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Mayor Michael J. Reina April 2012 2012 Municipal Budget Township of Jackson.

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Presentation on theme: "Mayor Michael J. Reina April 2012 2012 Municipal Budget Township of Jackson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mayor Michael J. Reina April 2012 2012 Municipal Budget Township of Jackson

2 What about today?

3  Reduced reliance on outside contracts/professional services  Recreation Program self-sufficiency  Reduction in some municipal services  Reduction of consumables  Consolidation of services  Inter-local services  Minimize capital outlays  Reduction in employee take home vehicles  Increase in-house training and staff enrichment opportunities to reduce travel and administrative cost.

4  Major labor contracts finalized  No major layoffs  Reduced State Funding  Other sources of funding disappearing  Two-thirds of our operating budget goes to salaries and benefits

5 Anticipated 2012 Budget Advertisement Revenue and Appropriation Summaries Summary of Revenues Anticipated 20122011 1. Surplus1,900,0002,400,000 2. Total Miscellaneous Revenues6,391,8556,620,091 3. Receipts from Delinquent Taxes1,615,0001,900,000 4. a) Local Tax for Municipal Purposes28,269,76227,842,738 b) Addition to Local District School Tax Tot Amt to be Raised by Taxes for Sup of Muni Bud 28,269,76227,842,738 Total General Revenues38,176,61838,762,830 Summary of Appropriations2012 BudgetFinal 2011 Budget 1. Operating Expenses: Salaries & Wages16,198,59615,878,695 Other Expenses11,067,31311,758,864 2. Deferred Charges & Other Appropriations4,461,0864,669,374 3. Capital Improvements50,000 4. Debt Service (Include for School Purposes)3,785,3053,877,847 5. Reserve for Uncollected Taxes2,614,3172,528,050 Total General Appropriations38,176,61838,762,830 Total number of Employees(Full-Time and permanent Permanent Part-Time)252269

6 2012 Jackson Township Taxes What Makes Up Your Tax Bill

7 2012 Municipal Budget

8 Some Things Never Change Fiscal crisis and recession Depressed real estate market No Increase to State Funding Employee medical costs

9 Some Things Do Change ▪ Budgetary Cap of 2.0% ▪ Contractual labor agreements

10 Budget Math

11 All values reflect Realized in Cash, not Anticipated


13 Appropriations ($ in Millions)


15 Revenues – Expenses = Tax Levy $9.9 M - $38.2M = $28.3M

16 Municipal Tax Rate 20112012 ActualProposed Average Property Assessment$329,214 Tax Rate0.4120.421 Total Property Taxes$1,356.36$1,385.99 Increase over Prior Year$29.63

17 Property Taxes @ Assessed ValueInc/(Dec) Over Prior Year $200,000.00$300,000.00$400,000.00$200,000.00$300,000.00$400,000.00 Municipal Taxes$842.00$1,263.00$1,684.00$18.00$27.00$36.00 Local School District$2,327.40$3,491.10$4,654.80-$4.60-$6.90-$9.20 Municipal Open Space$40.00$60.00$80.00$0.00 Total County Taxes (Est.)$699.80$1,049.70$1,399.60$1.80$2.70$3.60 Fire District (Avg.)$160.00$240.00$320.00$4.40$6.60$8.80 Total Tax Rate$4,069.20$6,103.80$8,138.40$19.60$29.40$39.20

18 Tax Rate per $100 Assessed Value 2011 Actual 2012 IntroducedInc/(Dec) Municipal Taxes0.41200.4210.0093 Local School District1.16601.1637-0.0023 Municipal Open Space0.0200 0.0000 Total County Taxes (Est)0.34900.34990.0009 Fire Taxes (Avg)0.07780.08000.00225 Total Tax Rate2.02472.03460.0104

19 A Historical Perspective

20 Pensions





25 Detailed budget information is available for public inspection (free of charge) at the Office of the Township Clerk, Senior Center & the Jackson Branch of the Ocean County Library during their regular business hours. For additional information please call the Mayor's Office at 732-928-1256.


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