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Study Skills What is study?. Dictionary Definition O Study is to give careful consideration to something O To learn something new.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Skills What is study?. Dictionary Definition O Study is to give careful consideration to something O To learn something new."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Skills What is study?

2 Dictionary Definition O Study is to give careful consideration to something O To learn something new

3 Difference between Homework and Study Homework is to reinforce the work done in class. Turn into study by introducing REVIEW

4 After Homework in each subject O Close book/copy O Ask “What did I learn today in….?” O Make a link between homework and learning.

5 Using Review for Remembering O Review technique can be used on daily basis e.g. What did I learn today…? O It can also be used on a weekly basis. O E.g. What did I learn this week in…? O By asking the brain to recall and recap on what it has seen, you are getting the brain to store the information in a way that can be recalled easily.

6 Where to study? O Very Important to have a definite place O Same place every day O Not kitchen table – too many interruptions O Have desk, comfortable chair and all books, pens, calculator etc. to hand O Ideally have wall behind desk to become extended study area O NO DISTRACTIONS!

7 Why study? O Every student finds a different reason to study or not to study. O Two types of motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic. O Intrinsic – coming from student themselves. E.g. Wants to do well in exams to get dream job O Extrinsic – coming from outside of student. E.g. Parents expectations

8 Practical Study Tips O When she is doing homework and is doing something she has to think about, what does she do? O Usually look up. What does she see? O Use the wall behind desk to help study. O Put any diagrams/quotes/Poems that are difficult to remember on the wall. This is what she will see when she looks up

9 How long should one study for? O Concentration span drops the longer you study O This means that the done in the 2 nd and 3 rd hour of study is not remembered as well by the brain

10 Taking Breaks O If a break is taken every 30 – 40 minutes concentration span will stay at a high level O Make sure that the breaks don’t become longer than the study itself. O Change subject after taking a break

11 Knowing Own Learning Style O What is her learning style? O Do she like to read? Solve problems? Memorise? Recite? Interpret? Speak to others? O Does she like to study alone or in a group? O What are her study habits? O What works best for her? And worst?

12 Cat Cat is a favourite pet of people around the world. Cats are intelligent and have an independent nature. These small animals can also be playful and entertaining. Many cats make affectionate, loyal pets, providing companionship for people of all ages. About 55 million cats are kept as pets in the United States. About 4 million pet cats live in Canada. The word cat also refers to a family of meat-eating animals that includes tigers, lions, leopards, and panthers. This family also includes domestic cats--that is, those that people keep as pets. Domestic cats and their wild relatives share many characteristics. All these animals have long, powerful bodies and somewhat rounded heads. They have short, strong jaws and 30 sharp teeth. Cats are also skilful hunters. They are able to catch other animals by approaching them swiftly and quietly on padded feet. Or they may wait motionless until an animal comes close and then spring upon it suddenly.

13 Cat cat domestic Intelligent independent loyal pet varieties panther lion tiger Round head Long hunter 30 teeth Padded feet

14 Cat O Physical Characteristics O Round Head O 30 teeth O Padded Feet O Long O Varieties O Domestic O Panther O Tiger O Lion O Pet O Loyal O Independent O Intelligent

15 5 Minute Study Trick O Student decides what they need to learn. O Gives herself 5 minutes to learn everything she can about the topic. Close the book. O Spends 5 minutes writing out everything she can remember from what she has learned, including any diagrams. O Opens the book. Takes 5 minutes with a different colour pen to add in anything she forgot.

16 Explanation of the 5 minute trick O It feels like she is only working for 5 minutes – the first five when she is trying to remember as much as she can. O The five minutes she spends writing forces her brain to recall what she learned and makes her brain store it more securely. O The five minutes with a different colour highlights the information her brain had a problem with, and makes her brain make a special effort to remember it.

17 Exam Tips O Know layout of exam, and calculate amount of time to spend on each question based on the marks for the question. O If there is a Short Question/Multiple Choice section start with this. Write in answers she is definite about. Pencil answers she is unsure of.

18 More exam tips O Quickly read through exam paper. O Start with question she likes – this will put her in a positive frame for rest of paper O Next do toughest question. O Try to save a good question for last – she will leave the exam on a more positive note – important if there are more exams to come.

19 What you can do as a parent O Set a regular time for homework O Pick a place O Remove distractions O Provide supplies O Set a good example O Show an Interest O Be available to help and support

20 Subject Choice O Students currently taking taster curriculum. Will have some subjects for year, and some in modular form. O Will have to make choices as to what they want to keep on. O Information will be given to students regarding subjects needed for particular careers. O Support available to facilitate choice. O Subject choice forms to be signed by parents.

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