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there is a good reason, I won’t agree to play a trick on Robert. there is a good reason, I won’t agree to play a trick on Robert. UNLESS ONLY IF PROVIDING.

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Presentation on theme: "there is a good reason, I won’t agree to play a trick on Robert. there is a good reason, I won’t agree to play a trick on Robert. UNLESS ONLY IF PROVIDING."— Presentation transcript:


2 there is a good reason, I won’t agree to play a trick on Robert. there is a good reason, I won’t agree to play a trick on Robert. UNLESS ONLY IF PROVIDING UNLESS IF ONLY

3 I will agree to pull this silly prank on Robert you give me a good reason. you give me a good reason. ONLY IF IN CASE IF ONLY ONLY IF SHOULD

4 I were more handsome. None of the girls notice me. I were more handsome. None of the girls notice me. IF ONLY UNLESS ONLY IF IF ONLY PROVIDING

5 I were more handsome, more girls would notice me. I were more handsome, more girls would notice me. IF UNLESS IN CASE IF ONLY IF

6 Arrogant people will always be happy around you you tell them how beautiful or perfect they are. PROVIDED UNLESS IF ONLY PROVIDED IN CASE

7 I have decided to listen to her she has something important to say. Perhaps, she knows more than we think she does. IN CASE ONLY IF IF ONLY IN CASE ON CONDITION

8 She will be disappointed we buy her a birthday present. She will be disappointed we buy her a birthday present. UNLESS EVEN IF IN CASE UNLESS IF ONLY

9 be a very poor man, would you still marry me, Eileen? be a very poor man, would you still marry me, Eileen? IF I WERE TO IF ☻ SHOULD PROVIDING IF ☻ WERE TO IN CASE

10 we find some clues about your stolen car, we will inform you, sir. we find some clues about your stolen car, we will inform you, sir. SHOULD EVEN IF IN CASE SHOULDUNLESS

11 You will find the energy to work so hard You will find the energy to work so hard you have a good reason for that. you have a good reason for that. AS LONG AS IF ONLY IN CASE AS LONG AS UNLESS

12 Alana was always edgy anything should go awry. Alana was always edgy anything should go awry. IN CASE UNLESS EVEN IF IN CASE PROVIDED EDGY; nervous, worried GO AWRY; go wrong

13 Do what the instructions say, you will crash your computer while trying to set up this silly programme. Do what the instructions say, you will crash your computer while trying to set up this silly programme. OTHERWISE UNLESS IN CASE OTHERWISE AS LONG AS

14 Let’s speak under our breath Sandra overhears us. IN CASE ONLY IF PROVIDING IN CASE UNLESS

15 this is what you understand from friendship, I am afraid I am not your friend. this is what you understand from friendship, I am afraid I am not your friend. IF ONLY IF PROVIDINGIFUNLESS

16 Stick to your revision timetable, you won’t manage to get in the honours list you study day and night in the exam week. you study day and night in the exam week. OTHERWISE EVEN IF IN CASE UNLESSOTHERWISE ONLY IF IN CASE EVEN IF PROVIDED

17 you give her millions, she won’t marry you. Her heart belongs to someone else! you give her millions, she won’t marry you. Her heart belongs to someone else! EVEN IF ONLY IF IF ONLY EVEN IF IN CASE

18 I had superpowers. Then, I would be able to stand up to all forms of injustice on earth. I had superpowers. Then, I would be able to stand up to all forms of injustice on earth. IF ONLY EVEN IF IN CASE IF ONLY ONLY IF

19 go on a diet again, just make sure this one lasts more than a week. go on a diet again, just make sure this one lasts more than a week. IF YOU SHOULD IF ONLY IF ☻ WERE TO IF ☻ SHOULD ONLY IF

20 I will let you in you keep silent when I’m studying. ON CONDITION THAT IN CASE IF ONLY ON CONDITION THAT OR

21 If there be a power cut in the cinema, please remain seated until help arrives. If there be a power cut in the cinema, please remain seated until help arrives. SHOULD IN CASE IFSHOULDPROVIDED

22 a cat has arched its back and its hair stands on end, this means it will attack. a cat has arched its back and its hair stands on end, this means it will attack. IF ONLY IF AS LONG AS IF IN CASE

23 there is a pop quiz, it is a good idea to revise your subjects as often as possible. there is a pop quiz, it is a good idea to revise your subjects as often as possible. IN CASE SHOULDPROVIDING EVEN IF

24 you brush your teeth three times a day, you can eat what you want. you brush your teeth three times a day, you can eat what you want. AS LONG AS UNLESS IN CASE AS LONG AS EVEN IF

25 you listen to me, you will fall in trouble and I won’t help you then. you listen to me, you will fall in trouble and I won’t help you then. UNLESS SHOULDPROVIDINGUNLESS IF ONLY

26 Use your vacuum cleaner accordingly as it is stated in the handbook, our service will not be liable for the repair of any damage. OR UNLESS IN CASE PROVIDEDOR

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