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Published byPrince Sailors Modified over 10 years ago
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 1 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution 2011 ITRS Emerging Research Materials [ERM] July 10-13, 2011 Michael Garner – Intel Daniel Herr – SRC
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 2 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution ERM Agenda July 11, 2011 TimeSubjectLocation 8:30 -9:30PlenaryPlenary RM 9:30-10:00Break 10:00-11:00ERM /ModelingERM Area 11:00-12:00ERM/Assy & PackageERM Area 12:00-13:30Lunch 13:30-14:30ERM/Metrology 14:30-15:30ERM/LithographyLithography Area 15:30-16:30ERM, PIDS, ERDPlenary Area
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 3 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution ERM Agenda July 11, 2011 TimeSubjectLocation 16:30-17:30ERM, ERD, FEPMeet in ERM Area 17:30-18:30ERMMeet in ERM Area 18:30Adjourn
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 4 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution ERM Agenda July 12, 2011 TimeSubjectLocation 8:00-9:00Beyond CMOSPlenary RM 9:00-9:30BreakMeet in ERM Area 9:30-10:30ERM/ ESHERM Area 10:30-11:30ERM/InterconnectERM Area 11:30-13:00Lunch (Plenary Presentations Due) 13:00-14:00ERMMeet in ERM Room 14:00-15:00ERD/ESH/IRC MeetingMeet in IRC Area
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 5 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution ERM Agenda July 12, 2011 TimeSubjectLocation 15:00-16:00ERM PlanningERM Area 16:00-17:00ERM /Assy & Package (?)ERM Area 16:00-16:30ERM Summary and Action PlanERM Area 17:00-18:30PlenaryPlenary RM 18:30Adjourn
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 6 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution MtM ITRS Workshop – April 13, 2011 More-than-Moore Workshop at ITRS 2011 Spring Meeting in Potsdam/Germany (same location as ITRS spring meeting) Target group: –ITRS community (A&P, Wireless, MEMS, …), everybody interested in & affected by MtM + on invitation only: individuals from iNEMI, CATRENE SC Working Group, SRC, key experts from academia, institutes, SMEs, industry. –Forum to exchange information and views from different sources –to further guide, enhance, facilitate MtM roadmapping for 2011 ITRS roadmap work (and beyond)
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 7 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution 2010 Action Items Top 10 difficult ERM challenges [ 16 nm, <16 nm] The role of ESH in ITRS 2011 Transitions –N-III-V & p-Ge to FEP & PIDS –N-Ge & p-III-V into ERM –193nm EUV Extension Resist to Litho TWG? –Ultrathin inorganic Cu Barrier Materials to Interconnects 3D Interconnect Emerging Materials Requirements Prepare for 2011 Critical Assessments: –Alternate Channel Materials –Directed Self Assembly for Litho Extension –Novel Chip to Package Interconnects –Novel Cu Extension Materials
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 8 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution 2010 ERM Participants Hiro AkinagaAIST Jesus de AlamoMIT Tsuneya Ando Tokyo Inst. Tech Dimitri Antoniadis MIT Nobuo Aoi Panasonic Koyu Asai Renesas Asen Asenov U. of Glasgow Yuji AwanoKeio Univ David AwschalomUCSB. Kaustav Banerjee UCSB Daniel-Camille Bensahel ST Micro Stacey Bent Stanford U. Kris Bertness NIST Bill Bottoms Nanonexus George Bourianoff Intel Rod Bowman Seagate Alex BratkovskiHP Robert BristolIntel Bernard CapraroIntel John Carruthers Port. State Univ. An Chen Global Foundry Eugene Chen Grandis Zhihong ChenIBM Toyohiro Chikyo NIMS Byung Jin Cho KAIST U-In Chung Samsung Luigi Colombo TI Hongjie Dai Stanford U. Thibaut Devolder Univ. Paris Sud Athanasios Dimoulas IMS Greece Catherine