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Grade 1 Theme 8 Decoding. Theme 8 Week 1 Base Words and Endings _s, _ed, _ing.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 1 Theme 8 Decoding. Theme 8 Week 1 Base Words and Endings _s, _ed, _ing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 1 Theme 8 Decoding

2 Theme 8 Week 1 Base Words and Endings _s, _ed, _ing

3 Word Ending Sounds _s = seal, or zebra _ed = duck, or tiger, or ed _ing

4 cup - cups

5 hat - hats

6 tool - tools

7 braid - braids

8 wait waits waited waiting wait waits waited waiting

9 cook cooks cooked cooking cook cooks cooked cooking

10 play plays played playing play plays played playing

11 clean cleans cleaned cleaning clean cleans cleaned cleaning

12 thinking

13 missed

14 dented

15 fixing

16 kicked

17 glows

18 sighed

19 stools

20 Mom mended Joan’s blue knee socks. Mom mended Joan’s blue knee socks.

21 Theme 8 Week 1 High Frequency Words

22 teacher

23 about

24 because

25 happy

26 tiny

27 draw

28 part

29 Our teacher has a tiny tree.

30 It will grow because we will give it water. It will grow because we will give it water.

31 We are happy to help the tree grow tall. We are happy to help the tree grow tall.

32 We want to learn about trees.

33 We will draw a picture of the tiny tree. We will draw a picture of the tiny tree.

34 We will write our name on the top part of our picture. We will write our name on the top part of our picture.


36 Theme 8 Week 2 Vowel Pairs - owl ow ou Vowel Pairs - owl ow ou

37 OW/OU Sounds owl

38 brown

39 found

40 how

41 crown

42 scout

43 shout

44 loud

45 round

46 down

47 crowd

48 now

49 The brown owl made a loud sound. The brown owl made a loud sound.

50 Theme 8 Week 2 VCCV Pattern

51 VCCV Big words - Find the parts of a word. Break the word between the two consonants.

52 win - ter winter win - ter winter

53 hap - py happy hap - py happy

54 yel - low yellow yel - low yellow

55 pump - kin pumpkin pump - kin pumpkin

56 bas - ket basket bas - ket basket

57 pic - nic picnic pic - nic picnic

58 nap - kin napkin nap - kin napkin

59 hap - pen happen hap - pen happen

60 in - vent invent in - vent invent

61 ten - nis tennis ten - nis tennis

62 traf - fic traffic traf - fic traffic

63 chip - munk chipmunk chip - munk chipmunk

64 plas - tic plastic plas - tic plastic

65 mit - ten mitten mit - ten mitten

66 fab - ric fabric fab - ric fabric

67 muf - fin muffin muf - fin muffin

68 We put muffins and napkins in the picnic basket. We put muffins and napkins in the picnic basket.

69 Theme 8 week 2 High Frequency words

70 ready

71 seven

72 arms

73 always

74 eight

75 body

76 warm

77 Jack was ready to go!

78 He got one muffin and then he got seven more! He got one muffin and then he got seven more!

79 He held his arms out wide.

80 His mom always gave good hugs.

81 Then Jack went out with eight of his friends. Then Jack went out with eight of his friends.

82 It was a cold spring day, but Jack’s body was warm. It was a cold spring day, but Jack’s body was warm.


84 Theme 8 Week 3 Base words and endings _ed _ing Base words and endings _ed _ing

85 Adding _ed or _ing to short vowel words: When a word ends with a short vowel sound and one consonant, double the consonant before adding _ed or _ing When a word ends with a short vowel sound and one consonant, double the consonant before adding _ed or _ing

86 stop stopped stopping stop stopped stopping

87 zip zipped zipping zip zipped zipping

88 plan planned planning plan planned planning

89 tug tugged tugging tug tugged tugging

90 Adding _ed or _ing to long vowel words: When a long vowel word ends with the vowel-consonant-e pattern (Vce), drop the e before adding _ed or _ing. When a long vowel word ends with the vowel-consonant-e pattern (Vce), drop the e before adding _ed or _ing.

91 name named naming name named naming

92 hope hoped hoping hope hoped hoping

93 use used using use used using

94 save

95 saved

96 saving

97 rake

98 raked

99 raking

100 smile

101 smiled

102 smiling

103 close

104 closed

105 closing

106 She stopped and looked both ways before crossing the street. She stopped and looked both ways before crossing the street.

107 I will be using my old pencil and saving my new one. I will be using my old pencil and saving my new one.

108 Theme 8 Week 3 High Frequency Words

109 work

110 were

111 put

112 butter

113 kind

114 person

115 saw

116 carry

117 We had a lot of work to do.

118 We were on our way to the beach. We were on our way to the beach.

119 I put butter and bread in the basket. I put butter and bread in the basket.

120 My mother is the kind of person who knows just what to bring. My mother is the kind of person who knows just what to bring.

121 I saw my mother put a cake in the basket. I saw my mother put a cake in the basket.

122 My mother asked, “Will you carry the basket?” My mother asked, “Will you carry the basket?”


124 Theme 8 Spiral Review Long o = ocean Long u = unicorn Long o = ocean Long u = unicorn

125 soap

126 slow

127 soon

128 chew

129 clue

130 you

131 blue

132 boat

133 crow

134 flew

135 flu

136 rude

137 goat

138 group

139 new

140 snow

141 spoon

142 stew

143 toast

144 tooth

145 true

146 youth

147 zoo

148 The crow flew into the zoo.

149 The goat ate the toast and the stew. The goat ate the toast and the stew.

150 Theme 8 Spiral review Vowel pairs oo = cook Vowel pairs oo = cook

151 cook

152 look

153 took

154 good

155 book

156 hood

157 She took a good book.

158 Theme 8 Spiral Review Compound Words

159 bedroom

160 doghouse

161 sunlight

162 bobcat

163 tugboat

164 goodnight

165 The bobcat went into the doghouse. The bobcat went into the doghouse.


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