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Tribal Consultation and Informational Meetings. Topics Review of Q10 and contribution percentages Inventory Review Impacts to both current formula and.

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Presentation on theme: "Tribal Consultation and Informational Meetings. Topics Review of Q10 and contribution percentages Inventory Review Impacts to both current formula and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tribal Consultation and Informational Meetings

2 Topics Review of Q10 and contribution percentages Inventory Review Impacts to both current formula and proposed MAP-21 formula Schedule for final implementation

3 Q10 Review Q10 is used to identify the percentage of a road’s contribution (100% or Non-Federal share) in the calculations of the CTC and VMT factors of the RNDF. BIA and Tribal roads use 100% of CTC and VMT regardless of functional classification. For non-BIA, non-tribal roads, the percentage is based on whether or not the road is eligible for federal-aid funding by meeting the definition of a Federal-aid highway system road as contained in Chapter 1 of Title 23 (road is functionally classified higher than local road or minor collector) If yes – % used in calculation is non-federal share (9% – 20%) If no – % used in calculation is 100%

4 Q10 Review IRR functional classifications needed to be brought in line with FHWA functional classifications in order to determine this. Major review/alignment of all Class 3,4, and 5 roads were needed Letters of inability to provide funding were no longer allowed System moved to class based system for FY 11 (transition year) Transition extended to FY 12 FY 13 will be first year of new alignment (assuming no change in formula)

5 Class 1234567891011 Ownership 1 & 6BIA100% 0% 2TRIBAL100% 0% 3STATENFS 0% 4URBAN100% 0% 5 COUNTY/ TOWNSHIP 100% 0% 7 OTHER FEDERAL100% 0% 8OTHER100% 0% Pre 2010 - Q10 Interpretation

6 Class 1234567891011 Ownership 1 & 6BIA100% 0% 2TRIBAL100% 0% 3STATENFS 100%NFS100%NFS 0% 4URBANNFS 100% NFS 0% 5 COUNTY/ TOWNSHIP NFS 100% NFS 0% 7 OTHER FEDERALNFS 100% NFS 0% 8OTHERNFS 100% NFS 0% Q10 Transition Period (FY 11 and FY 12)

7 Class 1234567891011 Ownership 1 & 6BIA100% 0% 2TRIBAL100% 0% 3STATENFS 100%NFS100%NFS 0% 4URBANNFS 100%NFS100%NFS 0% 5 COUNTY/ TOWNSHIP NFS 100%NFS100%NFS 0% 7 OTHER FEDERALNFS 100%NFS100%NFS 0% 8OTHERNFS 100%NFS100%NFS 0% Q10 Final (FY 13)

8 Inventory Review As part of Q10, FHWA and BIA undertook a review of the existing inventory. Consultant (ARA) was hired to: Develop functional classification definitions for the IRR Program that align with FHWA classifications; Review all of the inventory, document missing or incorrect data, and make recommendations for changes/corrections to align the IRR Inventory to the new functional classifications definitions; and Notify tribes of any missing documentation or upcoming changes to the functional classifications of their roads.

9 New IRR Definitions for Functional Classification Sixteen states (Oklahoma, Washington, Alaska, Utah, Arizona, Michigan, New Mexico, California, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, Minnesota, Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Oregon) were contacted and provided information on how highways are classified within their respective State. This information, Google maps, and other data bases were used to find as much information as possible. If road is classified as major collector or higher, it was shown on state maps. Otherwise the roads are indicated as minor collectors or local roads. Handouts will be made available showing the new definitions with regard to FHWA Classifications.


11 Inventory Review Process ARA’s process for the inventory review: Locate the Route. First, the route was located from supplied information, such as strip maps on a Google Earth software platform (Figure 1). This allowed the allocation of beginning and ending coordinates for each route. Classify the Located Route. Once the location was established, classifiers reviewed the route and compared the IRR classification of the route to both the State-defined classification of the route and the new IRR definitions. Unknown Route Process. If the route could not be located, an additional location process was developed and followed to exhaust all possible governmental sources of information. If the data was not available and classification was not possible, then a package was developed to send to the Tribe. Communication Process. ARA contacted the Tribal governments with the unknown routes requesting quantifiable data on the route. As the requested route data is received from the tribes, the data is being incorporated into the review/verification process.

12 Results of Data Review Tribes are requested to provide whatever data they have back to the consultant no later by June 15 Data will be reviewed for accuracy If accepted, the road data in the IRR Inventory will be updated to reflect corrections and completeness. If data is not provided, the road will remain in the inventory but will have its construction need changed to “3”, which will not allow it to contribute in the formula calculations. This includes CTC, VMT, and lane miles (per MAP-21). Additional information provided and accepted after July 15, will change the construction need back to reflect the actual condition (for use in future year funding calculations).

13 So what was done? Letters of inability to provide funding Turned off in system Q10 Transition Year was extended Final year is FY13 New Functional Classifications completed Existing inventory checked against new classifications Missing documentation was requested Final Report to FHWA and BIA in June Timeframe to provide corrected/requested documentation Inventory corrected for FY 13 run

14 What was found (nationally) Routes themselves Reviewed 45,246 routes/sections Missing Data on 3961 routes/sections (8.7%) Functional Classifications Reviewed 45,246 Routes/sections Classified 41,226 Routes/sections (91.1%) Need to change 11,212 Routes/sections (27.2%)

15 Regional Inventory Report 5/14/2012 DataClassification RegionTotal Routes Routes Missing Data % Missing Data Total Routes Total Classified% Classified Routes changing classification % changing Classification Great Plains27581415.1%2758261794.9%55021.0% Southern Plains26022208.5%2602237291.2%76532.3% Rocky Mountain2230883.9%2230214296.1%104748.9% Alaska8164104412.8%8164710087.0%154821.8% Midwest73952964.0%7395710496.1%269537.9% Eastern Oklahoma50151663.3%5015485296.7%92619.1% Western25962208.5%2596237691.5%31013.0% Pacific181533418.4%1815148481.8%33922.8% Southwest21462139.9%2146188988.0%80242.5% Navajo4179330.7%4179414699.2%54713.2% Northwest359383423.2%3593276276.9%109239.5% Eastern275337213.5%2753238286.5%59124.8% TOTALS4524639618.7%452464122691.1%1121227.2%

16 Impacts Will not be known until transition year work is completed. Corrections to inventory Changes in construction need for roads with no data Reclassification of routes Change to NFS percentages for Class 4 in funding formula Remember: A Tribe may experience a decrease in their IRR Program share if it has: significant amounts of non-BIA, non-tribal roads other than Class 3 or 5; or received and provided inability statements from State DOTs. Tribe’s share is also impacted by changes to other Tribes.

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