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Zayed University’s Information Literacy Program Fiona Hunt, MLIS Academic Advisor and Instructor, University College, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi.

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Presentation on theme: "Zayed University’s Information Literacy Program Fiona Hunt, MLIS Academic Advisor and Instructor, University College, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zayed University’s Information Literacy Program Fiona Hunt, MLIS Academic Advisor and Instructor, University College, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi

2 ZU Information Literacy Program Has been through many iterations since the university’s inception Currently integrated across the curriculum o Learning outcomes for information literacy embedded in appropriate courses at all levels

3 ZU Baccalaureate Program 1 st three semesters = General Education Program (or the Colloquy Program) Final 5 semesters = Major Program General Education Major General Education

4 ZU Learning Outcomes (ZULOs) Overarch entire baccalaureate program Upon graduation, students are expected to demonstrate competency in the following areas: o Information Literacy o Technological Literacy o Language o Global Awareness o Critical Thinking and Quantitative Reasoning o Leadership

5 ZU Information Literacy Program Information Literacy in the Advising Stream o 1 st semester: COL 120 o Student success: research skills/IL, note taking, time management, test taking, etc. o 2 nd semester: COL 105 o Career exploration and UAE world of work General Education Major General Education

6 COL 120 Information Literacy outcomes for the course: o Find, use and evaluate information (IL1, IL3) o Research using multiple information sources (IL2) Also reinforces citations, though officially embedded in the English stream ZU Information Literacy Program

7 COL 120 (cont…) IL content taught by advisors (course instructors) with librarian instruction in two class sessions Library visit/tour Classroom trouble shooting session ZU Information Literacy Program

8 Information Literacy Program COL 120 IL Assessment Annotated bibliography Including information from books, web sites, periodical articles, encyclopedia articles (10% of course grade) Final exam Multiple choice, true/false and short answer questions on IL concepts (20% of course grade)

9 Teaching Information Literacy Considerations in the Gulf o Language level o Educational background o GPA pressure o Difficulties with abstraction Important to… o Provide sufficient motivation o Create a reason/structure for students to learn from/fix their mistakes o Break material down into simple steps o Make it as experiential as possible

10 Information Literacy Program Providing sufficient motivation: IL assignments are graded (total: 30+% of course) o Provide sources for group project (which is worth 30% of course grade) o Eg. 5 students per group IL assignments provide a total of 30 sources for the group project Group project portfolio requires evaluations of all sources found THUS… IL assignments feed directly into other course work, making them highly relevant and useful for students

11 Information Literacy Program Providing structure for learning from errors: eg. Assignments 1 and 2 Annotated bibliographies of three sources each A1 = 2 web sites and a book A2 = encyclopedia article and 2 periodical articles 5 marks for completion (2.5% of course grade) Detailed feedback

12 Information Literacy Program

13 Providing structure for learning from errors: eg. Assignments 1 and 2 Annotated bibliographies of three sources each A1 = 2 web sites and a book A2 = encyclopedia article and 2 periodical articles 5 marks for completion (2.5% of course grade) Detailed feedback Assignment 3 Annotated bibliography of three sources Sources taken from A1 and A2 Graded out of 30 points Worth 10% of course grade

14 Information Literacy Program

15 Examples from the classroom: Evaluating information Search strings for database searching evolution of my approach towards these two topics Breaking material down into simple steps and making it experiential

16 Information Literacy Program Evaluating information

17 Information Literacy Program


19 Students in groups of three One computer per group – tell Ss which website to look at One card per group (see below) One two-sided worksheet (previous slide) for each student to write notes on

20 Information Literacy Program






26 Then, they can handle the flow chart Point out that it’s what they’ve just done but all on one sheet

27 Information Literacy Program

28 For access to this and other similarly designed activities, please feel free to ask me after the session. Thank you

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