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Understanding Race and Ethnicity Chapter 1. Chapter Overview I.Introductory “Quiz” II.Definitions III.Three Sociological Perspectives IV.Biological Race.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Race and Ethnicity Chapter 1. Chapter Overview I.Introductory “Quiz” II.Definitions III.Three Sociological Perspectives IV.Biological Race."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Race and Ethnicity Chapter 1

2 Chapter Overview I.Introductory “Quiz” II.Definitions III.Three Sociological Perspectives IV.Biological Race and Racism V.Creating Subordinate-Group Status VI.The Continuum of Consequences VII.Homework VIII.Review

3 I. Introductory “Quiz”

4 1. A minority is not necessarily the smallest group. True

5 2. An ethnic group is considered an ethnic group because of its national origin or cultural patterns.

6 3. The Catholic Church is the dominant religion in the U.S. False

7 4. Most Jews consider their culture more important to their identities than their religion. True

8 5. All women are considered members of a minority group. True

9 6. People whose ancestors are exclusively of one race are hard to find. False. They are impossible to find.

10 7. There are no differences between Black and White I.Q. scores. False

11 8. Race is a biological fact. False

12 9. Prejudice is not functional. False

13 10. Labeling a person does not influence the person’s behavior. False

14 II. Definitions: Racial group Ethnic group Minority Group Subordinate Group

15 A.Background The Perspectives Us v. Them Mentality III. Three Sociological Perspectives

16 A.Background The Perspectives Us v. Them Mentality III. Three Sociological Perspectives

17 A. Background 1. Considerations a.Job b.Income c.Race d.Education level e.Gender III. Three Sociological Perspectives

18 A. Background 1. Considerations a.Job b.Income c.Race d.Education level e.Gender III. Three Sociological Perspectives

19 A. Background 1. Considerations a.Job b.Income c.Race d.Education level e.Gender III. Three Sociological Perspectives

20 A. Background 1. Considerations a.Job b.Income c.Race d.Education level e.Gender III. Three Sociological Perspectives

21 A. Background 1. Considerations a.Job b.Income c.Race d.Education level e.Gender III. Three Sociological Perspectives

22 A. Background 1. Considerations a.Job b.Income c.Race d.Education level e.Gender III. Three Sociological Perspectives

23 A.Background 1. Considerations 2. Questions a. Into what four categories are subordinate groups classified? b. What groups are subject to prejudice?

24 A.Background 1. Considerations 2. Questions a. Into what four categories are subordinate groups classified? b. What groups are subject to prejudice?

25 A.Background 1. Considerations 2. Questions a. Into what four categories are subordinate groups classified? b. What groups are subject to prejudice?

26 A.Background The Perspectives Us v. Them Mentality III. Three Sociological Perspectives

27 B. The Perspectives 1. Functionalism Y.J.U.: Bigotry is functional. 2. Conflict Theory A Common Theme: Blaming the Victim 3. Labeling Theory What do you call a person who…

28 C. Us v. Them Mentality

29 IV. Biological Race and Racism A. Where did the idea originate? B. Two Myths: 1. “Race” 2.“Pure Race” 3.Racism

30 IV. Biological Race and Racism A. Where did the idea originate? B. Two Myths: 1. “Race” 2.“Pure Race” 3.Racism



33 IV. Biological Race and Racism A. Where did the idea originate? B. Two Myths: 1. “Race” 2.“Pure Race” 3.Racism

34 IV. Biological Race and Racism A. Where did the idea originate? B. Two Myths: 1. “Race” 2.“Pure Race” 3.Racism

35 IV. Biological Race and Racism A. Where did the idea originate? B. Two Myths: 1. “Race” 2.“Pure Race” 3.Racism

36 IV. Biological Race and Racism A. Where did the idea originate? B. Two Myths: 1. “Race” 2.“Pure Race” 3.Racism

37 V. Creating Subordinate- Group Status A.Voluntary Migration B.Immigration v. Emigration C.Push v. Pull Factors D.Involuntary Migration E.Annexation F.Colonialism

38 V. Creating Subordinate- Group Status A.Voluntary Migration B.Immigration v. Emigration C.Push v. Pull Factors D.Involuntary Migration E.Annexation F.Colonialism

39 V. Creating Subordinate- Group Status A.Voluntary Migration B.Immigration v. Emigration C.Push v. Pull Factors D.Involuntary Migration E.Annexation F.Colonialism

40 V. Creating Subordinate- Group Status A.Voluntary Migration B.Immigration v. Emigration C.Push v. Pull Factors D.Involuntary Migration E.Annexation F.Colonialism

41 V. Creating Subordinate- Group Status A.Voluntary Migration B.Immigration v. Emigration C.Push v. Pull Factors D.Involuntary Migration E.Annexation F.Colonialism

42 D. Involuntary Migration Q: What if you’re pushed into immigration?

43 V. Creating Subordinate- Group Status A.Voluntary Migration B.Immigration v. Emigration C.Push v. Pull Factors D.Involuntary Migration E.Annexation F.Colonialism

44 1. A result of wars 2. Examples: a. The Louisiana Purchase (1803) b. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) E. Annexation

45 V. Creating Subordinate- Group Status A.Voluntary Migration B.Immigration v. Emigration C.Push v. Pull Factors D.Involuntary Migration E.Annexation F.Colonialism

46 1. Definition 2. Most Common Method 3. The current picture of immigration in the U.S.

