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Statistical Thermodynamics
이 병 주 포항공과대학교 신소재공학과
1. Stirling’s approximation
Warming Up – Mathematical Skills 1. Stirling’s approximation 2. Evaluation of the Integral 3. Lagrangian Undetermined Multiplier Method
Macroscopic vs. Microscopic
Basic Concept of Statistical Mechanics – Macro vs. Micro View Point Macroscopic vs. Microscopic State Macrostate vs. Microstate
Particle in a Box – Microstates of a Particle
for 66 : 8,1,1 7,4,1, 5,5,4
System with particles – Microstates of a System
Macrostate / Energy Levels / Microstates –
Scope and Fundamental Assumptions of Statistical Mechanics
▷(n1, n2, …, nk)로 정의되는 하나의 macrostate를 만들기 위해, 있을 수 있는 수많은 경우의 수 하나하나를 microstate라 한다. ▷ 어떠한 시스템에 가능한 (quantum mechanically accessible 한) macrostate (하나하나가 (n1, n2, …, nk)로 정의되는)의 mental collection을 ensemble이라 한다. ▷ 같은 energy level에서 모든 microstate의 실현 확률은 동등하다. ▷ Ensemble average는 time average와 같다.
Number of ways of distribution : in k cells with gi and Ei
▷ Distinguishable without Pauli exclusion principle ▷ Indistinguishable without Pauli exclusion principle for gi with ni ▷ Indistinguishable with Pauli exclusion principle for gi with ni
Evaluation of the Most Probable Macrostate – Boltzman
→ Evaluation of the Most Probable Macrostate – B-E & F-D
Bose-Einstein Distribution → Fermi-Dirac Distribution
Definition of Entropy and Significance of β
▷ Thermal contact 상태에 있는 두 부분으로 이루어진 Isolated System을 고려. 이에 대한 평형 조건은 Classical Thermodynamics에서는 maximum entropy (S) Statistical mechanics에서는 maximum probability (Ω) ▷ S와 Ω는 monotonic relation을 가지며 →
Calculation of Macroscopic Properties from the Partition Function
Ideal Mono-Atomic Gas
Ideal Mono-Atomic Gas – Evaluation of k
for 1 mol of gas
Entropy – S = k ln W
Equipartition Theorem
The average energy of a particle per independent component of motion is translational kinetic energy : rotational kinetic energy : vibrational energy : kinetic energy for each independent component of motion has a form of
Equipartition Theorem
The average energy of a particle per independent component of motion is ※ for a monoatomic ideal gas : for diatomic gases : for polyatomic molecules which are soft and vibrate easily with many frequencies, say, q: ※ for liquids and solids, the equipartition principle does not work
Einstein and Debye Model for Heat Capacity – Background & Concept
3N independent (weakly interacting) but distinguishable simple harmonic oscillators. for N simple harmonic vibrators average energy per vibrator
Einstein and Debye Model for Heat Capacity – number density
Let dNv be the number of oscillators whose frequency lies between v and v + dv where g(v), the number of vibrators per unit frequency band, satisfy the condition The energy of N particles of the crystal
Einstein and Debye Model for Heat Capacity – Einstein
All the 3N equivalent harmonic oscillators have the same frequency vE Defining Einstein characteristic temperature
Einstein and Debye Model for Heat Capacity – Debye
A crystal is a continuous medium supporting standing longitudinal and transverse waves set
Einstein and Debye Model for Heat Capacity – Comparison
Einstein and Debye Model for Heat Capacity – More about Debye
Behavior of at T → ∞ and T → 0 at T → ∞ → x2 at T → 0 : Debye’s T3 law
Einstein and Debye Model for Heat Capacity – More about Cp
for T << TF
Statistical Interpretation of Entropy – Numerical Example
A rigid container is divided into two compartments of equal volume by a partition. One compartment contains 1 mole of ideal gas A at 1 atm, and the other compartment contains 1 mole of ideal gas B at 1 atm. (a) Calculate the entropy increase in the container if the partition between the two compartments is removed. (b) If the first compartment had contained 2 moles of ideal gas A, what would have been the entropy increase due to gas mixing when the partition was removed? (c) Calculate the corresponding entropy changes in each of the above two situations if both compartments had contained ideal gas A.
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