Dubourdieu L. Mat. Genie Phys. & IBM John Ekerdt U. of Texas Tetsuo Endoh Tohoku Univ. James Engstrom Cornell U. Michael Flatte U. Iowa Satoshi Fujimura TOK Michael Garner Intel Niti Goel Intel Michael GoldsteinIntel Suresh Golwalkar Intel Wilfried Haensch IBM Dan HerrSRC Hiro Hibino NTT Bill HinsbergIBM Judy HoytMIT Jim HutchbySRC Ajey JacobIntel David Jamieson U. Melbourne Ali JaveyU.C. Berkeley James JewettIntel Berry JonkerNRL Xavier JoyeuxIntel Ted KaminsConsultant Zia Karim AIXTRON AG Takashi KariyaIbiden Masashi Kawaski Tohoku U. Leo KennyIntel Philip KimColumbia U. Sean KingIntel Atsuhiro Kinoshita Toshiba Michael KozickiASU Mark Kryder CMU Yi-Sha KuITRI Hiroshi Kumigashira U. Tokyo Y.J. Lee Nat. Nano Lab TW Liew Yun Fook A-Star Wei-Chung LoITRI Louis LomeIDA Cons. Gerry LucovskyNCSU Mark Lundstrom Purdue U. Yale Ma Seagate Blanka Magyari-Kope Stanford U. Allan MacDonaldUniv. of Texas Prashant Majhi Intel Witek Maszara Global Foundry Francois Martin LETI Fumihiro Matsukura Tohoku U. Nobuyuki Matsuzawa Sony Jennifer Mckenna Intel Claudia Mewes U. Alabama Yoshiyuki Miyamoto NEC Andrea Morello UNSW Boris Naydenov U. Stuttgart Paul Nealey U. Wisc. Kwok NgSRC Fumiyuki Nihey NEC Yoshio Nishi Stanford U. Dmitri Nikonov Intel Yaw ObengNIST Chris OberCornell Univ Katsumi Ohmori. TOK Yoshichika Otani Riken Inst. Jeff PetersonIntel Alexei Preobrajenski Lund Univ. Victor Pushparaj AMAT Ganapati Ramanath RPI Ramamoorthy Ramesh U.C. Berkeley Nachiket Raravikar Intel Heike Riel IBM Dave Roberts Nantero Mark Rodwell UCSB Sven Rogge Delft U. Jae Sung Roh Hynix Tadashi Sakai Toshiba Gurtej Sandhu Micron Krishna Saraswat Stanford U. Hideyki Sasaki Toshiba Nanoanalysis Shintaro Sato AIST Akihito Sawa AIST Barry Schechtman INSEC Thomas Schenkel LBNL Sadasivan Shankar Intel Mizuki Sekiya AIST Matt Shaw Intel Takahiro Shinada Waseda Univ. Michelle Simmons UNSW Kaushal Singh AMAT Jon Slaughter Everspin Bruce Smith RIT Tsung-Tsan Su ITRI Maki Suemitsu Tohoku U. Naoyuki Sugiyama Toray C-Y Sung IBM Raja Swaminathan Intel Michiharu Tabe Shizuoka U. Hidenori Takagi U. of Tokyo Shin-ichi Takagi U. of Tokyo Koki Tamura TOK America Ian Thayne U. of Glasgow Yoshihiro Todokoro NAIST Yasuhide Tomioka AIST Mark Tuominen U. Mass Peter Trefonas Dow Ming-Jinn Tsai ITRI Wilman Tsai Intel Ken Uchida Tokyo Tech Yasuo Wada Toyo U Vijay Wakharkar Intel Kang Wang UCLA Rainer Waser Aacken Univ. Jeff Welser IBM/NRI C.P. Wong GA Tech. Univ. H.S. Philip Wong Stanford U. Dirk Wouters IMEC Wen-Li Wu NIST Hiroshi Yamaguchi NTT Toru Yamaguchi NTT Chin-Tien Yang ITRI Hiroaki Yoda Toshiba Jiro Yugami Renasas SC Zhang Stanford U. Yuegang Zhang LBNL Victor Zhirnov SRC Paul Zimmerman Intel
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 9 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Logic –Alternate Channel Materials –Beyond CMOS Charge Based –Beyond CMOS Noncharge nonFET Memory
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 10 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution n-Ge Key Messages n-Ge channels show mobility enhancements when prepared with ozone-oxidized surfaces <400 cm 2 /V-s. No results yet for full integration into Si MOSFET channels with high-k gate dielectrics In addition S/D parasitic and contact resistances will need to be reduced to see these improvements
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 11 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution p-III-V Key Messages p-InGaSb channels show mobility enhancements when prepared in strained heterostructure 800-1500 cm 2 /V-s Need to evaluate potential for p-InGaAs (strain) No results yet for full integration into Si MOSFET channels with high-k gate dielectrics In addition S/D parasitic and contact resistances will need to be reduced to see these improvements
