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Pre-Exhibit Introduction Grades 4 & 5 Mary Tweedy, Curriculum Support Specialist Division o f Mathematics and Science.

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1 Pre-Exhibit Introduction Grades 4 & 5 Mary Tweedy, Curriculum Support Specialist Division o f Mathematics and Science

2 What is Water? Water (H2O) is matter that is found in three forms: liquid, solid, and gas.Water Why is it important? It is essential for all living things. Animals drink it and some make their homes in it. People use water for swimming, drinking, washing, and many other purposes. Plants need it to make their food as part of the process of photosynthesis.

3 Water Water Water covers about 75% or ¾ of the Earth's surface. springs springs In Florida, much of the water is found in marshes, springs, and wetlands.springs An abundant supply of water can also be found below the ground stored in an aquifer in the form of groundwater. Florida receives about 54 inches of rain per year. Where does all that water go? 8 inches flows over the land called a watershed and into streams, rivers, or lakes or canals. 10 inches percolates through the soil, and winds up underground in freshwater storage areas called aquifers. 36 inches evaporate back into the air, condensing to form clouds and then precipitation. Where is it found? Where is it found? Where is it found?

4 What is the main process responsible for moving water around the Earth? The Water CycleWater Cycle What have we learned about the water cycle ? Let’s use the diagram to explain. What provides its energy? The sun What are three processes that take place? 1. Evaporation 2. Condensation 3. Precipitation Water is constantly in motion all over our planet Earth.

5 Let’s explore a model of 2.._______________ _ 1. ______________ 3. ____________ After the lab: 1.Draw a model of the water cycle in your notebook. 2.Describe and label the three processes that you observed. 3. Explain How it Works Lab Materials per group: 1 blue tray 3 clear cups, masking tape, warm water, ice Plus directions from your teacher

6  How does the water cycle work? Can you fill in the missing labels?  Why is it more than evaporation, precipitation and condensation?  Why is every living thing on the planet a potential part of the water cycle?  What is a benefit of the water cycle? It cleans and recycles ALL the water on the planet! Water Cycle Mr. Davies Water Cycle Video

7 Aquifer Aquifer What is an Aquifer?Aquifer A porous, sponge-like underground layer of rock that can hold and release water. What kind of rock is found in Florida’s aquifers? limestone What type of rock is it? Sedimentary How do you know?

8  Its layers of rocks clean water.  It stores water.  It recycles water.  It releases water. Who uses this water? All living things! What is the function of an Aquifer?

9 A freshwater wetland A freshwater wetland – found inland near lakes and ponds, along rivers and streams  Hardwood Hammocks - Water covers ground part of the year (oak trees, air plants, tree snails)  Sawgrass Marsh – Water is 2 ft. deep in wet season and in pools during dry season (sawgrass, alligators, ibis) Name one near us. The EvergladesEverglades What is a Wetland? Florida Wetlands What is a Wetland? Florida Wetlands Saltwater Wetland Saltwater Wetland – found along the ocean edges or where fresh water meets salt water  Mangroves  Nurseries for fish, shrimp, and crabs  Shellfish (Oysters)  Water birds Name one near us. Biscayne Bay

10 Animals/Consumers  Birds: anhinga, ibis, heron, egret, eagle spoonbill, pelican  Reptiles: snakes, turtles, alligators, frogs  Fish: gambusia, Florida gar, crawfish  other: tree snails, mosquitos, spiders, walking stick, ants Plants/Producers  Grasses  Sedge (sawgrass)  Waterlilies  Cattails  Oak trees What Organisms are Living in our Everglades?

11 A watershed is an area of land that catches rain. Then this rainwater flows across the land moving toward a body of water such as a canal, a marsh, stream, river, or an ocean. You're sitting in a watershed now Everyone and everything is part of a watershed. -- Schools, homes, farms, ranches, forests, small towns, big cities and more can make up watersheds. What is a Watershed? What is a Watershed? What is a Watershed?

12 Where does our watershed flow to? Atlantic Ocean Biscayne Bay

13 There is no new water. What would happen if the watershed near you gets full of oil or other pollutants? What are actions you and others can take to try to protect our watersheds?  Reduce your Water Use – No ExcuseReduce your Water Use – No Excuse  Make water conservation a habit. Explain how.  Stay in the loop, use recycled products.  Pick up and dispose of pet waste.  Never dump toxic materials down the drain or on the ground.  Use Florida friendly landscaping to reduce water, fertilizer and pesticide use. Why are these watersheds important to us?

14 We’ll have a great adventure! Water Ventures: Florida’s Learning Lab is coming our way 0n …. Questions?

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