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INTD 55 business practices working with sources & contractors.

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1 INTD 55 business practices working with sources & contractors

2 the success of our practice depends upon: quality of contractors & suppliers we work with quality of relationship with them GOAL: small group of carefully selected vendors & contractors ASID or IIDA members can use Industry Foundation programs to meet contractors, suppliers & manufacturers interested in doing interior design work

3 selecting sources investigating source companies: know your sources & know them well choosing appropriate products: quality? comfortable recommending? visit showroom or installation to see actual product; talk to other designers geographic convenience : availability in your geographic area helps project move more smoothly & inexpensively jobber vs. manufacturer: can you purchase in large enough bulk to get directly from manufacturer?

4 selecting sources: investigating source companies web resources: eliminates need for paper catalogs; cheaper for manufacturer & less storage for you; order samples for actual tactile experience; find items that clients cannot working arrangements : find contact person for particular product—factory staff easier to get in touch with than salesperson credit arrangements: if your company is in good credit standing, work on an open-account system —bring company certain amount of work per year; CBD cash before delivery

5 selecting sources: sales representatives plan for visits so that time is not wasted set aside space for visit so that reps do not see what you are working on schedule meetings so they do not interrupt client time if you respect their schedule they will be more likely to respect yours know the line & the rep—history of company, background of rep

6 selecting sources: design centers convenient to see wide variety of items in “one stop” if open to public, be aware of dual pricing system preshop in order to determine exactly what you want to show client

7 selecting sources: investigating source companies keeping a research sheet helps to keep you on track price range materials type of design contacts you have made companies you have researched dates & duration of phone calls made final decision keep in client’s file keeping up to date: review sources at least once a year to check on discontinued items & that businesses are still in operation

8 working with your suppliers when a project has specific needs, enlist your resource company to help find solutions quality control: quality exists at all price points; we can be leaders in quality control—report problems even if client does not complain project management : can be a valuable service especially if working in an unfamiliar city maintenance programs: have your sources provide maintenance recommendations government regulations : suppliers are best source of up-to-date regulation information

9 working with your suppliers confidential work: be sure vendors & resources understand level of responsibility attending markets: make sure you meet people from factories—ask them about products, try products visiting factories: one of best ways to build rapport & provide information, see how something is built so you can explain product to client due diligence: if you recommend a resource or contractor who is responsible for the quality of their work?

10 getting best quality performance from suppliers communication, communication, communication: actually speak with a person when ordering, provide complete identification or full specifications for inquiries, mention products specifically instead of just order number give client range or add percentage in case of price increase when requesting fabric sample, advise as to yardage that may be needed—guarantee that same stock is available when final order is received always obtain entire cut of fabric before painting—small cutting from present stock can be deceptive indicate size and number of cut lengths needed for draperies so that suppliers can work around any defects when matching a fabric, submit a cutting carefully instruct as to which side is the face side of a fabric when using Customer’s Own Material (COM) refer to page 290 for more specifics

11 buying methods co-op & buying services: forming organizations to buy together, better prices due to increased volume showroom: fees included in pricing--if you find a good one, stick with it dealer: know product & have facilities to make repairs and adjustments when needed direct: must meet volume requirements—discount structure often varies with amount of volume; manufacturers find it very costly to service small accounts

12 buying methods—purchase orders suggested details, terms & conditions: name of firm responsible for purchasing documents name of reference person with whom supplier should speak purchase order number any special shipping instructions vendor’s listing shipping & billing addresses date of the order name of person placing the order & person responsible for order payment information & any special terms direction for freight bill quantity, unit & description, unit & total price any other standards or requirements of your firm—indicate clearly if important information is listed on the back of the form signatures of people responsible for approving order

13 working with contractors finding the right contractor: get suggestions from other industry professionals take time to see/visit their work when to use a general contractor: cannot act as general contractor without license business arrangements: ESSENTIAL to clarify all legal & financial arrangements right from start quotes get 2-3 quotes on a job—keeps contractors from inflating costs

14 working with contractors time schedules: coordinate contractor’s schedule & your schedule, your time estimates & the contractor’s—then coordinate with client written agreement : be sure each and every detail is listed in contract; contractor should acknowledge & initial your drawings and furnishes appropriate shop drawings financial agreement: should exist between client & contractor; make sure client has appropriate insurance coverage supervision: if project is well-defined & you trust the contractor, supervision is easier; check-in as project progresses; may need to review drawings with certain sub- contractors

15 working with contractors ways to make the job easier: perfect your drawings & specs check availability of all specified items be sure client understands job to be done be sure of supply availability before job begins organize permits instill pride structure communications delegate responsibility

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