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 Chapter 5 Challenges and Benefits. Challenges include  Gender  Age  Ideology  Nationality  Sexual orientation.

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Presentation on theme: " Chapter 5 Challenges and Benefits. Challenges include  Gender  Age  Ideology  Nationality  Sexual orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1  Chapter 5 Challenges and Benefits

2 Challenges include  Gender  Age  Ideology  Nationality  Sexual orientation

3  Discrimination is when an action is based on a prejudice against an individual or group because of race, class, gender, age and disabilities etc.

4  Examples of discrimination and prejudice include:  Dominant white against black  Dominant males against females  Dominant rich against poor  Dominant old against young ( and vice versa) Challenges

5  Many of the challenges presented by cultural diversity stem from ‘isms’ :  Racism  Sexism  Ageism  Ableism  Classism These ‘isms’ can lead to prejudice and biased behaviour.

6  Racism occurs when a member or members of a dominant group discriminate against others based on the belief that there are basic differences in people’s behaviour and abilities entirely due to their ‘race’.

7  Classism means that different values are placed on people based not on personality but on their social and economic ‘value’.

8  Sexism means that men and women are treated according to their gender rather than individual characteristics. This can lead to prejudice and bias against the less dominant group.

9  Ageism refers to individuals being discriminated against because of their age rather than their ability.

10  Ableism relates to discrimination against people with a disability that has a negative effect on their everyday activities in work or social life.

11 The most recognised benefits of cultural diversity are :  Creativity  Innovation  Cooperation  Synergy

12  Creativity Working and interacting with other cultures can help our creativity by absorbing input resulting from different backgrounds, experiences, and ideas.

13  Innovation When people from different cultures work together a collection of ideas and innovations are readily available.

14  Cooperation Once our differences are acknowledged and respected the opportunities for connecting and cooperating become easier. Positive attitudes result in similarities becoming more important than differences.

15  Synergy Synergy is the extra energy and effectiveness when people and organisations create a spirit of understanding and openness. This leads to the opportunity to cooperate and combine their efforts.

16  These benefits develop when people from different cultural backgrounds work or live together.

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