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City of Ithaca, New York Smoking Ban Vicki Taylor Brous Associate Director Downtown Ithaca Alliance.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Ithaca, New York Smoking Ban Vicki Taylor Brous Associate Director Downtown Ithaca Alliance."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Ithaca, New York Smoking Ban Vicki Taylor Brous Associate Director Downtown Ithaca Alliance

2 Purpose of Legislation Reduce hazards of second hand smoke Reduce litter Reduce exposure of young people to smoking so that they won’t use tobacco Municipal Code Chapter 280

3 Outdoor Smoking Ban Downtown Ithaca Commons and Alleys Playgrounds, child-care facilities, schools (+25ft) Outdoor dining areas/mobile vendors on City property City owned parks and natural areas except in designated areas Outside City owned buildings Mass transit shelters (+25ft) Outdoor events on City property A designated smoking area can be declared Must notify patrons in publicity

4 Legislation Adopted 4-7-10 Enacted 8-1-10 Amended 10-6-10 Amended 6-1-11



7 Penalties First offense: $75 Second offense: $150 Third or Subsequent: $250

8 Enforcement City of Ithaca Police Department 1 officer – 22 block area 7am – 11pm Claims of selective enforcement to remove an element from the downtown core

9 Litter Receptacles None in smoke free area Moved to edges of designated area Cigarette litter is an issue at bars and restaurants after hours Environmental concern of butts and the environment

10 Smoking Cessation Information Tobacco Free Tompkins Tompkins County Health Department Information to be provided NYS Smokers Quitline Cessation Counseling options Educational materials


12 Issues Always creates a line Worker productivity – travel to area to smoke Initial proposal to ban in playgrounds, shelters or be time limited – e.g. 9pm – with receptacles Provide education through tabling and posters Competition with other shopping areas that allow many of the activities that are banned on the Commons Increased violence and vacancy rate Greater safety concerns Downtown BID cleans

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