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Linking renewable energy to Rural Development in Mid-Sweden Hans Halvarsson, County Administration, Jämtland Lars Gunnar Rönnqvist, County Administration,

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Presentation on theme: "Linking renewable energy to Rural Development in Mid-Sweden Hans Halvarsson, County Administration, Jämtland Lars Gunnar Rönnqvist, County Administration,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking renewable energy to Rural Development in Mid-Sweden Hans Halvarsson, County Administration, Jämtland Lars Gunnar Rönnqvist, County Administration, Västernorrland

2 Production Capacity - renewables Hydro power5 500 MW, 25 TWh/year Wind power 136 MW Bio energy2 450 MW,12 TWh/year Basic culture and competence to manage resource and energy flows

3 Forests in Mid-Sweden The forest is our most important natural resource and the Forest Sector is very important for Mid-Sweden Total area 71 000 km2 Forests40 000 km2, 56% 3 300 kWh

4 BIOMASS from forests Now: An important and fast growing source for the production of pellets, heat, electricity and bio-fuels. Wood, bark, sawdust, branches and limbs are great sources. Rapid global market expansion benefits the environment and local economies. Needed: More effective transports and logistics. R&D for effective production of energy from different fractions – ex. distributed torrification terminals Stimulate increased research and trade in bioenergy technologies, machinery techniques and transport systems.

5 Biorefineries – innovation perspectives in times of structural changes in pulp & paper industry, growing potentials for residual energy flows in forest-based processing plants The Biorefinery of the Future -Processum Biorefinery Initiative AB, Örnsköldsvik A cluster in biorefinery matters, and a technology park (ethanol pilot, etc,) started 2003 – focus: Bio and energy technology, inorganic and organic chemistry Forest Innovation Arena -Number One Forest Industry Network - Åkroken Science Park, Sundsvall Process industry cluster with technology park and world-leading R&D in mechanic cellulose pulping (Fibre Science and Communication Network, FSCN, Mid Sweden University) Pilot Park Norrland -BioFuel Region, Formation of a biorefinery hub in northern Sweden for new product & energy solutions based on forest raw material

6 Now – in Mid Sweden – Processum R&D projects for specific needs: Green chemicals/products Green fuels (’second generation’ of bio fuels) New energy solutions New raw material solutions – Åkroken Science Park/FSCN R&D projects: Energy efficiency improvements in mechanic pulp mills; design of new fibre-based materials R&D projects: Biomass through thermo-chemical gasification for liquid fuels (mechanical pulp mill applic.) Improving energy efficiency in wood chipping processes Investments for converting process industry heating systems from oil to bio fuels (pellets, saw dust) Qualified for application final in Vinnova’s VINNVÄXT competition 2013 – Pilot Park Norrland Forest Refine project - efficient raw material supply to bio refineries in the Bothnian Gulf Region (B-A)

7 Future regional challenges Support of product development and prototyping (p&p mills  bio refinery strategies) Strengthen the kitten in and between the networks to encourage more efficient innovation Innovation focus on residual energy flows Preplanning for demo-plans  full-scale plants Highlight the need for long term rules & regulations for sustainable demand and use of biofuels Support Forest Innovation Arena to be a VINNVÄXT-winner (important for the hub strategy)

8 Biogas Now: Pulp mill anaerob biopurification – 120 GWh/year Small scale plants on farms for heat and electricity production. Bigger biogas production from waste deposits. Projecting of a large plant to produce biogas as fuel. Needed: Investment in biogas combines – regional or local – producing vehicle fuel An infrastructure for biogas supply Further development of smallscale biogas-plants

9 >3 000 wind power plants in progress 1000 plants equals a 35 billon investment 6000 jobs for planning and building 350 jobs for running and maintenance Wind power - a possibillity

10 Areas of national interest of wind power 38% in Jämtland  5 800 new windmills Conflicts in the mountain areas

11 Strategies for supporting this The Regional Development Strategy for the Counties The Regional Growth Program for the Counties Rural development program 2014-2020 Regional program ERDF in Mid-Sweden 2014-2020 Interreg Sweden-Norway Interreg Botnia Atlantica ”The Nordic Periphery” or the Arctic program 2014-2020 The Baltic Sea-program

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