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H OW I T S TARTED  2000 years ago there was a Celtic festival called Samhain ( Sow-an ) on November 1 st  Samhain means Summer’s End.  On the night.

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Presentation on theme: "H OW I T S TARTED  2000 years ago there was a Celtic festival called Samhain ( Sow-an ) on November 1 st  Samhain means Summer’s End.  On the night."— Presentation transcript:


2 H OW I T S TARTED  2000 years ago there was a Celtic festival called Samhain ( Sow-an ) on November 1 st  Samhain means Summer’s End.  On the night before the festival, people believed that the dead would return as ghosts.

3 I N THE B EGINNING  In the 8 th century, the Catholic Church changed Samhain (November 1 st ) to All Saints Day or All Hallows.  October 31 st was then called All Hallows Eve and after that it was called HALLOWEEN.


5 10 Most Popular Halloween Costumes 1. Witch 2. Vampire 3. Pirate 4. Batman character 5. Zombie 6. Vixen 7. Princess 8. Ghost 9. Nurse 10. Cat

6 What’s this?





11 Pumpkin Carving  One of the most well-known Halloween traditions is pumpkin carving.  A carved pumpkin with a light inside is called a Jack-o’-lantern.  The pumpkin seeds and guts can be used to make:  baked pumpkin seeds  pumpkin pie


13 History of Jack-o’-Lanterns  Originally an Irish tradition  Originated from the tradition of carving the faces of lost souls into hollowed out pumpkins and turnips  With the candle inside causing the face to glow, the Halloween lanterns were placed on doorsteps to ward off evil spirits!

14 Trick or Treat  People traveled house to house in costumes and performed jokes or poems in exchange for food or drink.  Souling is an old celebration in England Was when the poor people would go to the rich people’s houses around All Saints Day and receive pastries called Soul Cakes. In exchange for the pastries, the poor would promise to pray for the rich people’s dead relatives.

15 Trick or Treat Traditions  Scotland and Ireland: young adults and kids went “gouling”.  Dress in costumes and sing a song or perform a “trick” before receiving food or a “treat”  England: night where children wear masks and carry bags to houses and ask for pennies.  All of these traditions and events were brought to the United States when families immigrated from Europe.  Trick or Treating in the United States is formed from a mix of all of these events and traditions.


17 Thank you for your attention Happy Halloween!

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