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 12 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Alternate Channel Materials Key Messages Etched Nanowires –Surface roughness & D it limit mobility in addition to confinement –Mobility: square NW (etched) have better mobility than circular NW (etched & H 2 annealed) Higher D it for circular compared to square NWs –NW diameter down to <3nm demonstrated, pitch limited by lithography. –Fabrication CMOS compatible, similar to FINFET technology
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 13 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Alternate Channel Materials Key Messages Grown Silicon Nanowires –Offer FEOL-compatible growth temperature –Need to demonstrate improved mobility over etched structures –Catalytic growth continues to be a problem (Au is most reproducible, but is incompatible with silicon) –Issues of growth yield and control of direction & orientation below 10nm diameter (Not adequately investigated & characterized) –High density needs to be demonstrated Grown III-V Nanowires –Offer possibility to integrate III-V on Si platform
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 14 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Nanowire Metrology Improve Metrology to measure directly on the nanowire Carrier density Mobility Dopant concentration and distribution Interface state density D it Metrology needed for Q f Contact resistance Surface passivation Reliability
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 15 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution CNT Key Messages Growth on quartz & Transfer –~20 CNTs/µm Transfer to silicon is tedious Control of bandgap in growth is difficult Chemical improvement of semiconductor content approaching 99%
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 16 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Graphene Key Messages Need reasonable generation of a Bandgap –RF doesn’t need a bandgap (MtM Mixer) –Width (2nm) –Vertical Electric Field –Chemical surface functionalization –Substrate interactions (Ir, BN, etc.) –Anisotropic strain (Modeling) Recent angle resolved photoemission 330mV Eg –Graphene on Ir surface “cluster” superlattice Mobility –High mobility for suspended films –Mobility Degrades on most substrates BN substrate looks promising for mobility
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 17 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Graphene Continued Growth –SiC growth (Si sublimation) –CVD on Cu & Ni –CVD on quartz & SiO2, BN –Need continuous film –Defects need to be controlled High k dielectric interface to graphene Al2O3 Interfacial Layer (deposit Al, oxidize, deposit high κ) Graphene Contact Resistance –~5E-6 Ω-cm 2 (Ni), 1E-5 to 1E-2 Ω-cm 2 (Cr/Au, Ti/Au) Nagashio, et. al. –~1-5 E-5 Ω-cm 2 (Ni) Vogel, et. al.
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 18 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Critical Assessment Returned Surveys are Low
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 19 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Beyond CMOS M ATERIALS FOR C HARGE BASED B EYOND CMOS Materials for Non-FET, Non-Charge-Based Beyond CMOS
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 21 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Mott Transition Materials VO2: Undergoes an insulator-metal transition close to the structural phase transition –Can be electronically switched when close to the crystal phase transition –The field must be maintained to keep the material in the metallic state and the temperature must be maintained below the crystal phase transition –Oxygen stoichiometry must be controlled in thin films close to VO2.
