence remains the same. Day 1 Technique/Core/SpeedDay 1 Technique/Core/Speed Day 2Speed EnduranceDay 2Speed Endurance Day 3Active RestDay 3Active Rest Day 4Speed/Technique/Core/SpeedDay 4Speed/Technique/Core/Speed Day 5OFF/No ActivityDay 5OFF/No Activity Day 6Speed EnduranceDay 6Speed Endurance Day 7 Active RestDay 7 Active Rest

3 Active Rest: Easy full range stretching WO AFull Pilates session 30-60 minWO AFull Pilates session 30-60 min WO B20-30 min easy running/4x50m AC, stretchWO B20-30 min easy running/4x50m AC, stretch WO C2x10x 1 min jumping rope/stretchWO C2x10x 1 min jumping rope/stretch WO D6x Progressions (AKA squares) Stride 50m@ 55%, Run 50m@ 75%, Sprint 50m @ 95%, walk 50m, repeat.WO D6x Progressions (AKA squares) Stride 50m@ 55%, Run 50m@ 75%, Sprint 50m @ 95%, walk 50m, repeat. WO CAny Type of Cross Training for 30 min/stretch (2-3 machines) AB CircuitWO CAny Type of Cross Training for 30 min/stretch (2-3 machines) AB Circuit

4 Speed Endurance: Full W-U WO A6x150m @ W 19-23 M 16-20, 3-4 min rest b/w eachWO A6x150m @ W 19-23 M 16-20, 3-4 min rest b/w each WO B 1x Mile @W 6:30-45 M 5:30-45/7 min stretch/2x3x100m W-13-15WO B 1x Mile @W 6:30-45 M 5:30-45/7 min stretch/2x3x100m W-13-15 M-11-13, wbr, fr b/w sets M-11-13, wbr, fr b/w sets WO C2x10x 1 min jumping rope/30 sec rest /Ab Circuit/StretchWO C2x10x 1 min jumping rope/30 sec rest /Ab Circuit/Stretch WO D6x200m @ W 29-34 M 25-30, 2.5 min rb/wWO D6x200m @ W 29-34 M 25-30, 2.5 min rb/w WO E4x300m @ W 48-51 M 39-48, 3 min rWO E4x300m @ W 48-51 M 39-48, 3 min r WO F2x10x 40m or 8x50m @ 95% 50 sec rest includes the run/5 mrb setsWO F2x10x 40m or 8x50m @ 95% 50 sec rest includes the run/5 mrb sets WO G2x4x100m @ W 14-16 M 11-13/100m wbr or 2 min r, 4 min b/w setsWO G2x4x100m @ W 14-16 M 11-13/100m wbr or 2 min r, 4 min b/w sets

5 Technique/Core/Speed/Stability: Full W-U WO A3x30m Starts: Tall Fall, “3” Point, and Push-Up /2x Body Circuit 45 sec r WO BHurdle Drills I/Body Circuit (5 exercises x 5, 10, 15, 20, 15, 10) 6x Chalk Run WO C2x Physio Ball Circuit/2x5x50m @ 95%, 1min r/7min b/w sets WO D2x Ab Circuit, 3x4x30m @ 95% FR WO EHurdle Drills I/ Jump Circuit 8 exercises 30 sec/.6x Chalk Runs

6 *Continuous warm-up: Proprioceptor Work (barefoot, knee up, arm crossed, eyes closed-30 sec hold)Proprioceptor Work (barefoot, knee up, arm crossed, eyes closed-30 sec hold) JoggingJogging 50-100 Crunches (variety)50-100 Crunches (variety) Dyn. Flex.Dyn. Flex. Sprint DrillsSprint Drills StridersStriders SprintsSprints

7 Strength Training Squats (low weight-high reps)Squats (low weight-high reps) Single leg squats (low weight low reps)Single leg squats (low weight low reps) Hang Cleans (total body lift)Hang Cleans (total body lift) Box step-upsBox step-ups End weights with ab circuitEnd weights with ab circuit Physio Ball work (abs, feet on ball-hip raises, feet on the ball push-ups or planks, 5lb plate, held with both hands above head, rotate)Physio Ball work (abs, feet on ball-hip raises, feet on the ball push-ups or planks, 5lb plate, held with both hands above head, rotate)

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