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Sugar and Fodder Beets for Stock and Sucrose. Three Classes of Field Beets  Mangels (Mangolds, Mangel-Wurzel)  Fodder Beets  True Sugar Beets.

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Presentation on theme: "Sugar and Fodder Beets for Stock and Sucrose. Three Classes of Field Beets  Mangels (Mangolds, Mangel-Wurzel)  Fodder Beets  True Sugar Beets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sugar and Fodder Beets for Stock and Sucrose

2 Three Classes of Field Beets  Mangels (Mangolds, Mangel-Wurzel)  Fodder Beets  True Sugar Beets

3 History of Field Beet Cropping  Development in 17 th and 18 th century  Resulted in the “Gin Craze”  Used as an alternate sugarmaking stock in France under Napoleon  Now a major source of sugar and ethanol stock worldwide

4 Our Project Objectives:  Evaluate several non-GMO varieties for crop performance in an organic, diversified small farm setting  Develop a method of storing and processing beets, both for stock feed and value-added applications  Evaluate quality and marketability of final products and potential impacts on farm viability

5 Objective #1: Cropping  2010: Cropped 5 tons of mangels (red mammoth and yellow cylindrical) on ¼ acre.  2011: Planted 1 acre beet trial plot. Heavy spring rains rotted 80% the seedbed. Plot abandoned.  2012: Planted 1 acre beet trial plot on better-drained land. Heavy spring rains rotted 40% of the seedbed. Plot carried through to harvest

6 Field Beet general growing practices  Seed early (April if possible)  Seek a well drained location, but beets grow in a range of soil types  Thin to one beet per 1-1.5 row feet  Harvest in November for the highest weight and sugar content  Field beet classes vary in their ease of harvest  On-farm winter storage of large quantities of beets is easily accomplished with a clamp

7 Our Non-GMO trial varieties VarietyYield per Acre, tons Sugar content at harvest Extracted juice sugar content Notes Scottish Fodder Beet 20.213%17%Easiest harvest Shumway's Giant Half Sugar Type 17.218%22%Strongest germination Monsterbuck Non- GMO deer bait sugar beet 14.617%21%Weakest all-around performer Betaseed experimenal energy beet #2 18.218%22%

8 Storing and Feeding Field Beets  Use a “Clamp.”  Feed beets whole or chop  Process with a juicer and dry expelled pulp

9 Nutritional Properties of Field Beets Dietary Dry Matter Total Digestible Nutrients Crude Protein (DDM Basis) Neutral Detergent Fiber (DDM Basis) Acid Detergent Fiber (DDM Basis) Sugarbeet Pulp 26.1%76.16.645.427.4 Whole Root23.8%86.83.315.46.7 Whole Tops36.7%65.210.950.824

10 Our Attempted Sugar Making  Diffusion method - slicing and steeping  Centrifuge method –using a large vegetable juicer

11 Sugarmaking, Part 2  Boiling (similar to maple syrup) to crystalization temperature  Pan seeding  Cleaning and evaluation of crystals

12 What We Learned  Field beets are a fairly easy grow if you have well- drained soil, but thinning and harvest are demanding  Non-GMO field beets had yields and nutritional parameters within standard national (GMO) ranges in an organic system  Non-GMO beet pulp is a possible value-added crop, if a drying system is available  Sugarmaking is challenging due to persistent off- flavors we were unable to eliminate  Distallation was also unsuccesful due to difficulty efficiently eliminating beet solids and the same persistent off-flavors that troubled our sugarmaking.

13 Why I still think that there is money in beets after all beets have put me through  1 acre of beets: approximately 40,000 lbs  Average sugar content of sugar beets: 16%  Lbs theoretical sugar per acre: 6400  Cost of fancy crystal table sugar per lb: $3  Potential value-added, per acre: $19200  Cost of a fifth of microdistilled vodka: $25  Potential fifths of vodka per acre: 3200  Potential farm/microdistillery revenue per acre:$80,000  Dry beet pulp per acre: 4,000 lbs  Cost of “Speedi Beet” per lb: $1  Potential revenue from dry beet pulp per acre: $4000

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