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 22 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Materials for Non-FET, Non-Charge- Based Beyond CMOS Devices –Spin Wave Devices* –Nanomagnetic Logic* –Excitonic FET –BISFET* –Ferroelectric Negative Cg –Spin Torque Majority gate* –All Spin Logic* *Requires “Spin Materials”
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 23 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 24 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution MTJ STT RAM with polarization in plane is more mature STT-RAM with perpendicular polarization is in competitive development –Lack of consensus on magnetic materials is limiting progress –Need magnetic materials with increased perpendicular magnetization and lower damping –Significant improvement in interface roughness and edge damage to reduce damping –Reduce defects in MgO tunnel barriers and improve thickness uniformity (0.9 to 1.2nm thickness) –Many of these are technology development issues vs. emerging research materials issues
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 25 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution MTJ Materials MgO thickness must be controlled For continued scaling, need magnetization out of film plane –High magnetization –Low damping –High anisotropy Modeling indicates –Low Damping: (CoFe) 0.75 Ge 0.25
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 26 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Semiconductor Materials FM Semiconductors –Update Tc for FM semiconductors –Status of nanomaterial Tc
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 27 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Oxide Definitions Transition Metal Oxides –Oxides with only transition metals Complex Metal Oxides –Metal oxides with a transition metal and non- transition metal –Metal oxides with electronic phase transitions Multiferroics –Materials with two or more of the following coupled properties –Ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, ferroelastic, ferrotoroidal, antiferromagnetic
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 28 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Strongly Correlated Electron State Materials Mott Transition Materials (VO 2 ) –Progress in electric control of phase transition Electric Polarization Coupled to AFM coupled to FM metals –Improved coupling of electric field to magnetization Magnetoelectric materials –LSMO, Superlattices –Need higher RT magnetization Double Perovskites have higher magnetization, but not coupling of electric and magnetic properties Novel SCEM Interface Phenomenon –2D Electron gas etc. –“Dead Layer” thickness at interfaces
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 29 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Memory Materials Storage Class Memory Materials Select Devices
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 30 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Memory Materials FE FET Memory FE Polarization ReRAM Nanoelectromechanical (NEMM) Redox RAM Mott Memory Macromolecular Molecular
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 31 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Ferroelectric Memories Update –Strongly Correlated Electron State Materials –Interfaces
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 32 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Redox RAM Status: Models exist for two different redox material devices –Metal filament for cation diffusive electrodes Cu, Ag –Vacancy filament for oxygen vacancy based devices (TiO2) Pt or Ti electrodes –“Inert” vs. oxygen interacting electrodes Forming Process –“Vacancy” filaments –Other mechanisms may exist dominate in other oxides Switching (Set & Reset) Need experiments to verify that the Redox operating mechanism models are correct.
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 33 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Redox Continued Need to experimentally verify the physical state of filaments –Single filament vs. multiple sub-filaments Need experiments to verify the switching mechanism –Role of vacancies –Role of thermal heating –Questions raised about Ti interstitials Need to resolve Single crystal mechanisms may be minor in polycrystalline or amorphous materials –Analysis needs to differentiate between the experimental results in these types of materials
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 34 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Assembly & Package 3D Interconnects –Filling high aspect through hole vias (20:1) –Chip Attach Conductor Materials with Thermal Hierarchy –Materials to manage Stress and Thermal –Self Aligning Technologies –Zero Residue Adhesives Assembly Materials –Multiple Property Polymers (CTE, Modulus, thermal conductivity, electrical properties & reliability) –Thermal & Stress Management Materials –1D Interconnects (Low assembly temperature)
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 35 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Assembly & Package Key Messages 3D ERM Focus –Materials with a thermal hierarchy for assembly Chip attach materials: Nanosolders have potential for thermal hierarchy –Need flux to eliminate surface oxide on nanoparticles Electrically insulating materials with high thermal conductivity Designing Polymer Properties –Additions of small amounts of nanomaterials can change properties Modulus, thermal conductivity, and other mechanical properties BUT, CTE appears to depend on volume % of material –Zero moisture absorption (Potential polymer additive) –Ion immune
