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Founded in 2004, Save Austin’s Cemeteries (SAC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving historic cemeteries in Austin through documentation.

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2 Founded in 2004, Save Austin’s Cemeteries (SAC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving historic cemeteries in Austin through documentation and education, and to promoting historic cemeteries as local and state cultural resources. SAC focuses on the five city-owned cemeteries: Austin Memorial Park, Evergreen, Oakwood, Oakwood Annex, and Plummers, but also helps other local cemetery groups with advice and volunteer work.

3 Founded in 1839, Oakwood Cemetery consists of 40 acres with over 23,000 burials It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, has an Official Texas Historical Marker, and is an Austin Historic Landmark It is owned by the City of Austin and is under PARD management

4 Built in 1914, the Oakwood Cemetery Mortuary Chapel was designed by architect Charles H. Page as a place to hold non-denominational memorial services and temporary interments The chapel was used for about 10-15 years before it fell out of fashion and became office/storage space. It underwent a minor remodeling in 1944 and again in the 1960s.


6 Add ladies rest room (with window) and store room with loft above Removed platform/stage Removed interment vaults in tower room Added cabinets and safe in tower room Added a wooden gate between waiting room and tower room Enlarged window in tower room


8 Photo taken after 1944 remodel Filled in platform area for ladies rest room Added gate

9 Current photos



12 Historic American Building Survey (HABS) done by SAC volunteers in 2006 Roof replacement in 2007 by PARD Building Condition Assessment done by Sparks Engineering in 2008 Materials testing for lead paint and asbestos done by Maxwell Envirotech in 2008 A National Trust for Historic Preservation Fondren Endowed Fund Grant ($2,630 in 2007) and matching SAC funds paid for the assessment and testing

13 MLA Labs, Inc. conducted a geo-technical survey of the soils around the chapel ($3,950), paid by SAC funds in 2009 Structures, a local engineering firm, created engineering drawings for the foundation stabilization ($3,500), paid by a grant from the Charles and Betti Saunders Foundation.

14 Signs of foundation issues

15 by Sparks Engineering


17 In 2009, Heimsath & Associates agreed to create a “Feasibility Study to Preserve and Restore the Chapel” on a pro bono basis Heimsath & Associates and SAC are developing a feasibility study to explore: Architectural restoration/rehabilitation solutions Creative funding for the project Programming for community use of the chapel office space for the maintenance contractor, receptions or small gatherings, educational/interpretive uses, and other options

18 The chapel rehabilitation project will be a community-based effort led by: Steering committee: a core group to provide leadership and make detailed decisions Building committee: a larger group to help promote the project through public relations campaigns, resource development, and contributions of specialized expertise

19 Foundation stabilization Asbestos and lead paint abatement Removal of office and ladies restroom walls New HVAC New mechanical/electrical Update water and sewer lines Exterior mortar repointing and stonework repair Interior plaster repair Window repair Interior and exterior woodwork repair New detached combination restroom and storage building behind the chapel. Estimated Cost: $400,000-500,000

20 Save Austin's cemeteries PO Box 16411 Austin, Texas 78761 Heimsath & Associates 2108 E. M. Franklin Avenue Austin, Texas 78723

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