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The most commonly reported nail conditions, seen by podiatrists, are:

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2 The most commonly reported nail conditions, seen by podiatrists, are:
Onychocryptosis, 26% Onychauxis & onychogryphosis 22.8% Onychophosis 18.8% Onychomycosis 8.3% Nail Matrix Disorders Nail Fold Disorders Nail Bed Disorders Nail Plate Disorders

3 ONYCHIA an inflammation of the matrix (surrounding tissue) of the nail with formation of pus and shedding of the nail. Onychia results from the introduction of microscopic pathogens through small wounds.

4 Onychocryptosis commonly known as "ingrown nails" (unguis incarnatus), can affect either the fingers or the toes.

5 Onychogryposis also called "ram's-horn nail", is a thickening and increase in curvature of the nail. It is usually the result of injury to the matrix.

6 Onychorrhexis Spontaneous longitudinal splitting or breaking of the nails.

7 Psoriasis Nail plate appears course, ridged surface with pitting.

8 Demotophyte infection
Yellowish brown discolouration and crumbling of the nail plate which starts at the free edge and spreads proximally.

9 Onycholysis a loosening of the exposed portion of the nail from the nail bed, usually beginning at the free edge and continuing to the lunula.

10 Onychomadesis separation and falling off of a nail from the nail bed.

11 Plicatured Nail A transverse curvature of the nail plate, which may appear natural but can become acutely, curved into the sulci. Comes in three types: tile shaped describes an oblong nail flanged with symmetrical curvature into the sulci. Plicatured nails remain flat in the central part with either one side (uni) or bilateral (both sides) curvature to the sulci. Omega nails present extreme curvature of the nail plate.

12 Leukonychia Striata Leukonychia describes localised hyperkeratosis, which causes the middle nail plate to separate from the ventral nail plate or the nail plates complete from the nail bed. This gives the appearance of white spots within the nail plate.

13 Onychauxis Nail plate hypertrophy usually as a result of traumatic damage to the nail matrix.

14 Onychomycosis also known as tinea unguium, is a contagious infection of the nail caused by the same fungal organisms which cause ringworm of the skin.

15 Onychoschizia layering of the free edge of the nail e.g. brittle nails. Often associated with repeated episodes of wetting and drying and hence affects the fingernails more than toe nails.

16 Onychitis Onychitis is shedding of the nail plate.

17 Hippocratic nails (Clubbing)

18 Koilonychia Thought to be hereditary in some instances but also associated with iron deficiency anaemia in children. More common in fingernails but also seen in toenails.



21 Terry nails

22 Beau Lines

23 Onychophosis growth of horny epithelium in the nail. Can be the result of overzealous pedicure persistent micro trauma from tight shoes or presence of overlying nail.

24 Pyogenic granuloma tumours often caused by trauma to the nail

25 Onychoptosis which literally means "falling nail" in Greek sheddng of one or more nails, in whole or part.

26 Origin: onycho-+ G. Stroma, bedding
Synonym: nail bed. Origin: onycho-+ G. Stroma, bedding

27 <psychology> Habitual nailbiting.
Origin: onycho-+ G. Phago, to eat

28 Complete shedding of the nails, usually associated with systemic disease.
Origin: onycho-+ G. Madesis, a growing bald, fr. Madao, to be moist, (of hair) fall off

29 Origin: onycho-+ G. Krypto, to conceal
Synonym: ingrown nail. Origin: onycho-+ G. Krypto, to conceal

30 Synonym: gryposis unguium, onychogryphosis.
Enlargement with increased thickening and curvature of the fingernails or toenails. Synonym: gryposis unguium, onychogryphosis. Origin: onycho-+ G. Gryposis, a curvature

31 Marked overgrowth of the fingernails or toenails.
Origin: onycho-+ G. Auxe, increase

32 Abnormal brittleness of the nails with splitting of the free edge.
Origin: onycho-+ G. Rhexis, a breaking

33 Swelling or hypertrophy of the nails.
Origin: onycho-+ G. Phyma, growth

34 Any disease of the nails.
Synonym: onychonosus, onychosis. Origin: onycho-+ G. Pathos, suffering

35 Paronychia bacterial or fungal infection where the nail and skin meet.

36 Onychomycosis

37 Subungual hematoma “Bruised Nails” trauma to the nail results in a collection of blood under the nail

38 References Albert SF 1996 Disorders of the nail unit In Harkless LB Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery 13: Baran R, de Berker D, & Dawber R 1997 Manual of nail disease and surgery Oxford Blackwell Science. Beaven D W, Brooks S E 1993 A Colour Atlas of The Nail in Clinical Diagnosis. London: Wolfe Medical Publications, Bodman MA 1994 Pedal nails and skin problems In Robbins JM Primary Podiatric Medicine Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co Hunter JAA 1995 Diseases of the skin In Edwards CRWW et al (eds) Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine (17th edition) Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Johnson M 2002 The human nail and its disorders In Lorimer D et al (eds) Neal’s disorders of the foot: Diagnosis and management Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Rayner VR 1973 An investigation into nail hypertrophy The Chiropodist 28: Sammon P D 1995 The nails in disease (5th ed.) London: Heinemann Medical. Butterworth-Heinemann. Springett K & Merriman L Assessment of the skin and its appendages In Merriman L & Tollafield DR (eds) Assessment of the lower limb. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Therapeutics Guidelines: Dermatology Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Limited Version

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