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Using ServicePoint for tracking and reporting
United Way and HMIS Using ServicePoint for tracking and reporting
Introductions and Overview
United Way staff Wilder staff Details about today
Housing Stability Goal Strategic Direction
Focus on investments that demonstrate one year, continuous housing stability; supportive housing, rapid re-housing, legal services. Support a continuum of services for youth and continue to support disaster services. Develop high quality housing and employment programs based on proven best practices.
Working Session: HMIS/ServicePoint
Rolling out data collection and reporting to HMIS Data entry/collection format How to get going Reporting and data quality Next steps
Why use HMIS/ServicePoint?
Centralized place to store client information required by multiple funding sources Consistent report formats across programs Provides an unduplicated count of clients: Agencies throughout the state enter data about the clients they serve Unless they have a data-sharing agreement with other providers, agencies can’t see if their clients are served by other agencies, BUT… The system can find and collapse duplicate records (based on names and social security numbers) when Wilder runs system-wide reports Unduplicated counts are more accurate Unduplicated counts are more accurate because we reduce the chance of double-counting anyone. For example, in the past year one of your clients may have been served by 2 other agencies, each of which has created an HMIS record. By using identifying information, such as client name and SSN, we’re able to collapse the records and only count that client once. HMIS will be one of the most important resources we have at the state and federal levels. Your participation is crucial. 5
Benefits of HMIS/ServicePoint
Systematic way to track and report data for United Way; now consistent across all programs
ServicePoint and HMIS relationship
ServicePoint is designed as a client tracking and reporting tool for social services Company is focused on supporting HMIS implementations but has broader reach Wilder Research administers the system and provides services to agencies beyond HMIS requirements Ex: Salvation Army uses for the majority of their social service programs (beyond HMIS required programs)
Uses of HMIS data
Who oversees HMIS? 25-member Governing Group
Representatives from each of the 13 Continuum of Care regions, veterans, youth, DV shelters, etc. (now United Way) Makes key decisions about HMIS requirements, software, and how data are used Meets quarterly Open sub-committees guiding data changes and other data collection questions
United Way and data collection
Focus of data collection is reporting for United Way and to closely match client information needed for the annual report A few additional questions are added to better understand clients served Not all HMIS required fields are included since they don’t all relate to United Way goals You can collect additional data elements if you find it useful using the Universal Assessment
Data entry basics Consent form
Collect basic demographics on all clients (create household as needed) Record program entry date for all clients Collect entry information for heads of household (back date to program entry date as needed) Follow HMIS income rules for other funders as needed Record outcomes as clients’ needs are known and progress is made Make updates at least quarterly if not more often Update outcomes at exit and before report is due
HMIS Consent forms Clients have the choice if they want their information identified in HMIS (and their children’s information) Most clients agree to include their name and other identifying information in the system It is important to give them the choice and explain how the information is stored and used The United Way should be included on the HMIS consent form as a funder
Data privacy & protection: Client Notification and Consent form
Alerts the client that their information will be entered into the HMIS database and can be accessed by agency staff and Wilder Research Client can choose whether or not to sign the form Read the instruction page before giving the form to a client!
