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丘吉尔简介 郑建宇 万光海 廖移 潘雪冰 谢杨. one of Britain's great leaders. a portly, rubicund man of middle age one of the world's wittiest people. staunch opposition to.

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Presentation on theme: "丘吉尔简介 郑建宇 万光海 廖移 潘雪冰 谢杨. one of Britain's great leaders. a portly, rubicund man of middle age one of the world's wittiest people. staunch opposition to."— Presentation transcript:

1 丘吉尔简介 郑建宇 万光海 廖移 潘雪冰 谢杨

2 one of Britain's great leaders. a portly, rubicund man of middle age one of the world's wittiest people. staunch opposition to Nazi died in London at age 90 Winston Churchill Presented by boys 1938 The Republic of Czechoslovakia (捷克斯洛伐 克) was dissolved, opening the way for Nazi occupation. Chamberlain government Appeasement (绥靖政策) : The policy of granting concessions to potential enemies to maintain peace Churchill opposed those who advocated giving Germany the right to military parity with France, Churchill spoke often of the dangers of Germany's rearmament 1939 German attucked the poland , the world war Ⅱ was broken out Churchill was appointed the first sea lord( 第一海 军大臣) 1940 Battle of Dunkirk Once France was prostrate, Churchill withdraw Britain forces immediately Churchill came to power as Prime Minister just as the Blitzkrieg descended upon Britain's outposts. 1941 German attacked the Soviet Union unawares Churchill had abandoned appeasement, appealed to the Kremlin to sign an alliance to contain Nazism.

3 Speexh on the Hiter’s invasion of the U.S.S.R. Any individual or country fighting the Third Reich (第三 帝国), will get assistance from us.

4 After the Second World War 1945 An iron curtain has come down This marked the beginning of the era called the Cold War


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