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 Writers use parallel structure when they put two or three words or phrases of the same part of speech together in a series.  I think this tension between.

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2  Writers use parallel structure when they put two or three words or phrases of the same part of speech together in a series.  I think this tension between feeling loved and feeling afraid made the show more exciting and funnier to watch.  When he raises his eyebrows, smiles, and chuckles, we know that everything is going to be all right.  Desi clearly described and carefully summarized what his ideas for were.

3  A noun clause is a subject verb combination. It can begin with a wh- word (who, what, when, where, why, how)  Ricky knew when Lucy was playing a trick on him.  At the beginning of a sentence, a noun clause is the subject. After the main verb, a noun clause is the object.  What America needs to see is a happy family.  A happy family is what America needs to see.  The verb tense in the noun clause usually follows the verb tense of the main clause.  Cliff knew why Theo asked for an advance on his allowance.

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