47 1. Definition 2. Most Common Method 3. The current picture of immigration in the U.S.

48 1. Definition 2. Most Common Method 3. The current picture of immigration in the U.S.


50 Facts: The San Francisco Mental Health and Refugee Center has signs in 8 different languages

51 Facts: Cultural Diversity Will Continue to Increase in the U.S. –Minorities account for 80% of all growth –43% increase in the last 10 years –Asian American 65% –Hispanic American 58% –Native American 26% –African American 16% –Caucasian 7.6%

52 U.S. Population by Ethnicity 1980

53 U.S. Population by Ethnicity 1990


55 California Population by Ethnicity 2000 African Americans Asians Native Americans Whites Other Hispanic Two or More

56 U.S. Minority Population 1980- 2000

57 VI. The Continuum of Consequences A.Y.J.U. B.Who am I?

58 Extermination or genocide Expulsion Secession Segregation Fusion, amalgamation, or melting pot Assimilation Pluralism or Multiculturalism

59 Y.J.U.: What shall we do with the outgroup?

60 Ethnocentrism Stratification Native Americans Stereotypes Self-fulfilling prophecies

61 VI. The Continuum of Consequences A.Y.J.U. B.Who am I?



64 VII. Homework Who Am I? Research your family history. Find out the countries of your ancestors’ origin. Most importantly, find out which of your ancestors was the most recent to arrive in the United States. What caused your ancestor to immigrate? How and under what conditions did your ancestor immigrate? What was the country’s feelings toward your ancestor’s country of origin at that time? What did your ancestor do to survive in America?

65 VII. Homework Who Am I? Research your family history. Find out the countries of your ancestors’ origin. Most importantly, find out which of your ancestors was the most recent to arrive in the United States. What caused your ancestor to immigrate? How and under what conditions did your ancestor immigrate? What was the country’s feelings toward your ancestor’s country of origin at that time? What did your ancestor do to survive in America?

66 VII. Homework Who Am I? Research your family history. Find out the countries of your ancestors’ origin. Most importantly, find out which of your ancestors was the most recent to arrive in the United States. What caused your ancestor to immigrate? How and under what conditions did your ancestor immigrate? What was the country’s feelings toward your ancestor’s country of origin at that time? What did your ancestor do to survive in America?

67 VII. Homework Who Am I? Research your family history. Find out the countries of your ancestors’ origin. Most importantly, find out which of your ancestors was the most recent to arrive in the United States. What caused your ancestor to immigrate? How and under what conditions did your ancestor immigrate? What was the country’s feelings toward your ancestor’s country of origin at that time? What did your ancestor do to survive in America?

68 VII. Homework Who Am I? Research your family history. Find out the countries of your ancestors’ origin. Most importantly, find out which of your ancestors was the most recent to arrive in the United States. What caused your ancestor to immigrate? How and under what conditions did your ancestor immigrate? What was the country’s feelings toward your ancestor’s country of origin at that time? What did your ancestor do to survive in America?

69 VII. Homework Who Am I? Research your family history. Find out the countries of your ancestors’ origin. Most importantly, find out which of your ancestors was the most recent to arrive in the United States. What caused your ancestor to immigrate? How and under what conditions did your ancestor immigrate? What was the country’s feelings toward your ancestor’s country of origin at that time? What did your ancestor do to survive in America?

70 1. Do subordinate groups necessarily contain fewer members than the dominant group? Review:

71 2. Into what four categories are subordinate groups classified?

72 3.What are more significant; the biological differences between races or the social meanings given to the physical differences?

73 4. What are the functions of bigotry?

74 5. What are the dysfunctions of bigotry?

75 6. In what four ways do subordinate groups generally emerge? Define and discuss each.

76 7. Discuss the seven social consequences of subordinate-group status.

77 8. Define and discuss pluralism. How common is it?

78 9. What is meant by the statement, “the nature of race and ethnicity changes through migration”?

79 10. What part do prejudice and discrimination play in a pluralistic society?

80 11. What part do prejudice and discrimination play in assimilation?

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