Data privacy & protection: Client Notification and Consent form
Signed form = enter identifying information (name & SSN) Each adult must sign their own form Adults sign for their minor children Unaccompanied youth may sign on their own behalf Record the client ID number on the case file Unsigned form = enter client anonymously Households can have both identifiable and anonymous members You can always change the client from anonymous to identifiable once the consent form is signed Never enter a client’s name and SSN until you have signed consent! Does not replace your Tennessen Warning Go over form: 1st page (side) is really just instructions-you can read it on your own. The box is for if you are covered by HIPPA- can cut and paste it to your own forms 2 (side) is a form that needs to be signed by all adults and unaccompanied youth. Parents sign for their minor children, if the parents don’t sign, they must be entered as anonymous. Each adult must sign for themselves or must be entered as anonymous. The posted data privacy sheet doesn’t need to be handed out to everyone, but should be posted where it is visible. Somewhere where you do your intakes. Emphasize that all intake workers should understand the form and know how to explain it to clients. Often it is helpful to have a summary report handy to show clients how the information is used and show them that their personal information is not being shared with outside agencies or funders. Make sure clients know the positive ways that HMIS is used by your agency (to get additional funds, write grants, etc.) and that the database is not linked with other databases. 14
Data privacy & protection: Other issues
You must continue to use other data privacy notices required by your agency, such as the Tennessen Warning. Talk to staff at your agency to make sure you are following all required rules. In the event of an investigation, consult the legal advice of your agency. Some information requires a court order for release; other times, you may be required to comply with a subpoena or search warrant
Data Privacy and Protection: Sharing Client Information
All agencies can share de-identified (aggregate level) demographic information from reports Example: Agency X served 309 clients in 2007, 59% of whom were single adult males. Funders may monitor information entered into HMIS Don’t have direct access to HMIS Do have the authority to ask you to log into the system when doing an onsite check Non-HMIS users can access paper forms Data privacy rules that cover paper records extend to HMIS Non-HMIS users can also be shown records in the system by a licensed user
Sharing data Your agency can decide to share data with up to 10 other agencies currently using ServicePoint Clients then given an additional choice if they want to share their data with the agencies you select If you feel this might be useful contact Wilder staff
Data Privacy & Protection: ROI form
The ROI is only for agencies that choose to share client records with other agencies Most agencies do not share data ROI allows the client to choose: Which (if any) agencies his/her information can be shared with Which parts of his/her record may be shared Domestic violence shelters, youth service providers, and HOPWA providers may not share data with other agencies HIPAA-covered agencies can share under specific circumstances Contact Wilder for details ROI applies to up to 10 agencies Let Wilder know that you intend to share information 18
HMIS forms Forms are available to start collecting information
Developed based on grant area and mirror ServicePoint question order Not required, but provided as a helpful template for data collection Programs not yet using HMIS should collect the information on forms for later data entry You can add additional questions or information to the forms as you see fit
HMIS forms During roll out process collect information on forms until you are ready to enter clients into ServicePoint Let us know any feedback you have on the forms
Demographic information
Required for all clients served Birthdate, gender, age, race, ethnicity Social Security Number: asked for, but clients can refuse or may not know (especially for children) Don’t know and Refused: use only if this is how client responds
Households & program entry
Household section of ServicePoint links clients together Only needed if more than one person in a household Can track household composition changes over time Track program entry for all members using entry/exit section of the system
Information at entry Required for all heads of household
Each family should have one member designated as head of household Clients on their own are also considered a head of household Should be backdated to match program entry date (more info on backdating in “assessments” section)
Information at entry Covers housing, income and a few additional demographic related questions to better understand who is served
Assessments – Backdate Mode
In the assessments section, the assessment date is set to today’s date. PROBLEM: The assessment date should be your client’s program entry date. Today’s date is not likely to be your client’s program entry date. SOLUTION: Backdate mode! What happens in backdate mode? Backdate mode “resets” the assessment to a date in the past. It tells the system that the information entered is current as of that date. Talk about layers of data in they system & how program entry date needs to match.
Assessments- Backdate Mode
How do I know if I am in backdate mode? You will see a yellow bar at the top of the screen. What happens if I forget to backdate? Information will show up as “missing” when you run your reports. The only way to fix this is to re-enter all of the data in backdate mode. Don’t let this happen to you! When should I get out of backdate mode? When you are finished completing all the assessments required for this client, click “Return to live mode.”
Housing status at entry questions
Extent of homelessness by Minnesota’s definition The State of Minnesota defines as homeless any individual, unaccompanied youth or family that is without a permanent place to live that is fit for human habitation. Doubling-up is considered homeless if that arrangement has persisted less than 1 year. The State of Minnesota defines an individual, unaccompanied youth or family as Long-Term Homeless if they are without a home for a year or more OR have had at least four (4) episodes of homelessness in the past three (3) years. Any period of institutionalization or incarceration (including transitional housing, prison/jail, treatment, hospitals, foster care, or refugee camps) shall be excluded when determining the length of time the household has been homeless.
Housing status at entry questions cont.
Living situation last night (day before program entry) Length of stay (in living situation last night)
Veteran Status (clients 18+)
Ever Served on active duty in the US Armed Forces A veteran is someone who has served on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States for 180 OR MORE days. This does not include inactive military reserves or the National Guard unless the person was called up to active duty.
Income and Benefits For United Way you can record all household income on the head of household’s record If clients are commonly served by other programs requiring HMIS keep those requirements in mind HUD= all household members State=all clients 18+ and youth on their own United Way income reports will work correctly no matter how you enter the data, but other funder reports may not if you follow United Way rules
Income and Benefits Cash benefits: such as employment or government direct financial assistance Record monthly amount received Non-cash benefits: in-kind assistance such as food stamps, medical assistance, etc. No amount required Sub-assessment start date should match program entry date
Does client have a disability of long duration?
