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Sioned Churchill, Trust for London Gaynor Humphreys, London Funders Stewart Goshawk, City Bridge Trust Inclusion London, 21 October 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Sioned Churchill, Trust for London Gaynor Humphreys, London Funders Stewart Goshawk, City Bridge Trust Inclusion London, 21 October 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sioned Churchill, Trust for London Gaynor Humphreys, London Funders Stewart Goshawk, City Bridge Trust Inclusion London, 21 October 2011

2 Scene Setting  Legislative changes – DDA/Equality Act  Policy changes – personalisation/ employment support  Economic pressures – rising unemployment/ living costs  Budget reductions – public and voluntary sector cuts

3 Implications for DPOs  Convincing people that disability equality is still an issue  Drawn in to service delivery/winning contracts  Losing the advocacy and campaigning role  Consultation demands  Increased demand on services  Reduced level of funding

4 Challenges  Being clear about what DPOs can offer  Responding to competition/quality demands  Build evidence of how cuts to DPOs will affect policy goals  Consider mergers/building alliances  Share learning with other equality groups

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