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C LAUSES AND P HRASES. C LAUSES Have a subject and a verb Two types Independent Dependent (also called subordinate)

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Presentation on theme: "C LAUSES AND P HRASES. C LAUSES Have a subject and a verb Two types Independent Dependent (also called subordinate)"— Presentation transcript:


2 C LAUSES Have a subject and a verb Two types Independent Dependent (also called subordinate)

3 I NDEPENDENT C LAUSES Express a complete thought Can stand alone as a simple sentence Compound sentences are made up of two or more independent clauses

4 E XAMPLES my mom went shopping the furry dog chased its tail our favorite shopping mall is closed

5 D EPENDENT C LAUSES Cannot stand alone Begins with a subordinating conjunction

6 E XAMPLES although I enjoy roller skating because school is five days a week while Lucy cleans the house after you read

7 S UBORDINATING C ONJUNCTIONS YOU must recognize these! afteralthoughasAs ifAs soon as becauseBefore Even ifEven though ifIn caseonceOnly ifSince thanwheneverthoughtillunlessuntilWhen thatwhereverwherewhile

8 P HRASE A group of words that work together Does not have both a subject and predicate Has either a subject or a predicate

9 E XAMPLES bake cookies the girl with the purple hat my brother’s favorite toy At the end of the performance

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