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 36 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Assembly & Package CNTs for Chip Attach –Progress on increasing the density –Method to transfer CNT bundles –Achieving low contact resistance remains the major issue Chip Attach materials with thermal hierarchy –Nanometals melt at lower temperatures due to surface energy –Initial melting may be surface fusion that doesn’t form complete melting Need to evaluate mechanical strength at different stages Potential shrinkage upon final joint formation –Surface oxide layers could inhibit the surface melting May require development of new fluxes to break down oxides
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 37 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Assembly & Package Thermal Interface Materials –CNTs in polymers can increase thermal conductivity –CNT thermal contact resistance continues to be a problem –CNTs also decrease the electrical resistivity: would limit use in 3D interconnects
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 38 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Litho Materials Keeping 193nm and EUV resist in ERM DSA Critical Assessment –DSA Intermediate Applications October 20, 2010 Kobe, Japan –DSA as Litho Extension (Advanced) SPIE San Jose, CA March 4, 2011
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 39 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Potential Resist Transition Transition Candidates2013 Transition Table2013 ERM ChapterReason for ActionStatus 193nm Resist 193nm Non-CAR MaterialsX 193nm Negative Tone Resist MaterialsX 193nm Pitch Division >Single Exposure Dual Tone DevelopX > Double Exposure Materials for 193 nm Lithography X Requires Novel 2 Stage Molecules EUV Resist EUV Negative Tone Cationic Resist MaterialsX Non-Chemically Amplified Negative Tone Resist MaterialsX Inorganic and Organic- Inorganic Hybrid Resist X EUV Non-CAR Materials X Requires Novel Molecules
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 40 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Litho Materials Key Messages Directed Self Assembly –Progress on assembly of critical features –Recent progress on defect densities (<25cm-2) Can defects approach ITRS requirement(<0.01cm-2) Need defect metrology capable of characterizing defects in: –“Developed” DSA materials –Many issues are engineering vs. fundamental Imprint polymers: Adhesion to substrate, but not the tool
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 41 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution DSA Workshop I Only know intermediate application of DSA is to generate imprint masters for patterned media for Mass Storage (HDD) DSA Graphoepitaxy vs. Surface Energy depends on the application Solvent annealing accelerates DSA and moves to kinetics vs. thermodynamic limits. –Need to understand better The major potential limiter to DSA adoption is defects –Fundamental question is whether defects can be reduced to <0.01cm-2 –Metrology with ability to characterize defects over large areas is a major limiter
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 42 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution DSA Workshop II Goal: Determine what is required to answer the defect question –Defect Density: IBM & Applied Presented defect densities <25cm -2 –Metrology: What metrology could be applied to large area defect density characterization? –Modeling: Can it predict defect densities over large areas? It can predict the energetics of forming specific defects with defined boundary conditions
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 43 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution DSA Critical Assessment Critical Assessments by Application –Criteria & Weighting depend on the application Potential Intermediate Litho Applications –Contact or via CD Control –LER Improvement Sub16nm lithography patterning
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 44 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution DSA Critical Assessment Application Defect Density Minimum Feature Size CD Control (3 σ) Low Frequency LWR(3 σ) Annealing Time Feature Placement Accuracy Pattern Density Multiplication Multiple Pitches Litho Exclusion of DSA Features Integration Complexity Etch Resistance LER-LWR Improvement Contact-Via CD Improvement Memory Array Litho Logic Litho Extension
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 45 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Metrology
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 46 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Metrology Key Messages Cont. Examples of applications –Nanowire Mobility Dit, & Qf. –Redox filament structures (density, location) –The switching mechanism in Redox cells –Defect density over large areas –Graphene, CNTs, etc. –Spin properties (Room Temperature) Correlation between structure and polarization, etc. –Nanoscale electronic properties (EELS?) Large area DSA detect characterization capability –Sub 20nm features in thin polymers
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 47 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Metrology Key Messages Need characterization –Structural Characterization (atomic level, roughness, grain boundaries, etc.) Strain –Chemical & Bonding (3D atomic level, dopants, vacancies, dangling bonds) –Electrical characterization (local properties, i.e. Kelvin probe, etc.) Potential New Capabilities(can they be applied to above problems?) –He Ion Microscope, Argon ion Microscope –PEEM
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 48 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Metrology III-V & Ge Transition to FEP & PIDS STT RAM Transition to FEP & PIDS –Tunnel Dielectric –Magnetic layers and interfaces –Damage at edges of magnetic materials and tunnel dielectric Redox RAM –Local characterization of oxygen vacancies, vacancy filaments, and metal filaments in operation –Real device dimensions and structures Deterministic Doping –Characterize dopants in 3D Dopant vacancies and interstitials Directed Self Assembly –Defect detection and characterization over large areas Graphene –Defects in CVD Graphene –Mobility & Substrate Interactions –Bandgap Measurement (Strain, etc.)
