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Hate Crime Symposium 11 th September 2008 Slide 1 Hate Crime Race for Justice Superintendent Paul Giannasi.

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1 Hate Crime Symposium 11 th September 2008 Slide 1 Hate Crime Race for Justice Superintendent Paul Giannasi

2 Hate Crime Symposium 11 th September 2008 Slide 2 What is a Hate Crime? ACPO definition ‘Hate crimes and incidents are taken to mean any crime or incident where the perpetrator’s prejudice against an identifiable group of people is a factor in determining who is victimised’. Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Definition Importance of ‘Perception’ Importance of Non-Crime Incidents Strands of ‘Monitored’ Hate Crime Disability, Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation and Transgender

3 Hate Crime Symposium 11 th September 2008 Slide 3 Why is Hate Crime so important? Has a greater impact on the victim Affects wider community Has an impact on community cohesion Affects confidence in the Police Prevents escalation in seriousness It is a Government Priority But most importantly Because its why we do what we do

4 Hate Crime Symposium 11 th September 2008 Slide 4 Where we are - National Performance 2005/6 the British Crime Survey showed a 22% fall in racist hate crime Same period sees 4% increase in reported Racist hate crime Police have improved detection rates for racially or religiously aggravated offences, from 34% in 2003/4 to 38% in 2005/6 Favourable in international comparison But Indications show a reverse in 2006/7 data

5 Hate Crime Symposium 11 th September 2008 Slide 5 Where we are – Quality of Service 1993 Murder of Stephen Lawrence 2005 Murder of Anthony Walker “The handling of the Anthony Walker prosecution has indeed set a standard which we can and surely must aim to achieve in all similar cases” - Baroness Scotland, Nov 2007 2005 Murder of Jody Dobrowski "This is unacceptable. We cannot accept this. No intelligent, healthy or reasonable society could." – Dobrowski family statement 2006 Significant under-reporting Many ‘Gaps’ in service

6 Hate Crime Symposium 11 th September 2008 Slide 6 The Attorney General’s Vision ‘Hierarchy of Hate’ “I have heard arguments that say that by broadening our attention we dilute the effort to eradicate racism – I can not accept that argument. The same bigotry that fuels racism fuels other types of hate.” Challenge to give consistently high Level of service “We must seek to provide the same high degree of service to all hate crime victims. This must mean that all areas achieve the same high standard; I can assure you that I would never allow this to mean that our efforts to combat racism should be diluted in any way.” Race for Justice Declaration

7 Hate Crime Symposium 11 th September 2008 Slide 7 What are we doing Improving data Common Definitions APACS British Crime Survey ACPO NCTT Case Tracking through the CJS Refresh of ACPO Manual

8 Hate Crime Symposium 11 th September 2008 Slide 8 What are we doing Refresh of Manual to include Minimum standards of Investigation Internet Hate Crime Review of Third Party reporting True Vision Internal Hate Crime Non-Crime Incidents Action Plan to ‘fill the gaps

9 Hate Crime Symposium 11 th September 2008 Slide 9 Gypsy and Traveller Communities Asylum and Refugee communities Transgender Victims Disability Groups Learning Disability Mental Health Steven Hoskin Christine Lakinski Brent Martin Action Plan to ‘Fill the gaps’

10 Hate Crime Symposium 11 th September 2008 Slide 10 Why this is important

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