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Mental Health Diagnosing Psychiatric Disorders and Keeping A Video Diary Phillip W. Long M.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Health Diagnosing Psychiatric Disorders and Keeping A Video Diary Phillip W. Long M.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Health Diagnosing Psychiatric Disorders and Keeping A Video Diary Phillip W. Long M.D.

2 Common Disabilities In developed countries, the ten leading causes of lost years of healthy life at ages 15-44 are: 1. Major Depressive Disorder 2. Alcohol Use 3. Road Traffic Accidents 4. Schizophrenia 5. Self-Inflicted Injuries 6. Bipolar Disorder 7. Drug Use 8. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 9. Osteoarthritis 10. Violence "The Global Burden Of Disease" by C.J.L. Murray and A.D. Lopez, World Health Organization, 1996, Table 5.4 page 270

3 Mental Disorders Notice that 8 of these 10 leading causes of disability are mental disorders: 1. Major Depressive Disorder 2. Alcohol Use 3. Road Traffic Accidents 4. Schizophrenia 5. Self-Inflicted Injuries 6. Bipolar Disorder 7. Drug Use 8. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 9. Osteoarthritis 10. Violence "The Global Burden Of Disease" by C.J.L. Murray and A.D. Lopez, World Health Organization, 1996, Table 5.4 page 270 Suggested Reading: Hidden Away Lost Lives

4 Major Depressive Disorder The leading cause of disability (ages 15- 44) is Major Depressive Disorder. U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and his wife, Mary, suffered terribly from this disorder. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill also suffered from this disorder. The lifetime risk of developing this disorder is 18% for women, and 9% for men. Risk of having another episode: 60% after 1 st episode 70% after 2 nd episode 90% after 3 rd episode Suggested Reading: The Power Of Mood The Paths To Pleasure

5 Alcoholism The 2 nd leading cause of disability (ages 15-44) is Alcoholism. Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin suffered from alcoholism.alcoholism President George W. Bush was once fined $150 and had his driver’s license suspended for driving under the influence of alcohol.fined $150 The lifetime risk (in USA) of developing alcoholism is 15% (but is much lower for Asian Americans). After treatment, between 45% to 80% are abstinent at 1 year. Suggested Reading: Out In The Open A Pill For Alcoholics

6 Schizophrenia The 4th leading cause of disability (ages 15-44) is Schizophrenia. Nobel prize winner, John Nash, had Schizophrenia cut short his amazing mathematical career.John Nash The prevalence of this illness ranges from 0.5% to 1.5% of the population. 7 years after hospitalization: 7 years 22% aren’t living independently 47% are socially isolated 94% are unemployed Suggested Reading: Working Their Way Back

7 Suicide The 5th leading cause of disability (ages 15-44) is suicide It is amazing that this silent epidemic of death is so under- reported in the media Suggested Reading: 12 Deadly Diseases Suicide As Last Resort Could Suicide Be Contagious?

8 Bipolar Disorder The 6th leading cause of disability (ages 15-44) is Bipolar Disorder. The prevalence of this illness ranges from 3% to 5% of the population, and it can even present in preschoolers. If left untreated, this disorders usually causes 8 to 10 episodes of mania or depression in a lifetime. For adults, 4 years after hospital discharge, 41% have a good overall outcome, and 4% have died. Suggested Reading: Young And Bipolar

9 Drug Addiction The 7th leading cause of disability (ages 15-44) is Drug Addiction. 2003 USA National Survey (of the population aged 12 or older):National Survey 9.1% had substance dependence or abuse: 6.2% to only alcohol 1.3% to both alcohol + drugs 1.6% to only drugs 8.2% were current illicit drug users 6.2% currently used marijuana 2.7% illegally used prescription drugs 1.0% currently used cocaine 0.4% currently used hallucinogens 0.2% currently used Ecstasy 0.2% currently used LSD 0.05% currently used heroin

10 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder The 8th leading cause of disability (ages 15-44) is Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder. This disorder is characterized by obsessions (which cause marked anxiety or distress) and/or by compulsions (which serve to neutralize anxiety). In their lifetime, 2.5% of the population will have this disorder.

