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 SWBAT: Assess what they need to complete their class project.  Do Now- Take out and look through project handout, create a list of questions you have.

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Presentation on theme: " SWBAT: Assess what they need to complete their class project.  Do Now- Take out and look through project handout, create a list of questions you have."— Presentation transcript:

1  SWBAT: Assess what they need to complete their class project.  Do Now- Take out and look through project handout, create a list of questions you have regarding the project.

2  Begin research by using World History, Regents textbook and books from the library.  Identify topic, people and events that students are going to focus on.  Websites-,  and  Examples  erman_Jewish_deportee  e/europe/deathcamps2009/index.html?type=flas h

3  Events  World War II: European Theater(focus on a Battle that took place in Europe, example Operation OVERLORD/D-DAY )  World War II: Pacific Theater (Hawaii or Philippines etc) (Battles throughout the Pacific Ocean)  World War II: African Theater (Battles throughout Africa)  Choose one of these Pearl Harbor or Battle of Stalingrad  You can choose a General/ Leader – regarding the time of the war.  Benito Mussolini Joseph Stalin  Winston Churchill Franklin D Roosevelt  Adolf Hitler

4  Choose an important battle, leader, or event.  If choosing a battle or event-  Who were the generals? Who was in charge of the plan  Where did it occur? (Show it on a map!)  Describe each army and the moves it made.  Who won? What happened?  What was at stake? Why did it happen?  Present any other information that you can find.  Leader  How did the leader rule? What impact did his/her plans have on their country during World War 2? What was his/her outcome at the end of the war?

5  library books, history books, textbooks, biographies, magazine articles,  videos, websites, and other materials about World War II  Websites Websites   

6  Research Paper 5-7 Pages. 3-5 pages typed.  2-3 pages images. Maps, People and Battle  1 page citation/bibliography  Microsoft Powerpoint- 6-8 slides  4 pages of information, 2 images each slide or  2video-clip and I citation.

7 (Example) D-Day June 6, 1944 Battle of Normandy Beginning of the Western Allied effort to liberate mainland Europe from Nazi occupation during World War II

8 Before the Invasion (Example of what not to do) During the first six months of 1944, the United States and Great Britain gathered and trained land, naval, and air forces in England. At the same time, the Soviet Union tied down a great portion of the enemy forces. Allied airplanes photographed enemy defenses, dropped supplies to the resistance, bombed railways, and attacked Germany’s industries. Information from Picture from

9 D-Day Diagram Picture from TtTbCKI/AAAAAAAAASw/DU3shZ4G- sA/s800/P6051198.JPG&imgrefurl= EnpiQXFwKo0eA&h=600&w=800&sz=122&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=HcfyrGSVTHjG lM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3DD- Day%2Bdiagram%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den

10 Project Overlord Operation Overlord was a huge assault on Normandy beaches in France. It was the largest focused military operation of all time. Developments such as nuclear weapons and missiles make it unlikely that such a concentration of ships and assault troops will ever be assembled again. Operation Overlord nearly failed due to weather, operational errors, and stiff resistance by well prepared German forces. In the end, Overlord succeeded, the Allies surged into France, and the fate of Hitler's Third Reich was sealed. Information from Picture from

11 Purpose of D-Day After Germany invaded most of Europe, the Allies determined that Germany had to be defeated. Germany had killed millions and was willing to spread it's fear of foreigners to even more of the world and considered England to be the next target. Had Germany just left England alone for a while, Hitler would have probably succeeded in his quest for power. 772&in_article_id=466554&in_author_id=464

12 By: September 29, 2005

13 Introduction:  ese_attack_Pearl_Harbour ese_attack_Pearl_Harbour

14 Hiroshima/Nagasaki drop_the_bomb

15 Works Cited Video Yearbook Collection: 1944. United Learning. 2004. unitedstreaming. 12 March 2008> Video Yearbook Collection: World War II: After Pearl Harbor: 1941-1945. United Learning. 2004. unitedstreaming. 12 March 2008 Archives of War: World War Two: The Leaders. United Learning. 2004. unitedstreaming. 12 March 2008

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