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 49 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Modeling
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 50 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Modeling & Simulation N-InGaAs & p-Ge Transitioning to FEP & PIDS ERM adding p-III-V & n-Ge Redox RAM & STT getting more attention –PIDS adding STT Modeling of Filament formation in oxide Redox –Single crystal vs. polycrystalline materials (grain boundaries) –Formation process –Switching mechanism & operation Directed Self Assembly design rules and tools –Pattern Density multiplication –Defect modeling over large areas –2018 Potential Intercept
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 51 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Modeling Transition of III-V & Ge to FEP & PIDS –Models of III-V and Ge to enable process and device operation –Compact Models for III-V and Ge: 2018 Intercept Realistic modeling of Graphene Edge and Substrate interactions –Bandgap generation & tuning –Contact modeling for graphene interconnects and devices –Thickness dependence of transport properties Modeling of DSA defect densities over large areas –Thermodynamics and kinetics
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 52 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution ESH
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 53 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution ESH-ERM Problem Statement Legislative, regulatory organizations, and suppliers are increasing restrictions on materials based on potential hazard without regard for human or environmental exposure potential through the product lifecycle in our applications. –This is not based only on composition, but also on nanostructure
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 54 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution ESH/ERM Proposed Plan Establish a Proactive Approach to Address this… Identify societal benefit of introducing new material Identify materials that have a hazard potential –Encourage use of good practices for managing materials –Identify appropriate metrology to detect material –Identify gaps in metrology capabilities For materials with unknown hazard –Encourage research to assess potential ESH factors for emerging materials –Encourage use of conservative practices for managing materials with unknown ESH properties
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 55 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Examples of Emerging Materials Carbon Nanotubes Graphene MoS 2 Oxide nanoparticles Metal Nanoparticles Nanowires
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 56 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Interconnects
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 57 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Interconnects 3D Interconnects Cu Extension Materials –Transition Ru & Zr based barrier materials to Interconnect TWG –WS on Radical Cu Barriers: Late Sept. 2010 CNT & Graphene Interconnects Update on Beyond CMOS Interconnects –Energy Considerations
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 58 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Interconnect Key Messages Sub 5nm Cu Barrier Layers –Progress in Monolayer barriers blocking Cu Diffusion CNT Vias –Progress in increasing density of CNTs in vias –Achieving low contact resistance is major challenge Graphene Interconnects –Progress in fabrication of graphene interconnects
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 59 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution “Hard” Metal/InOrganic Nanometer Scale Barriers: Several different approaches in “development” phase and covered by Interconnects WG, including: –Self forming MnSiO4, –Direct plate barriers Ru Some research at university level on direct plate barriers such as RuP, RuB, MnN. –Cu diffusion barrier testing still predominantly at > 5nm thickness. Recent report of MnN barrier at 2.5 nm. –Questions of whether traditional hard barrier deposition methods can produce continuous films at < 2 nm thickness – particularly with porous dielectrics and LER 2nm.
