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“Danse Macabre “ or “Dance of Death” Created by Kim Maloney.

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Presentation on theme: "“Danse Macabre “ or “Dance of Death” Created by Kim Maloney."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Danse Macabre “ or “Dance of Death” Created by Kim Maloney

2 ‘Danse Macabre’ was composed by Camille Saint-Saëns
Camille Saint-Saëns ( ) is one of France’s greatest composers. His aunt began teaching him piano lessons when he was only two years old. By the age of three he had written his first piece for piano!

3 ‘Danse Macabre’ is a Symphonic Poem, meaning it uses music instead of words to tell a story.

4 ‘Danse Macabre’ is based on the following peom
Zig-a-zig-a-zig – it’s the rhythm of death! His heels tap the tomb-stones as he tunes his violin. Death at midnight, playing a dance tune – Zig-a-zig-a-zig on his violin. The winter wind whistles and the night is dark; The winter wind whistles and the lime trees moan. Weird, white skeletons streak across the shadows; Running and leaping, wrapped in their shrouds. Zig-a-zig-a-zig – the dance grows even wilder: You can hear the eerie clatter of the dancers bones… But wait! Suddenly, they all stop dancing! They scatter…they vanish – for the cock has crowed!

5 ‘Danse Macabre’ is a spooky piece that tells the story of how the skeletons rise from their graves on Halloween night. They dance all night until dawn; when they must return to their graves. Let’s begin………………

6 Listen to the harp and count the chimes
It midnight! The clock strikes 12! Listen to the harp and count the chimes Come out and dance!

7 Death begins tuning the violin.
“Death” tiptoes into the cemetery (hear the plucked notes from the cellos and double basses) Count the footsteps! Death begins tuning the violin. Q. 1What else about the opening of this piece lets us know that it is a dark, spooky place?

8 The Dance Begins…… A solo flute introduces The Dance Theme – Melody A.
The violins then repeat it. It has a three beat pattern… This means it’s a waltz! The notes are played staccato; short and jumpy.

9 The Dance Melody Melody A
The Dance Theme is in a major key – this gives it a fun, happy feeing rather than a spooky, scary feeling.

10 The Dance continues with Melody B
The Dance Theme is in a major key – this gives it a fun, happy feeing rather than a spooky, scary feeling.

11 Melody A and Melody B are heard throughout the piece as the skeletons dance! The two melodies are passed between the solo violin and the whole orchestra.

12 Then we hear the xylophone joining with the violins for melody A
Why do you think the xylophone is a good choice for this piece. When you hear the xylophone what do you imagine?

13 Melody B enters again… and again… and again… in the lower strings and the woodwinds. This is called a canon. It is like a round!

14 More and more skeletons join in the dance!

15 A new/different theme enters, played by the woodwinds

16 Listen – can you hear: The wind in the trees? Death retuning the violin? The skeletons Laughing?

17 Now things are starting to get frantic
Now things are starting to get frantic! The skeletons are running out of time. Morning will arrive soon!

18 Melody A and B are playing at the SAME time
Melody A and B are playing at the SAME time! The dance is getting faster and louder!

19 The dancing suddenly stops – it’s morning
The dancing suddenly stops – it’s morning! The cock crows to announce the dawning day. Death plays the violin sadly for the last time this year… and the skeletons race back to their graves -until next year!

20 Some people say that the final two notes are the last two coffin lids closing shut - what do you think?

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