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Livable Communities Project: Aging with and Into Disabilities Ontario Working Groups Presented by the Livable Communities Working Group Social Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Livable Communities Project: Aging with and Into Disabilities Ontario Working Groups Presented by the Livable Communities Working Group Social Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Livable Communities Project: Aging with and Into Disabilities Ontario Working Groups Presented by the Livable Communities Working Group Social Planning Council Kitchener-Waterloo

2 Livable Communities Project: Background Aging with disability was identified as a key issue at the 2008 Waterloo Community Action Forum – “Focus on Inclusion” Canadian Centre of Disability Studies invites Social Planning Council Kitchener Waterloo to take part in a pan-Canadian study to assess community livability for people aging with and into disabilities Phase 1: Research tools applied to the City of Waterloo (urban site) and the Township of Woolwich (rural site) January - March 2009

3 Livable Communities Project: Foundation Livable and inclusive communities are based on the values that: ● Every community should offer the same opportunities to its citizens, regardless of ability. ● A community’s social and physical environments have a direct correlation to its citizens overall health.

4 Livable Communities Project: Assessment Elements revised 1.Health Care & Health Promotion 2. Education 3. Human Built Environment 4. Transportation 5. Work 6.Culture 7.Recreation 8.Natural Resources 9. Support Services

5 Livable Communities Project: Assessment Principles 1.Participation: Involved in planning, decisions and all aspects of the community. 2.Community Connections: Supports interaction. 3.Leadership: Community leadership is inclusive and ensures inclusion. 4.Sustainability: Continual evaluation and improvement. 5.Universal Design: Services and environments are designed to be accessible and accommodate all abilities and changing needs over time. 6.Affordability: Income is not a barrier.

6 Livable Communities Project: 10 Elements & 6 Principles Define a Livable Community

7 Livable Communities Project: Project Activities Broad invitation to participate. Four community meetings - January – March. Social Planning Council staff conducted research. Participation of lived experience, service providers leaders and planners – meetings and websurveys. Tools tested, community discussion and reflection. Initial assessment and action planning completed. Winnipeg Think Tank in March. Expanded working group to continue process.

8 Livable Communities Project: Project Outcomes Scan of both communities using assessment tools. Assessment of strengths and areas for improvement for each community. Identification of priority short and long term action for each community. Short term action plans for each community.

9 Livable Communities Project: Identified City of Waterloo Priorities Recreation/Leisure 1. Hold programs in accessible facilities. 2. Provide public transit access to recreation facilities/activities. Health & Wellbeing 3. To ensure all places that provide services are accessible and apply Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) built environment standards to new buildings. 4. Include seniors and people with disabilities in service planning and design.

10 Livable Communities Project: City of Waterloo Employment & Jobs 5. Eliminate employment disincentives for persons with disabilities and/or seniors. Support Services 6. Improve how current services meet the needs of people. Outdoor Environment 7. Ensure that facilities and buildings are accessible. 8. Improve winter maintenance for uptown and suburbs. 9. Provide more benches and seating areas in public spaces. Overall – develop a vision of inclusion for Waterloo

11 Livable Communities Project: Identified Township of Woolwich Priorities Housing 1. Aim to improve support for independent living in home, physical items and care. 2. Ensure affordable, subsidized housing designs are accessible. 3. More affordable housing. 4. Provide subsidized long term care options.

12 Livable Communities Project: Township of Woolwich Employment/Jobs 5. Raise awareness that adults with disabilities have abilities. 6. Increased education for sensitivity training and awareness regarding all aspects of aging with and into disabilities. 7. Determine and change the disincentives to work for persons with disabilities and/or seniors. Volunteerism 8. Recognize and promote the value of contributions made by adults with disabilities. 9. Increased education for sensitivity training and awareness regarding all aspects of aging with and into disabilities. Handout…

13 Livable Communities Project: Action Taken To Date Participation at Waterloo Community Action Forum – “Focus on Inclusion” – further discussion of removing the stigma of disabilities. 2009 and 2010 A “visitable housing” policy proposed for Regional Municipality of Waterloo for official plan by Working Group: to have new housing with zero step entrance, wider doorways on the main floor, and at least one half bathroom on the main floor. Being included in City of Waterloo official plan.

14 Livable Communities Project: CANADIAN CENTRE ON DISABILITY STUDIES Social Planning Council Kitchener-Waterloo is an incredible asset: ● Provides a hub of information. ● Operates as a connecting point for community partners. ● Helps to mobilize community resources, such as volunteers. Thank You…

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