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US History Weber 217
Activator Wednesday 11/10 1. Did you go to and complete the survey? 2. What are your reactions? 3. Based on Friday’s introduction to Unit 4 what do you expect to learn?
Agenda Activator, agenda, and objective (15 minutes)
Unit 4 overview and essential questions (10 minutes) KKK and 1920s lynchings and reflection (15 minutes) Stereotypes in videogames and girl like me (15 minutes) Socratic Seminar Discussion (30-45 minutes) Exit ticket and homework (5-10 minutes)
Objective All students will…
Make connections between issues of race and racism in the U.S. in the 1920s and today. Students analyze the attacks on Civil Liberties and how people responded.
Introductions Unit 4: “The Roaring 1920s”
This unit is about a cultural change in the U.S. following her rise to power at the end of the century. We will focus on the 1920s and study topics such as: reactionary white racism and attacks on civil liberties; people organizing against such attacks; the Harlem Renaissance and African American artist identity; women’s rights and the passage of the 19th amendment allowing women to vote.
Essential Questions 1. How did people organize to form movements to fight against racism and the destruction of their civil liberties? 2. How did the Harlem Renaissance shape American culture and counter-culture and forge an identity for African Americans? 3. How did women win the right to vote and struggle against sexism in American society?
Ku Klux Klan: 1920s Lynchings
A Lynching consisted of: A public notice to other whites in near by towns so they could come and watch. Huge spectacle often with thousands of people watching. Burning the victims, usually male, at a stake, after being exposed to hours of wrathful pain known as “surgery below the belt.” Observers took parts of the mutilated bodies as souvenirs and took pictures to make post-cards. All of the following images are from a site called made by Milford Plaines and dedicated to all those who hate injustice, misery, and ignorance. He speaks of the need to understand difficult histories and not forget the past.
"Waiting for the show to start” John Hartfield - Ellisville, Mississippi -- June 26,1919 2:30 p.m.
Reflection Please write ½ to ¾ page reaction reflecting on what you saw and connecting it to the first standard in Unit 4 as you understand it…
Reasons for KKK Lynchings?
- Ignorance, fear, hatred, dehumanization of the “other” during slavery… One story: Emmitt Till was 14 years old when he was murdered for supposedly whistling at a white woman. He was shot in the head, his eyes were gouged out, and his head was smashed in. KKK’s favorite methods of intimidation: burning crosses on lawns and houses and hanging people publically. Human beings have the capacity for incredible evil or incredible good. What factors lead to one result of the other…
Socratic Seminar Discussion
We are going to watch two video clips and then have a structured inside/outside circle discussion based on a focus question. The outside circle will be observing how the discussion goes looking for specific things and then we will switch. Please write down the following questions in your notebooks…
Seminar questions 1. how many times did each person speak?
2. which students started the conversation? 3. how often does the group get off topic? 4. how many people make reference to the focus question? 5. how speaks most – girls or boys? 6. which comments moved the conversation forward – got people to react? 7. what body language did you see? Gestures. 8. how do people disagree? Politely? 9. does anyone seem nervous or unwilling to participate? 10. do any students encourage other students?
How we understand the past affects our identity in the present
"The events which transpired five thousand years ago; five years ago or five minutes ago, have determined what will happen five minutes from now; five years from now or five thousand years from now. All history is a current event.” -Dr John Henrik Clarke
Focus Questions 1. How do the racist stereotypes we saw discussed in “Stereotypes in videogames” and “Girl Like Me” affect American society? 2. Does the past shape the present?
Post Discussion Reflection
Read through the “Roaring ‘20s” section of the textbook and find the sections that discuss race relations, the KKK, lynchings, and the effects of racism today. Write a 1-2 page free response reflection that combines what you find in the textbook with what you learned through discussion.
11th Grade U.S. History Mr. Weber November 12, 2008
Activator 1. What kinds of things do you associate with anti-immigration (also known as nativism)? 2. The Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) has been changed to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), making it sound much more “bad ass” and taking out the part about becoming a citizen (naturalization) and changing service into enforcement. What is your reaction?
Agenda Activator, agenda, and objective (10 minutes)
Republican Politics, anti-immigration, and the Palmer raids notes (30 minutes) Comprehension Check (15 minutes) Exit Ticket (5 minutes)
Objective All students will…
Analyze the events, interests, and philosophies behind the attacks on civil liberties, such as the Palmer Raids and immigration quotas.
Republican Power President Warren G. Harding Elected 1920
Legacy of Scandals “Teapot Dome” scandal (oil) Died in office
President Coolidge “The business of America is business.”