11 Violence The 10th leading cause of disability (ages 15-44) is violence It is tragic that this silent epidemic of violence is now the 10 th leading cause of disability in the developed world.

12 Computerized Psychiatry Our paid subscription website offers: Computerized self-diagnosis Computerized cognitive testing Computerized video diary which: records your progress every week using a private video blog statistically analyzes and graphs your progress every week using our Quality of Life Scale Our free website offers support communities where you can talk with other people with: Depression Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia

13 Why Keep A Video Diary? Our memories are very unreliable. Most of us quickly forget our past mistakes or bad times; hence we fail to learn from experience. Our weekly computerized video diary records: Your week’s good or bad events Your goals for the next week What you thought life taught you that week Your mental health (as measured by our Quality of Life Scale) Your written comments Your computerized psychiatric diagnosis (optional) Weeks or months later, you can review your video diary (and the statistical analysis of your Quality of Life Scale) Keeping a private video diary can help you learn more about yourself from your past experiences, and allows you better to predict your future.

14 Computerized Self-Diagnosis Our website offers computerized self- diagnosis using Decisionbase™ Rules for the diagnosis of mental disorders have been published by the American Psychiatric Association as the “DSM-IV-TR” Our program, Decisionbase™ exactly adheres to DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria to generate a psychiatric diagnosis. Decisionbase™ diagnoses more than 80 of the most common mental disorders.

15 Computerized Cognitive Testing Our website offers cognitive testing to quickly measure the cognitive functions that are commonly impaired by mental illness: Memory Concentration Executive Functioning Vocabulary Thinking Speed Spatial Attention Orientation Research has shown that these cognitive impairments are accurate predictors of prolonged unemployment and social isolation seen in individuals with severe mental illness.

16 Quality of Life Scale Your video diary uses our “Quality of Life Scale” to quickly measure and graph changes in your mental health, such as:Quality of Life Scale Physical Functioning Social Functioning Employment-Economic Functioning Impulsive/Antisocial Behavior Substance Abuse Phobia/Panic/Obsession Depression Risk of Harming Self Hyperactivity/Excitement Reality Testing Intellectual Functioning Need For Institutional Care Lack of Insight Maladaptive Personality Traits

17 Physical Functioning Our Quality of Life Scale uses the following to measure Physical Functioning: Pain or discomfort Fatigue Sleeping problems Appetite or eating problems Sexual problems Overall physical health

18 Social Functioning Our Quality of Life Scale uses the following to measure Social Functioning: Family problems Friendship problems Distrust or suspiciousness Dependent behavior

19 Occupational-Economic Functioning Our Quality of Life Scale uses the following to measure Occupational- Economic Functioning: Occupational problems Educational problems Housekeeping problems Economic problems Housing problems

20 Impulsive or Antisocial Behavior Our Quality of Life Scale uses the following to measure Impulsive or Antisocial Behavior: Reckless thrill-seeking behaviors Illegal or criminal behavior Physical violence

21 Substance Abuse Our Quality of Life Scale uses the following to measure Substance Abuse: Smoking Alcohol abuse Drug or medication abuse

22 Phobia/Panic/Obsession Our Quality of Life Scale uses the following to measure Phobia / Panic / Obsession: Agoraphobia (inability to leave home without a companion) Other phobias Panic attacks Obsessions or compulsions

23 Depression Our Quality of Life Scale uses the following to measure Depression: Depressed or hopeless mood Apathy Poor concentration Generalized worry Irritability or hostility Self-blame

24 Hyperactivity/Excitement Our Quality of Life Scale uses the following to measure Hyperactivity or Excitement: Elated mood Over-talkativeness or racing speech Hyperactivity or agitation

25 Reality Testing Our Quality of Life Scale uses the following to measure Reality Testing: Grandiosity Delusions or hallucinations Disorganized speech or bizarre behavior

26 Our Guarantee Your confidentiality is protected. We never disclose any information supplied by you to anyone. Your information is not used for any research. For more information about our services, you can go to our Sign Up page.Sign Up page

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