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Influence: When to Use It Use this format to persuade your audience to Think about a topic. Take action regarding an issue. Support you with upper management.

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Presentation on theme: "Influence: When to Use It Use this format to persuade your audience to Think about a topic. Take action regarding an issue. Support you with upper management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Influence: When to Use It Use this format to persuade your audience to Think about a topic. Take action regarding an issue. Support you with upper management. Agree to help you carry out certain actions. This format helps you consider the evidence you need to present in order to influence your audience. Remember: It’s better to prepare your evidence and present it the first time. If you’re turned down, you’ll have a much harder time selling your idea the second time around.

2 Influence: Plan Your Presentation Objective: 2 key messages Message 1 Message 2 Theme / story line: I want the audience to Say… Do… Feel… Discussion points Consider what I want to ask my audience List questions here Put some of my questions on my slides Fill this out before you create your slides. You will then know what to leave in or add to your talk.

3 Influence: Plan Example Objective: Convince the audience to give money to purchase conservation land. 2 key messages This is your opportunity to make a difference for years to come. This place is one of the migration sites for songbirds. Theme / story line: Save one of your state’s beautiful landscapes. I want the audience to Say: I am going to talk to my friends about this land. Do: Call three friends. Feel: Excited about being able to help conserve such a beautiful piece of land. Discussion points Will you call someone who might be interested in helping conserve this land? Whom do you know who might have money to donate?

4 Presentation Title Name Date Use the rest of the slides in this file for your presentation slides. Put the slides before this title slide at the end of the presentation. You can refer to them when creating your slide’s content and practicing the delivery.

5 Summary point (s) here Executive Summary Situation Summary point (s) here Recommendation Summary point (s) here Two Reasons To Implement Summary point (s) here Key Benefits of Recommendation

6 Agenda The situation today Evidence for the situation Changes needed Next steps Ask Questions The “Ask Questions” means for you to tell your audience if they can ask you questions during your talk or at the end. If you use the executive summary to open, then you do not need the agenda slide as well. The “Ask Questions” means for you to tell your audience if they can ask you questions during your talk or at the end. If you use the executive summary to open, then you do not need the agenda slide as well.

7 The Situation Today This is your opening. Use it to capture your audience’s emotional attention. Show a picture, and tell a brief story or anecdote that goes with the picture. List statistics. Ask a question.

8 Title: Identify the Area You Are Discussing State the recommendation in a clear, concise phrase. This is your persuasive statement. State one benefit to carrying out this recommendation. (The other benefits will come later in the presentation.) Recommendation Benefit

9 List statistics Quote testimonials Statistics Testimonials Unique Title for 1 st Evidence Point

10 Unique Title for 2 nd Evidence Point List statistics Quote testimonials Statistics Testimonials

11 Unique Title for 3 rd Evidence Point List statistics Quote testimonials Statistics Testimonials

12 Why Is This Important for You? Use one or a combination of the appeals below to speak to your audience’s interests Logical Psychological Personal Emotional (See slide 21 for an explanation of each of these areas.)

13 Benefits to Implementing the Recommendation Benefits to… Audience Company Environment / community Getting ahead of the competition

14 Short-Term Plan Workout with one of the machines here Support Needed Next Step 2 Support Needed Next Step 3 Support Needed Next Step 4 Support Needed

15 The Long-Term Plan Next Step 1 Support Needed Next Step 2 Support Needed Next Step 3 Support Needed Next Step 4 Support Needed

16 Your Questions & Comments Show this when you are done and want feedback from your audience.

17 Title: Repeat the Vision What will be different after the recommendation? Show a picture Show new statistics Blank out the screen and tell a story about how things will be different Remain in control. Don’t let your talk be the victim of the last question or comment. Always repeat the major points that you want your audience to remember. Make your own title. Remain in control. Don’t let your talk be the victim of the last question or comment. Always repeat the major points that you want your audience to remember. Make your own title.

18 The Next Slides Are Hints for You! Delete the next slides when you actually give your talk. These are ideas for enable you to give a fabulous, audience-focused talk.

19 Influence: Slide Suggestions Evidence for change: Develop three categories of evidence for change and list one category per slide. People will remember your points when you group them in specific categories. Slide images: You can select and delete the images on slides 15 and 16. Title Master: Find ways to use it again during your presentation. Customer video clips: Show a video clip of a satisfied customer to make your point. Complex information: Use the blank templates at the end of this file. Always repeat the major points that you want your audience to remember.

20 Influence: Presentation Suggestions Logical Inductive reasoning: Present facts and then state a conclusion. Deductive reasoning: State a conclusion, then present facts to back it up. Psychological: Point out how you will satisfy the audience’s self- interests such as recognition, affiliation, power, and safety. Emotional: Speak to the audience’s emotions. Capture their heart. Personal: Use your credibility and influence to convince. (From Legally Speaking by David Dempsey) For Design, Delivery and Message Coaching or  Make your messages clear and audience focused  Look confident and persuade your audience Story: When telling a story or anecdote, do it sequentially. Use a combination of persuasion types to capture your audience.

21 Ten Delivery Tips  Voice: When you are nervous and your voice is shaky, speak a little louder. The shakiness will diminish or disappear.  Eyes: Always start and end each sentence looking at someone.  Feet: Point them straight towards the back wall. That way you will look at everyone in the audience.  Gestures: Gesture with one or both hands above your waist, not by your thighs.  Arm position: Put your arms by your side. Don’t hold your hands in front of you or put your arms behind your back. Don’t just read your slides. Elaborate key points. Tell your audience extra information for each slide.

22 Ten Delivery Tips  Filler words: You won’t say “um” when you pause and breathe between your sentences.  Short sentences: Make your sentences short so you can emphasize key words, make your point, and give the audience time to digest the information.  Pauses: Pause between your sentences to give your audience time to digest what you say.  Movement: Move towards or away from the audience. Don’t stand in the same place the whole time.  Facial expressions: Don’t present with a deadpan look on your face. Express yourself!

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