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This version of the presentation has a recorded commentary that you can listen to as you watch. You shouldn’t try to press any buttons or click the mouse.

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2 This version of the presentation has a recorded commentary that you can listen to as you watch. You shouldn’t try to press any buttons or click the mouse during the presentation, just watch, listen and learn.

3 Tackling Racism Look at each of the people on this poster. What do you think is the race or country of origin of each person? Is this person West Indian perhaps? Perhaps this person is Indian. In fact, all the people in this picture are British and they were all born in Britain as well. Some people think that seeing people as different races is the start of Racism. Others think that we should recognise differences but not let this lead to treating people differently or unfairly.. What do YOU think?

4 Racism is when someone is treated differently or unfairly because of their ethnic origin. But what does “ethnic” mean? ETHNIC The word “ethnic” means a group of people who share either a geographic area of origin, come from the same racial group or have the same religious faith or share the same language. Sociologists say there are 10 main “ethnic” groups in Britain Black (Caribbean) Black (African) Black (Other) Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Other Asian White Other Can you see examples of each of these in the poster? Why should you want to do this? Is it racist to do so?

5 Racism often comes about because some people view all members of an ethnic group as behaving in the same way. Just because one English football supporter might be a hooligan then they think that ALL English football supporters are hooligans This is sometimes called having a stereotype. Stereotypes A stereotype is a fixed idea about a person or group of people, treating the whole group as if they were exactly the same.It ignores the fact that individuals within a group can behave differently. Are you the same as everyone else in your class? Do you want to be viewed the same as everyone else in your class even though you might do things differently? Of course you don’t. But this is the sort of thing that racists do.

6 What has racism got to do with Human rights? Human Rights And Racism There are two articles of the United Nations Declaration Of Human Rights that refer to racism Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and human rights. Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and human rights. Article 7 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. Article 7 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.

7 What laws are there against racism? If someone has committed a robbery or used violence against another person because that person is of a different colour or racial origin then the courts can increase the punishment they would otherwise have given. It is against the law to use racist language in public if it is intended to hurt, upset or harm someone. It is an offence to put up racist posters or drawings It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of their race. Click HERE later to go to an exercise to test your understanding ofHERE racism and human rights.

8 Well done! You’ve now finished this unit. Now click HERE to go to a brief self-assessment sheet for this presentation. HERE

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