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 60 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution “Soft” Organic-Nanometer “Monolayer” Barriers: Self Assembled Monolayers (SAMS): Lots of interesting results but still failing to completely impress. –SAM Barriers are better then no barrier but not equivalent to Ta/TaN or SiN:H for stopping Cu diffusion –Researchers like to say SAMS “impede” or “inhibit” Cu diffusion rather then address shortcomings relative to TNT –SAM Barriers typically tested with SiO 2 ILD. Researchers really need to move to testing with porous low-k ILD. –Lots of questions of how SAMS will work in the presence of topography and/or defects (i.e. can they cover them?) Some interesting results on SAMS as adhesion promoters. This could be a possible entry path into mainstream. –Organic Barriers: Results no looking promising –MLD Organic Cu Barriers have clearly shown Cu in diffusion up to 6nm. –It is not clear that there is a credible roadmap to make this approach work. –MLD Organic films may have more use as pore sealants for porous low-k dielectrics.
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 61 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Organo-inorganic Options… Could an organometallic form a metallic barrier on top of the monolayer and effectively block diffusion of Cu? –Ta, S, N, etc.
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 62 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Cu Barrier Needs: More characterization of barrier performance and continuity of “hard” films at < 2 nm thickness on porous ILDs with 2nm surface roughness. Head to head comparison of “hard” and “soft” barriers both at < 2-3nm thickness. Research on combination bilayer “hard” and “soft” nm barrier films. Specifically can the two be utilized in combination to address the short comings of each at < 2nm thickness.
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 63 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution ERM Interconnect Workshops Workshops InterconnectNovel Cu Extension MaterialsERM, INTCompleted Nanotube and Graphene Interconnects (Yamazaki), Organizers: Tad Sakai & Yuji Awano 3D Integration Materials Interconnects, A&P, ERM Organizers: TBD, Scott List Native Interconnect MaterialsERM, ERD, INT Organizer: M. Garner Initial Meeting Done Native Interconnect Power EfficiencyERM, ERD, INT Organizer: M. Garner Ready for July Update Cu-Memory Interface Barriers
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 64 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution FEP III-V & Ge Transition to FEP-PIDS Deterministic Doping Zero Impact Cleans….
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 65 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution FEP Deterministic Doping –Periodicity of dopant placement is more important than exact uniformity of concentration –Cost effective options emerging Self assembly of monolayers BCP DSA combined with implant –Potential for silicide control (lateral & vertical) Contact resistivity Selective Etch and Deposition solutions needed Zero Impact Cleans –Minimize damage introduced in previous processes
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 66 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution III-V & Ge (InGaAs) CVD Equipment and Growth High κ Dielectric Gate Metallurgy Cleans –Resist strips that don’t impact InGaAs Alternative doping technologies Passivation S/D Dopant Activation Contacts Defects &
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 67 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution ERM III-V (InGaAs & Ge) Potential FEP Issues CVD Equipment and Processes Cleans –Resist removal without III-V damage –For e-workshop: What does zero impact cleans mean? What cleans, what materials? Who could provide insight? What do we need to provide? High-k dielectrics Gate Metallurgy Contact Metals and Barriers Defects Implant damage and activation issue (Thermal Budget) III-V & Ge passivation –EHS Issues with (NH4)2S Alternative dopant technologies –Minimize implant damage Processing in an ESH conscious manner
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 68 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Concept of deterministic doping D EFINITION: Introduce single-dopant/few-dopants within the channel as well as source/drain regions with placement accuracy of less than 10nm. Activate the introduced single-dopant/few-dopants properly. Measure & image single-dopant/few-dopants precisely. Explore potential application opportunities through the atomistic control of materials, devices, processes and characterizations for better device performances.
ITRS Spring Conference 2011 Potsdam, Germany 69 Work in Progress: Not for Distribution Design for variability Interface control Metrology Quantum confinement Junction abruptness Physics of close coupled dopants and interfaces Low temperature process for nanoscale CMOS and new materials Key messages
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