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Exeter Woods Homeowners Association Meeting. Agenda 6:00 Registration 6:15 Neighborhood Watch – Valerie Lech 6:25 Property Management Updates – Dave McMahon.

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Presentation on theme: "Exeter Woods Homeowners Association Meeting. Agenda 6:00 Registration 6:15 Neighborhood Watch – Valerie Lech 6:25 Property Management Updates – Dave McMahon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exeter Woods Homeowners Association Meeting

2 Agenda 6:00 Registration 6:15 Neighborhood Watch – Valerie Lech 6:25 Property Management Updates – Dave McMahon 6:45 Builder Updates – Chris MacMullen 6:55 HOA Updates – Pam Engle 7:15 Q&A

3 Neighborhood Watch Speaker: Valerie Lech

4 Neighborhood Watch Update from HOA Update from Members. Any occurrances? Any incidents or suspicious activity please contact us EMERGENCIES 9-1-1 NON-EMERGENCIES 610-655-4911 Exeter Township 610-779-1490

5 Property Management Updates Speaker: Dave McMahon

6 Updates - Completed after reviewing minutes from the last meeting, the following improvements have been completed: Several Verizon & Service Electric towers have been straightened up Fire hydrants have been painted New Lawn Care service

7 Lawn Care mowing of all lawn areas trim lawn areas including walls, trees, foundations and walkways *NEW* prune/shear shrubs mid summer *NEW* flower bed and common area mulching and pre-emergent weed control *NEW* spring, summer and fall fertilizer & crabgrass pre-emergent *NEW* remove papers, rubbish and debris prior to mowing

8 Improvements In-Progress After reviewing from minutes from last meeting the following improvements are currently in-progress: Street Lights Trash

9 Street Lights pending approval of existing street light from MetEd coordination between wholesaler, MetEd and property manager continue to pursue this matter

10 Trash – JP Mascaro Improved service with JP Mascaro! Start Date: 12/19/2013 Trash Pick-Up Date: Thursdays Recycling: Every Week Beginning January Weekly pick-up of large items.

11 Trash Cans Prior to making a decision as to whether or not trash cans should be made mandatory, the Executive Board would like to hear the opinion of the members of the Association. JP Mascaro, will supply 35 gallon and 64 gallon trash cans to all members free of charge. Until a decision is made, both trash cans and bags will be accepted. Please complete the form: “TRASH CAN SIGN-UP”

12 Township Services Because our road is declared ‘private’ we are not eligible for any township service (including leaf and snow removal). Out street was declared ‘private’ at the time the developmental plans were submitted.

13 Leaf & Snow Removal Although we are not eligible to receive these services, it is possible to request that this be considered by the Township Supervisor. To do so: the Executive Board is required to write a letter to the supervisor requesting this exemption all members of the association must sign a petition member of the association should plan on attending the township meeting when this is on the agenda

14 Township Road Several request have been to the Property Manager to investigate how to make our ‘private’ road a ‘township’ road. In order to convert our road to a ‘township’ road the following requirements must be met: all roads and parking must be completed (final paving) a signed petition with signatures from 100% of members of the Association must be presented to township supervisors

15 Exterior Changes Reminder: All exterior changes must be approved by the Executive Board of Directors. This includes: replacing light fixtures replacing unit numbers screen/glass doors installation installation of awnings new landscaping

16 Contact Us Feel free to contact Dave by: emailing writing to 101 Emily Court or stopping him on the street!

17 Builder Updates Speaker: Chris MacMullen

18 Building Construction Number of total units: 54 Number of units built and occupied: 38 Number of units rented by Declarant: 7 Number of un-built units sale: 14 Number of built units for sale: 2

19 Builder Maintenance Will any maintenance be made to roads? As the builder, I have no plans other than filling pot holes as necessary when we install other driveways. What is going to happen to the stub street? The stub street gets a top coat of black top when Emily Court is paved. No other plans Status of land behind stub street.

20 Role After HOA Transfer What will your role be in April once the HOA is transferred to members? I have no intention of running for the Board. My role will be that of a member just like any other member except that I will have one vote for each property that I own that is a part of the Association. I shall still have all of the rights granted to the Declarant.

21 HOA Updates Speaker: Pam Engle

22 Exeter Woods Website Contact the Board of Directors Contact the Property Manager Obtain meeting notes Agenda information Upcoming Events Important Notices Useful information

23 HOA Fees Just a friendly reminder to please mail all HOA fees to: 101 Emily Court Reading PA 19606 By the 10 th of each month. Failure to do so will result in a $15.00 late fee.

24 Resolution “Penalties & Procedures” We have begun issuing warnings and notices to some members of the Association who are in violation of use restrictions. Fines Issued: 3 Warning have gone out for issues such as: satellite dishes parking within designated spots vehicle restrictions picking up after pets – REMINDER!

25 Resolution “Parking and Visitors” At the second meeting of the Board of Directors held on September 30 th the following ideas were approved to help improve parking. allow parking on both sides the street by median prohibit parking from the bend to cul-du-sac paint parking lines to optimize parking space allow parking on the stub street clean both cul-du-sac and stub street

26 Parking Restrictions We have been asked by two members of the Association to touch upon two different points. 1.Why is it not possible to allow parking on one side of the road from the bend to the cul-du-sac? 2 way street difficulty backing out 2. Why must we allow parking on both sides of the street and the island from the entrance to the bend? Limited visitor parking Island only holds 18 spots

27 Parking Restrictions

28 Resolution “Parking and Visitors” Effective 1/1/2014 the Executive Board will enforce the two (2) car per unit rule. Please make sure to display your parking permits on your window shield.

29 Events Committee The Executive Board has considered the possibility of creating an ‘Events Committee’ but would like to see if this is something that members would like. If voted on, the ‘Events Committee’ would be in charge of organizing events such as: community yard sales yearly block party easter egg hunt sending out holiday cards updating website with events around Exeter other

30 Voting Item #1 Events Committee Should Exeter Woods create an Events Committee? Please circle YES or NO on your voting slip.

31 Transitioning HOA In April of 2014, the Executive Board shall cause a meeting of Members to be called for the purpose accepting the resignations of all Directors. At the first such election of three (3) elected Directors, the Member receiving the highest number of votes shall serve for a term of three (3) years; the Member receiving the next highest number of votes shall serve for a term of (2) years; and the third Member elected to the Executive Board shall serve for a term of one (1) year. Each Director elected thereafter shall be elected for a term of two (2) years and shall serve until such Director’s successor shall be elected and shall qualify.

32 Nominating Meeting Nominations for the Executive Board may be made from the floor at the annual meeting of the Members, as well as solicited by reasonable means from the Members prior to the annual meeting. A nominating meeting will be held in April. Each candidate will have the opportunity to present themselves to the members of the Association. If you are interested in running, please contact the Executive Board of Directors at

33 Voting Voting will be carried out by mail-in ballot a week after the annual meeting (in April). A group of volunteers will be asked to count ballots and present the results.

34 Annual Meeting Going forward we will host only one meeting a year in April, unless otherwise indicated by the Executive Board of Directors.

35 Questions & Concerns Name What unit do you live in? Who is your question for?

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