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The Proper Location and Construction of a Residential Water Well.

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Presentation on theme: "The Proper Location and Construction of a Residential Water Well."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Proper Location and Construction of a Residential Water Well

2 Private Water Supply A Pennsylvania Perspective Mr. Brian Oram, PG Professional Geologist, PASEO, Licensed Well Driller Lab Director, Center for Environmental Quality Wilkes University GeoEnvironmental Sciences and Engineering Department Wilkes Barre, PA 18766 New Website !

3 Center for Environmental Quality Non-profit/ equal opportunity employer, is operated and managed, within the GeoEnvironmental Sciences and Environmental Engineering Department at Wilkes University Outreach Programs Environmental and Professional Education and Training Environmental and Professional Education and Training Applied Research Applied Research Community and Business Outreach Programs Community and Business Outreach Programs Website:

4 State and Federal Regulation Currently No Federal Or Pennsylvania State Regulations Related to Private Water Well Construction. Currently No Federal Or Pennsylvania State Regulations Related to Private Water Well Construction. Pennsylvania has over 1 million households on Private Wells. Pennsylvania has over 1 million households on Private Wells.  Pennsylvania one of 4 states that has no private water well construction standards, via regulation.  PA does not really have a comprehensive certification program for drilling contractors and operators.

5 State Regulations (Existing/ Proposed) Pennsylvania Has Drillers Licensing Program Act 537: Chapter 73: Minimum Isolation Distance On-lot Septic System and Components and Private Well House Bill 1591 Proposed Legislation: Private Well Construction Regulations

6 Local Agency The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors Surveyed second class townships across the state regarding water well ordinances and water well related problems. Of the 1,457 township across the state: 601 townships responded to the survey 601 townships responded to the survey 39 of 601 townships maintain water well construction ordinances 39 of 601 townships maintain water well construction ordinances 21 townships were considering and ordinance 21 townships were considering and ordinance

7 Private Water Sources Wells

8 An Ungrouted Residential Well A Properly Grouted Well

9 Bedrock Fractures and Fractured Zones Higher Yielding Well Fractured Zone

10 Well Isolation Distances MONTGOMERY COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY WELL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS (partial listing) Delineated wetlands or floodplains (25 feet) Surface waters (25 feet) Storm water Systems (25 feet) Spray Irrigation/ Septage Disposal (100 feet) Farm silos / manure storage (200 feet) Septic Systems (100 feet) Septic Tanks/Holding Tanks (50 feet) Chemical Storage/Preparation Area (300 feet) More Information at

11 Too Close to the Road Potential Problems 1) Damaged Casing 2) Chemical Spills 3) Road Salting Agents 4) Chemical Sprays 5) Vandalism

12 Well Cap Not Secure

13 Standard Well CapSanitary Well Cap Allow entry for insects, small animals Sealed to prevent contamination Well Construction Options for Private Wells

14 Poor construction can affect drinking water quality Poor construction can affect drinking water quality Poor construction can contribute, promote, and facilitate pollution and contamination of the groundwater aquifer Poor construction can contribute, promote, and facilitate pollution and contamination of the groundwater aquifer Proper construction can prolong the life and yield of the well Proper construction can prolong the life and yield of the well Why Care About Well Construction ?

15 A Properly Constructed (Sanitary) Residential Water Well Has: casing that extends at least 15 feet into firm bedrock or 40 feet below ground, whichever is greater casing that extends at least 15 feet into firm bedrock or 40 feet below ground, whichever is greater casing of adequate wall thickness (meet PADEP Requirements Community Water Supplies) casing of adequate wall thickness (meet PADEP Requirements Community Water Supplies) a drive shoe on the bottom of the casing a drive shoe on the bottom of the casing

16 Well Construction Open Hole Bedrock Well

17 Standard Well Cap “The Unsanitary Well Cap” Insects, Larvae and Nests / Egg Masses Mouse Colonies Snakes Beehives Mud - when casing to close to ground Types of Contamination - Bacteria, Subject to Vandalism, Salts

18 Air Hammer and Drill Bit

19 Drilling to Set Casing

20 Welding the Steel Casing

21 Casing With Drive Shoe

22 Mixing EZ-Seal Bentonite Grout

23 A Properly Grouted Well Tremie Pipe

24 Installing the Tremie Pipe

25 Pumping in the Bentonite Grout

26 A Properly Constructed (Sanitary) Residential Water Well Has: casing that extends at least 15 feet into firm bedrock or 40 feet below grade casing that extends at least 15 feet into firm bedrock or 40 feet below grade casing of adequate wall thickness casing of adequate wall thickness a driveshoe on the bottom of the casing a driveshoe on the bottom of the casing grout sealing the casing up to the surface grout sealing the casing up to the surface a sealed well cap with a screened vent a sealed well cap with a screened vent a pitless adapter where the water line passes through the casing a pitless adapter where the water line passes through the casing

27 Protect Your Water Source Things You or Your Community Can Do Periodically Inspect Periodically Inspect Drain Surface Water Away Drain Surface Water Away Install Sanitary Seal Install Sanitary Seal Annual Testing Annual Testing Maintain Records Maintain Records Start a Community Based Groundwater Education Program Start a Community Based Groundwater Education Program Carbon County Groundwater Guardians Carbon County Groundwater Guardians Proper Abandonment Chemical Storage, Disposal and Use Keep Wellhead Above Grade Proper Well Location Septic System Maintenance Recycle used Oil and Participate in Hazardous Chemical Disposal Programs Well Ordinance

28 Why an Ordinance? Primary reasons for the ordinances included: Improper Well Construction Improper Well Construction Incidents of Well Contamination Incidents of Well Contamination  Improper Siting  Interconnection with Contaminated Site  Induce Contamination – Lack of Grouting  No Testing Requirements to ensure potability Overuse of the Groundwater Aquifer. Overuse of the Groundwater Aquifer. Online Directory of State Water Well Ordinances

29 Before You Drill Get a Well Construction Contract Written contract with well driller prior to construction Assurance of compliance with regulations Liability insurance information for driller Casing specifications (6" minimum to bedrock) Sanitary cap, grout seal? Well development to maximize yield Disinfection after drilling and pump installation Timeline for completion Guarantee on materials and workmanship Itemized estimate - check before exceeding costs 8-12 hour pump test (sustained yield) and basic water test Delivery of well log and pump test results to owner

30 Private Water Supply A Pennsylvania Perspective Mr. Brian Oram, PG Professional Geologist, PASEO, Licensed Well Driller Lab Director, Center for Environmental Quality Wilkes University GeoEnvironmental Sciences and Engineering Department Wilkes Barre, PA 18766 New Website !

31 Pulling the Casing

32 Decommissioning the Well

33 A Properly Decommissioned Well

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