Questions to help identify if your client has a disability: Do you have a diagnosis of disability or a documented disability? During the last 2 years have you been told by a doctor or nurse that you have a disability? Do you feel you need to see a health professional about a disabling condition? Do you have substantial impairments that affect your ability to carry out daily activities? Answer “yes” if the client can answer yes to any of the above questions – no documentation necessary
United Way specific questions
Geographic location where served/living Household income/poverty level
Housing Stability Service Areas
Each Service Area has its own assessment in ServicePoint Match the outcomes listed for each service area in the RFP Make sure to complete the appropriate assessment for your service area
Tracking outcomes While outcomes follow the format in the RFP, the HMIS format is also aligned with meeting system and reporting needs Indicate which clients/households are working on goals Use sub-assessments to help track start and end dates of goals that may change over time Uses start and end dates and allow for multiple sets of information reflecting different time periods
Data entry for outcomes
Enter data in real time as clients set and meet goals (no backdate mode needed) Best practice is to make regular updates; monthly is best but quarterly may be enough
Supportive Housing for Homeless Families
Market Rate Re-Housing for Homeless Families
Supportive Housing for Single Homeless Youth
Market Rate Rehousing & Employment Services for Single Adults
Shelter Programs for Youth
Please let Wilder know if you are planning on using HMIS to track information for this outcome
Exiting clients/households
Make sure to record exit information close to when client/household exits Record destination Update income Youth specific outcome questions
Help Wilder better understand UW programs
United Way programs are new to us; help us better understand your programs Anything you would like to share with us?
Data entry best practices
Enter new clients/households within a couple of weeks of program entry recording information required at entry and outcomes clients are focused on Update progress on outcomes periodically Update all required information as clients/households exit Update all outcome information at end of program year for clients not yet exited
Data Quality Making sure all clients and their correct data is entered is an important step in the reporting process Wilder will provide data quality reports for you to run Wilder will also run and out data quality reports on a schedule still to be determined Help you keep up to date and funders see how HMIS process is working Prior data quality processes have had good reception
Reporting Reports will be available to provide summary information needed for your annual report to the United Way Additional financial and descriptive information will come from other sources Reports will be designed with feedback from United Way staff and grantees Are there things you would like to see from reports of United Way information?
Sample reports ServicePoint uses Business Objects as the reporting tool Wilder staff can design a variety of reports using this tool A number of reports current available for state funders and supporting HUD processes Users can run reports at any time Wait one day for nightly upload of data to be included in separate ART database
Sample counting reports
Sample data check reports
Current versions Suggestions?
Rolling out in HMIS Currently using HMIS: Not currently using HMIS
Set up new provider & give access to assessment(s) Do you need to train new users? Not currently using HMIS Collect data on paper until rollout of ServicePoint 5 Contact Wilder to discuss data entry options in the meantime, register for training and set up your agency in ServicePoint Agency agreement document also required
HMIS fees Fees help cover Wilder system and training costs
Yearly user fee: $250 Full day training $50 New Agency fee $175
Making sure you have a place for data
Your organization has a specific structure; we need to add an option for United Way 2. Contact Wilder staff (Audrey, Matt) to get this added (see from last week)
Rolling out in HMIS New users required to take full day training
Feb 9th is day reserved for United Way only. Contact us to sign up Over time will include in current new user training Domestic Violence programs Please inform Wilder staff if you focus on this population so we can modify your set-up to meet the special needs of this population
United Way Resources United Way section of HMIS website:
Training dates Forms Instructions PowerPoint from today
United Way Resources HMIS helpdesk: call with your questions
Audrey and Matt are United Way experts (you can ask for them directly in this early stage) and other staff will be getting up to speed shortly or Overall questions, suggestions, comments Laura McLain: or
ServicePoint 5 First major upgrade of the system
We are excited about changes and benefits All users will be required to attend a web training Requires more computer capacity Free computers available: Contact Wilder if you think you may need a new computer. We will also walk new users through verifying their computer is up to speed.
Next steps Contact Wilder to set up program Roll out of ServicePoint 5
Report development and additional training United Way grantee group to give feedback How do we make sure this is working well for you? Ask us questions/give us feedback as you go Call or so we can understand questions or frustrations and provide better support, resources, and training
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