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Written by Dr. Fred Moleck and Paula DeClaudio – September 20, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Written by Dr. Fred Moleck and Paula DeClaudio – September 20, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Written by Dr. Fred Moleck and Paula DeClaudio – September 20, 2001

2 It is my privilege to offer this prayer on behalf of all Fire – Rescue – Medical – and Police personnel of the community.

3 Please join me as we enter the presence of our Lord.

4 Loving God, source of all goodness: We gather together to give special thanks and praise for the care and protection you have given us in times past; From our ancestors in ancient times, to our friends and neighbors who today give service – unselfishly – to their community……….

5 Here at home, In New York City, In Washington D.C., In Somerset, Pennsylvania And in all other places.

6 Look with kindness on those who protect us from fire and other hazards.

7 Look with mercy on those who give comfort and medical care.

8 Be with us as we carry out our difficult duties.

9 Hold tightly in the palm of Your hand, our families and those we love, for it is their love and support that enable us to do these tasks.

10 Welcome into your embrace all those who have died in service to their community.

11 Comfort and bless those who are suffering from injury.

12 And at all times, keep us ever mindful of your constant love, care, and protection.

13 Amen

14 This prayer was originally written on behalf of the emergency service workers of Elizabeth/Forward Township, Pa. It was presented at a Prayer Service held for the community on September 20, 2001. For all emergency service workers, God Bless you and keep you safe!

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