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Combating Contemporary Racism. Opening Address Marilyn Harrop President, National Union of Teachers.

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Presentation on theme: "Combating Contemporary Racism. Opening Address Marilyn Harrop President, National Union of Teachers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combating Contemporary Racism

2 Opening Address Marilyn Harrop President, National Union of Teachers

3 The Equality Act

4 The Protected Characteristics Sex Gender reassignment Being pregnant or on maternity leave Marriage and civil partnership Race (including ethnic or national origin, nationality and colour) Disability Sexual orientation Religion or belief Age

5 Public Sector Equality Duty All public bodies, including schools, have a requirement to: Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

6 Why are we here today? Sarah Soyei Regional Manager, East and South East

7 Why are we here today?

8 Racism is: treating someone differently/unfairly/badly because of differences in: 1.Skin Colour 2.Nationality 3.Religion 4.Culture

9 Activity The Witches of Glum

10 Witches of Glum True / False? 1.The city as ruled by an old king who could no longer walk. 2.Groga was a wicked witch who lived in a cave on the other side of the lake. 3.The castle was in the centre of the city. 4.Princess Christina was very beautiful. 5.The stranger wanted to be made king in return for killing Groga.

11 True or False? 1.The city was ruled by an old king who could no longer walk FALSE

12 True or False? 2. Groga was a wicked witch who lived in a cave on the other side of the lake. FALSE

13 True or False? 3. The castle was in the centre of the city. TRUE

14 True or False? 4. Princess Christina was very beautiful. FALSE

15 True or False? 5. The Stranger wanted to be made King in return for killing Groga. FALSE

16 “But I don’t need training… I’m not racist” Every teacher brings a set of cultural norms and practices to the classroom which affects their attitudes and behaviour. We all have prejudice which comes from a variety of sources: upbringing, media, work colleagues, neighbourhood, religion, experiences etc. Many of these prejudices are so deep they are often sub- conscious. We can do something about our prejudices, by being aware if them and finding out more information to dispel them.


18 Influences

19 Media Far right groups such as the EDL Parents Friends Social networks such as Facebook Religion Cultural Background Influences

20 Me and my next door neighbour are racist to each other but we’re joking and never take it personally. Is this classed as racist? Should ethnics be allowed in the country? Why is it racist to say that all Muslims are terrorists? Why are so many people from different countries here when they should know that it will attract some racism?

21 Well, what can you do? It’s the parents…


23 A GLA study of 352 articles in a week during 2007 found that 91% of articles about Muslims were "negative". A Channel 4-commissioned survey of 974 articles from 2000 to 2008 found that Two thirds portrayed British Muslims as a "threat" and a "problem“ References to "radical Muslims" outnumbering references to "moderates" by 17 to one. Effect? from 2001 to 2006, the number of UK non-Muslims who said they felt threatened by Islam rose from 32% to 53%. By 2010, a further survey found that 75% of non-Muslims now believe Islam is negative for Britain, and that Muslims do not engage positively in society; with 63% not disagreeing that "Muslims are terrorists." Islamophobia in the Media

24 Daily Star reporter quits in protest at tabloid's 'anti-Muslim' coverage In March 2011 Richard Peppiatt admitted to making up stories about Muslims and accused the paper creating racial tension In his resignation letter to the owner of the newspaper, Richard Desmond, Peppiatt said that ‘the lies of a newspaper in London can get a bloke's head caved-in down an alley in Bradford.’ He also said that another reporter working at the paper objected to writing anti-Muslim articles, and was consequently bullied out of her job: "She was given every anti-Muslim story to write for about two weeks, so as a result of that she quit. I'm deeply ashamed to this day that I didn't walk out with her. "

25 We asked young people what they think the English Defence League are defending England from?


27 Today will provide: Support in recognising and responding effectively to racist incidents Strategies to build young people’s resilience to prejudicial influences Activities to educate against racism throughout the curriculum Resources and support to implement programmes of work

28 BREAK Red group: Educating Against Racism and Prejudice 1865 Suite Blue group: Escalation of Racism: Ideas for Intervention Garibaldi Suite

29 The EDL: Britain's 'New Far Right' Social Movement Dr Paul Jackson Senior Lecturer, Northampton University

30 LUNCH Blue group: Educating Against Racism and Prejudice Garibaldi Suite Red group: Escalation of Racism: Ideas for Intervention 1865 Suite

31 Combating Intolerance and Discrimination Against Muslims Taşkin Tankut Soykan Advisor, ODIHR/OSCE

32 Personal Testimony Anwar Uddin Show Racism the Red Card Coach

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