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Cherry Creek Diversity Conference Privilege, Power, Influence, and Making a Difference Tracy Phariss GLSEN Colorado, Golden High School

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2 Cherry Creek Diversity Conference Privilege, Power, Influence, and Making a Difference Tracy Phariss GLSEN Colorado, Golden High School

3 Activity Dyad

4 Dyad Every year Time magazine picks the 100 most influential people in the World. What do we mean when we say someone is influential?

5 Activity How did the person you were talking with respect you?

6 Respect Looking in each other’s eyes. Active listening – nods, laughs, etc. Said each other's names, and knew how to pronounce them. Being honest / Shared private information. Others…..

7 Open & unthreatening discussion Why does the experience of "others" matter? What is the difference between privilege, power, influence, - isms and making a difference?

8 Influence Influence can be defined as the ability or power of someone to produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others.

9 100 Most Influential People in the United States 100 Most Influential People in the United States Time Magazine 2012 Time Magazine 2012



12 Discussion Questions 1. 1.What traits or qualities make us consider these people (or people like them) influential? 2. 2.Are each of these people influential in the same way? Explain.

13 Privilege Privilege can be defined as a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all.

14 Privilege Do some of these people (or people like them) have privilege that is not enjoyed by all? Are each of these people privileged in the same way? Explain

15 Privilege People with privilege are often so used to it, that they don’t even recognize that it is truly a privilege.

16 Privilege Although unearned, when benefits based on privilege are removed, people with privilege often feel that something unjust has occurred. Although unearned, when benefits based on privilege are removed, people with privilege often feel that something unjust has occurred.

17 Privilege, Power, Influence, and Making a Difference Part 2

18 Influence Influence can be defined as the ability or power of someone to produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others.

19 Privilege Privilege can be defined as a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all

20 Activity What Multicultural Group do you belong or identify as being a member?

21 Everyone needs to feel the butterflies of inexperience that insecurity that makes one conscious of every word, body language, and nuance when dealing with peers the inability to articulate the questions we have

22 “All change is difficult” Allport, 1956

23 Activity The Chain of Privilege

24 Read Carefully

25 The Chain of Privilege Take about 15 minute to create your chain.

26 Privilege Chart Groups having Groups denied or less Privilege Privilege adult

27 Privilege Chart Groups having Groups denied or less Privilege Privilege adult youth rich

28 Privilege Chart Groups having Groups denied or less Privilege Privilege adult youth richpoor men

29 Privilege Chart Groups having Groups denied or less Privilege Privilege adult youth richpoor men women adults

30 Privilege Chart Groups having Groups denied or less Privilege Privilege adult youth richpoor men women adultselders white people

31 Privilege Chart Groups having Groups denied or less Privilege Privilege adult youth richpoor men women adultselders white people people of color heterosexual

32 Privilege Chart Groups having Groups denied or less Privilege Privilege adult youth richpoor men women adultselders white people people of color heterosexuallesbian/gay/bisexual

33 Privilege Chart Groups having Groups denied or less Privilege Privilege able-bodied

34 Privilege Chart Groups having Groups denied or less Privilege Privilege able-bodied differently-abled labeled “normal”

35 Privilege Chart Groups having Groups denied or less Privilege Privilege able-bodied differently-abled labeled “normal” labeled as “special ed” Christians/Gentiles

36 Privilege Chart Groups having Groups denied or less Privilege Privilege able-bodied differently-abled labeled “normal” labeled as “special ed” Christians/Gentiles Jews/Other religions English as a first language

37 Privilege Chart Groups having Groups denied or less Privilege Privilege able-bodied differently-abled labeled “normal” labeled as “special ed” Christians/Gentiles Jews/Other religions English as a first language other first language than English labeled as “normal” body image

38 Privilege Chart Groups having Groups denied or less Privilege Privilege able-bodied differently-abled labeled “normal” labeled as “special ed” Christians/Gentiles Jews/Other religions English as a first language other first language than English labeled as “normal” labeled “fat,”, skinny,” body imageetc

39 The Concern Privilege + Power used negatively → Oppression (-isms)

40 Racism White Privilege + Power used negatively = Racism!

41 The ISMS Racism Classism Sexism Heterosexism Sizeism Anti-Semitism Linguistism Ableism Adultism Ageism Alphabetism Elitism -isms

42 Examples

43 Our Lives - Sexism

44 Our Lives - Racism You’re not planning a terrorist attack are you?

45 Our Lives - Linguistism I can’t understand a thing she is saying!

46 Our Lives - Racism

47 Our Lives - Heterosexism That’s Sick!

48 Our Lives - Adultism

49 Our Lives - Ableism

50 Our Lives - Classism

51 Our Lives - Sizeism

52 Our Lives – Anti-Semitism So did you make a lot of money at the car wash? Yeah, except for the lady that jewed be out of $5.00 So, should I say anything?

53 The Hope Privilege + Power used positively → Change in the school climate

54 What can you do? Take action- INFLUENCE Listen/learn Use your privilege positively - INFLUENCE Talk with others - INFLUENCE Take a chance, make mistakes Get support, accept support

55 What can you do? Do Some Soul Searching Don’t be a bystander – be a change agent- INFLUENCE Be a Role Model for others- - INFLUENCE -isms can be “unlearned” React to personal, institutional and societal –isms - INFLUENCE Our collective responsibility

56 What can you do? BE AN ALLY INFLUENCE

57 Packet Your Homework

58 Packet 1.Article – White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Backpack 2.Oppression of Target and Non-target Groups 3.Poem – An Ally’s Promise 4.Being an Effective Ally 5.Personal Exploration of Privilege

59 Let’s Talk! Questions? Photos by

60 Privilege a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all

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