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Churchill Fellowship Visit to America and Canada, Ian Irvine.

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1 Churchill Fellowship Visit to America and Canada, Ian Irvine

2 What is Housing First? Aim: To reduce re-occurring homelessness by supporting individuals with poor mental health and/or addiction issues Significant departure from traditional ‘linear’ models of provision for homeless people with complex needs ‘Housing’ First as opposed to ‘Treatment' First Platform for recovery

3 Housing First United States of America Impact on Homelessness from Reagan recession 1979/80s Development of warehouse type shelters by Federal and local Governments to increase provision Those with mental health and/or addiction issues lost in the homelessness system Creation of institutionalisation of mental health services in hospitals Reagan cut-backs from 1981 on public housing the only response accommodation

4 Toronto

5 Calgary

6 Vancouver

7 Canada’s Positive response In USA, Pathways to Housing first tackles homelessness for those suffering with mental illness 2008 – Canada invited 5 cities to develop ‘At Home’ (Chez Soi) programmes Visited Calgary and Vancouver and spent time with an ACT team in each city Sustained funding recently agreed by Canadian government although staff costs moving to funding via health services

8 Cities and Services Visited Toronto Streets to Home Leads on developing alternatives to homelessness Has Housing First/ACT teams Thorough programme addressing a number of homeless issues Calgary The Alex Group Positively responding to homelessness particularly for those with mental ill health Their ACT team is well regarded in Canada Vancouver RainCity Housing Established 1993 In addition to addressing the needs of homeless people with mental health issues also responds to those who have heroin addiction problems

9 Minneapolis

10 New York

11 Cities and Services Visited New York Pathways to Housing Original Housing First model (and ACT) Created by Dr Sam Tsemberis to respond to the volume of homeless people with mental health problems caught in the cycle of homelessness Project Renewal – In Homes Now Reflective of the Housing First model primarily for those with substance misuse issues Now working with families Philadelphia Pathways to Housing In addition to supporting homelessness and mental health is leading on Housing First support to veterans Minneapolis Hearth Connections From 1999 – responds to homelessness (not just single homelessness – quality family support also with partner agencies)

12 New York

13 Find Turning Point Scotland on Facebook and LinkedIn or follow us on Twitter @turningpointsco Contact Ian Irvine on 0141 427 8200 Charity number SCO28827

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