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Changes in scale. Find the volume of the cube 5m V = BhB = area of the base B = 5 5 B = 25 5 125 m³ 25 B = 2500 50 125,000 m³ 2500 V = BhB = area of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Changes in scale. Find the volume of the cube 5m V = BhB = area of the base B = 5 5 B = 25 5 125 m³ 25 B = 2500 50 125,000 m³ 2500 V = BhB = area of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changes in scale

2 Find the volume of the cube 5m V = BhB = area of the base B = 5 5 B = 25 5 125 m³ 25 B = 2500 50 125,000 m³ 2500 V = BhB = area of the base B = 50 50 50m after it has been dilated by a scale factor of 10 So, what’s the trick……. find the volume and then multiply it by the scale factor cubed

3 Find the volume of the cone after it has been dilated by a scale factor of 4 5m 10m 1 3 V = Bh 1 3 V = 78.510 B = area of the base B = π 5 2 B = 78.5 V = 261.7 (scale factor ) ³ = 4³ 64 so, how do you find the new volume? multiply the volume by the scale factor cubed 261.7 64 16,746.7 m³

4 Find the surface area of the rectangular prism 5m SA = Ph + 2B 5 270 m 2 (15+3+15+3) 50m after it has been dilated by a scale factor of 10 So, what’s the trick……. find the surface area and then multiply it by the scale factor squared 3m 15m +2(15  3) 30m 150m SA = Ph + 2B 27,000 m 2 (150+30+150+30)+2(150  30) 50

5 A rectangular prism has a volume of 78 cubic feet. If the dimensions of the prism are enlarged to five times the original dimensions, what is the volume of the new prism? V = 78  (5) 3 V = 9,750 cubic feet

6 A triangular prism has a surface area of 432 square yards. If the dimensions of the prism are reduced to one third of the original dimensions, what is the surface area of the new prism? SA = 432  (⅓) 2 SA = 48 square yards

7 Find the volume of the cube 5m V = BhB = m³ B = m³ V = BhB = after it has been dilated by a scale factor of 10 So, what’s the trick…… find the ________ and then multiply it by the scale factor __________

8 Find the volume of the cone after it has been dilated by a scale factor of 4 5m 10m 1 3 V = Bh V = B = V = (scale factor ) ³ = so, how do you find the new volume? multiply the volume by the scale factor cubed m³

9 Find the surface area of the rectangular prism 5m SA = Ph + 2B m 2 ( ) 50m after it has been dilated by a scale factor of 10 So, what’s the trick……. find the __________________ and then multiply it by the scale factor ________________ 3m 15m +(  ) 30m 150m SA = Ph + 2B m 2 ( )+(  )

10 A rectangular prism has a volume of 78 cubic feet. If the dimensions of the prism are enlarged to five times the original dimensions, what is the volume of the new prism? V =  ( ) 3 V = cubic feet

11 A triangular prism has a surface area of 432 square yards. If the dimensions of the prism are reduced to one third of the original dimensions, what is the surface area of the new prism? SA =  ( ) 2 SA = square yards

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