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Teodor Măluţan Technical University of Iasi Modeling and Simulation of Delignification Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Teodor Măluţan Technical University of Iasi Modeling and Simulation of Delignification Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teodor Măluţan Technical University of Iasi Modeling and Simulation of Delignification Process

2 Objectives: How to work with the simulation programs WinGEMS ? Evaluation of the mass balance for pulping digester Optimization methods for pulping process Financial calculations


4 How to work with the simulation programs WinGEMS ? Chips Liquor/pulp White Liquor In Liquor/pulp Cold Blow In Liquor/pulp Lower Heater Liquor Liquor/pulp Upper Heater Liquor Liquor/pulp Pulp Out Liquor/Pulp Extraction Liquor Liquor/Pulp Circulation Liquor Liquor/Pulp Liquor to Upper Heater Liquor/Pulp Liquor to Lower Heater Liquor/Pulp

5 How to work with the simulation programs WinGEMS ?  Create Block Diagram Create Block Diagram  Define Stream Components Define Stream Components  Define Initial Block and Stream Values  Solve the Model  Valid and Modify the Model

6 How to work with the simulation programs WinGEMS ? Create Block Diagram

7 How to work with the simulation programs WinGEMS ? Define Stream Components

8 How to work with the simulation programs WinGEMS ? Define Initial Block and Stream Values

9 How to work with the simulation programs WinGEMS ? Solve the Model

10 The mass balance for impregnation

11 The mass balance for continuous pulping digester

12 The mass balance for washer

13 The mass balance for continuous pulping plant

14 Optimization methods for pulping process Objectives of continuous digester control are:  to minimize unwanted variations in pulp quality as measured by kappa number;  to change production rate without upsetting pulp quality;  to reduce load on recovery;  to assist in stabililizing digester operation to reduce operating problems. Objectives of batch digester control are:  increase pulp production capacity;  improve Kappa number uniformity;  increase pulp yield;  schedule digesters;

15 Optimization Method A.Perturbing the model Independent variables: IV 1, IV 2, IV 3,… Dependent variables: DV 1, DV 2, DV 3,… B. Generating the linear model: DV 1 = a 1 (IV 1 ) + b 1 (IV 2 ) + c 1 (IV 3 ) + … DV 2 = a 2 (IV 1 ) + b 2 (IV 2 ) + c 2 (IV 3 ) + … C. Optimizing the results

16 Optimization Results

17 Financial calculations

18 CONTROL Process synthesis Process analysis Process optimization Detailed process design Control synthesis Control analysis Control optimization Detailed control design Tradition: Sequential Trend: Simultaneous DESIGN Integrated Process Design and Control

19 CONCLUSIONS  Prediction and control dependent variables  Optimization pulping process with low operating costs  The simulation help to improve operating conditions for pulping plant  With the simulation programs can develop control strategy  Modeling and simulation programs can be extended to all operations from pulp mill and papermaking

20 Thank you for your attention !

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