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Endodontic Instruments

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1 Endodontic Instruments
เครื่องมือ งานรักษาคลองรากฟัน

2 Endodontic Explorer  To locate opening of small canal orifices for
endodontic proceduce

3 Endodontic Long - Shank Spoon Excavator
To curette inside of tooth base of pulp chamber

4 Endodontic Lock Forceps (Pliers)
To grasp and lock material for transfer into and out of oral cavity

5 Vitalometer / Pulp Tester
 To test vitality of pulp in teeth

6 Broach  To remove pulp tissue from canal(s)

7 Endodontic File – K Type
To clean inside walls of canal  To contour inner walls of canal

8 Endodontic File - Hedstrom
 To clean inside walls of canal  To enlarge and smooth inner walls of canal

9 Reamer  To cut and smooth dentinal walls of canal
 To enlarge inner walls of canal

10 Endodontic Stoppers  To place onto an intracanal instrument such as a
file or reamer to help determine length of canal

11 Endodontic Stand  To hold endodontic files and reamers
 To measure endodontic files and reamers with millimeter ruler etched in container ; may be measure from right side of stand

12 Endodontic Millimeter Ruler
 To measure files , reamers , other instruments , and materials in millimeter increments

13 Electronic Apex Locator
 To electronically measure length of canal to apex of tooth

14 Gates Glidden Bur or Drill
 To enlarge walls of pulp chamber  To open canal orifice

15 Endodontic Irrigating Syringe
 To carry and dispense irrigating solution into canal for cleansing during debridement of canal

16 Sterile Absorbent Paper points
 To dry pulp chambers of canal – New points inserted repeatedly until pulp chamber is completely dry

17 Gutta - Percha  To fill pulp chamber after completion of canal
preparation (called obturation)

18 Lentulo Spiral To place endodontic sealer or cement in canal for final
seal before placement fo gutta – percha

19 Gutta – Percha Warming Unit
To heat gutta-percha outside mouth before use To inject heated gutta-percha in thermoplastic state into prepared canals

20 Endodontic Spreader To help condense gutta-percha laterally in canal
To use for final filling of canal

21 Endodontic Plugger To help condense gutta-percha vertically in canal
To use for final filling of canal

22 Glick Instrument  To condense gutta-percha into endodontically
prepared teeth, using plugger end  To sever excess gutta-percha after plugger end is heated  To carry and place material into tooth, using paddle end

23 Peso File To prepare canal for endodontic post
To remove portion of gutta-percha sealed in canal to make room endodontic post

24 Micro Retro Amalgam Carrier
 To carry amalgam to surgical site of apicoectomy

25 Micro Retro Mouth Mirror
 To view surgical site of apicoectomy retro fill

26 Opening a Tooth for Endodontic Therapy
Tray setup Opening a Tooth for Endodontic Therapy Millimeter ruler Fine absorbent sterile paper points Mouth mirror Burs Endodontic explorer Irrigating syringe Air/water syringe tip broaches Endodontic locking forceps Endodontic long-shank spoon Glick instrument K- file Anesthetic syringe Endodontic locking forceps (extra) scissors

27 Sealing a Tooth for Endodontic Therapy
Tray setup Sealing a Tooth for Endodontic Therapy Gutta-percha Millimeter ruler Mouth mirror Burs sterile paper points Endodontic explorer Irrigating syringe Air/water syringe tip Endodontic locking forceps Endodontic long-shank spoon K- file Endodontic plugger Endodontic spreader scissors Anesthetic syringe Glick instrument Endodontic locking forceps (extra)

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