Laissez-Faire Smoot-Hawley Tariff (charging imports, reduced trade, bad for economy) No help for farmers
People on the Move: The Great Migration within U.S.
International Immigration
Sharp post-war rise in immigration (after 1914). Continued to be predominantly European. Increasingly from Southern, Central and Eastern Europe. From countries where WWI had started. Nativists in U.S. were scared that immigrants from politically unstable countries would bring radical political ideas to the U.S. RED SCARE
Laws Restricting Immigration
Had already passed Chinese Exclusion Act restricting immigration from China. 1917 Espionage Act; 1918 Sedition Act 1919 J. Edgar Hoover put in charge of Justice Department Bureau of Investigation. 1921 at Harding’s request Congress passed an IMMIGRATION QUOTA (a specific number each country was allowed). 1924 National Origins Act reduced quota to 2% of the population of that ethnic or national origin already living in U.S. (based on 1890 census data).
Palmer Raids Raids on people in U.S. suspected of being “Radical Leftists.” Carried out by Alexander Mitchell Palmer, Attorney General for U.S. Justice and Immigration Departments in the interest of “national security.” Used list of about 150,000 names. Palmer was accused of torture, wiretapping, and other abuses of people’s civil liberties. 1920 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) published Report of the Illegal Practices of the United States Department of Justice.
Sacco-Vanazetti Trial
Two Italian immigrants Sacco and Vanazetti tried and executed for the supposed armed robbery of two pay clerks. Suspected radicals (anarchists). Unfair trial attracted international attention. People said that the judge allowed anti-Italian, anti-immigrant, and anti-anarchist sentiment to ifluence the jury.
Comprehension Check Write at least one page explaining “nativism” in the U.S. during the 1920s. Use the quote from the Klansmen Manual on the board as well as your notes from Thursday and today. Analyze the events, interests, and philosophies that led to attacks on civil liberties, including… Actions of the KKK Immigration quotas Palmer Raids
Exit Ticket Turn in your movie reviews.
You were also to comment on the stereotypes in videogames blog and to the understanding prejudice survey. Watch the following slides about the “Roaring 20s” as a preview of what is to come…
The Roaring 20’s
an agri. depression in early 1920's contributed to this urban migration
U.S. farmers lost agri. markets in postwar Europe at same time agri. efficiency increased so more food produced (more food = lower prices) and fewer labourers needed so farming was no longer as prosperous, and bankers called in their loans (farms repossessed) so American farmers enter the Depression in advance of the rest of society
Black Americans in this period continued to live in poverty
sharecropping kept them in de facto slavery boll weevil wiped out the cotton crop white landowners went bankrupt & forced blacks off their land
Consumer Economy
for immigrants – the point of origin had shifted to S & E Europe and new religions appeared: Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic N. European immigrants of early 19c. feared this shift and felt it would undermine Protestant values this fear was known as NATIVISM many wanted Congress to restrict immigration, leading to a quota system that favoured n. areas of Europe fear of immigrants (from SE Europe) led to a sentiment known as the Red Scare (fear of comm. post-Bolshevik Rev.) basic comm. advocates a int'l revolution by the proletariat/workers - fears that this ideology could find its way into the U.S.
at this time, W. Wilson was gravely ill following a stroke
his Attorney General, A. Mitchell Palmer, wanted to take a shot at the presidency - he used fears of both immigrants and communism to his advantage he had J. Edgar Hoover round up suspected radicals, many of which were deported (Palmer Raids)
High School Biology teacher
Scopes “Monkey” Trial Evolution vs. Creationism Science vs. Religion Famous Lawyers Dayton, Tennessee John Scopes High School Biology teacher
Prohibition Volstead Act untouchables Gangsters 18th Amendment
Al Capone
PROHIBITION - on manuf. and sale of alcohol
adopted in th AMENDMENT an outgrowth of the longtime temperance movement in WWI, temperance became a patriotic mvmt. - drunkenness caused low productivity & inefficiency, and alcohol needed to treat the wounded a difficult law to enforce... organized crime, speakeasies, bootleggers were on the rise Al Capone virtually controlled Chicago in this period - capitalism at its zenith… Prohibition finally ended in 1933 w/ the 21st Amendment forced organized crime to pursue other interests…
Marcus Garvey (Jamaican born immigrant) established the Universal Negro Improvement Association
believed in Black pride advocated racial segregation b/c of Black superiority Garvey believed Blacks should return to Africa he purchased a ship to start the Black Star line attracted many investments: gov't charged him with w/fraud he was found guilty and eventually deported to Jamaica, but his organization continued to exist
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