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Acknowledgements Funding Partners:University at Buffalo (UB) & National Disability Authority (NDA Project Mentors:Prof. Joe Lane (UB), Dr. Ger Craddock(CEUD/NDA)

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Presentation on theme: "Acknowledgements Funding Partners:University at Buffalo (UB) & National Disability Authority (NDA Project Mentors:Prof. Joe Lane (UB), Dr. Ger Craddock(CEUD/NDA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Acknowledgements Funding Partners:University at Buffalo (UB) & National Disability Authority (NDA Project Mentors:Prof. Joe Lane (UB), Dr. Ger Craddock(CEUD/NDA) & Mr. James Hubbard(CEUD/NDA) Infusing Universal Design principles to adapt the Need to Knowledge (NtK) model through identification of appropriate tools Dr. James Condron University at Buffalo (UB), New York, Center for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD) Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) Goal Identify where Universal Design can be embedded in the NtK model and populate the new model with an inventory of analytic methods/instruments appropriate to each step, to serve as a resource and guide to academic and industrial users. Stakeholders from manufacturers to product/service users are to be central to the design process – thus enabling the largest possible user group to be catered for. Background The NtK Model is a model used for new product development. The model was designed to include all activities from inception of a project through post-launch evaluation to paint a complete picture of the research, development, and production processes. Key features of the model include: 3 Phases of activity broken down into 9 stages, 58 steps, and 71 tips, with knowledge to action cycles bridging each phase. Case examples from prior success in technology transfer and commercialization demonstrate how to implement the NtK concepts. Tools identified during the literature review embedded in Supporting Evidence links at the step level. Work to Date Since the Irish Disability Act of 2005 – Universal Design principles are to be implemented as a core strategy in national policy. With this in mind, the integration of Universal Design into the NtK model has been achieved through developing a tool repository which allows a model user the transition from each of the stages, steps and tips. Universal Design itself is now being developed as a core resource throughout the entire NtK model process, hence design for all approach increases market possibilities and hence success of the product or service, These tools have been researched defined according to several parameters. These tools are collected in a large data base which is populated according to the following parameters include: Name of Tool – Description – Advantages/Disadvantages – Compliance standards – Cost – Knowledge User Groups – Stage/Step/Tip – Citations – Useful Resources. This subset of tools for Universal Design are applied model wide. Tools that are described throughout the model are from a large variety of disciplines, ranging from marketing, engineering to business management. Through this diversity of disciplines, a core set of tools overarch and govern their implementation for successful New Product Development (NPD). Universal Design has been identified as one of these core principles and a tool set which allows the examination of Universal Design compatibility is available throughout every step in the model. Useful Resources The NtK Model: hp The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design

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