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D EVELOPING S OCIAL J USTICE A DVOCACY IN W HITE M ALE #SAP ROS AND C OLLEGE M EN Justin Zagorski, M.A. Preferred Gender Pronouns: He, Him, His Residence.

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Presentation on theme: "D EVELOPING S OCIAL J USTICE A DVOCACY IN W HITE M ALE #SAP ROS AND C OLLEGE M EN Justin Zagorski, M.A. Preferred Gender Pronouns: He, Him, His Residence."— Presentation transcript:

1 D EVELOPING S OCIAL J USTICE A DVOCACY IN W HITE M ALE #SAP ROS AND C OLLEGE M EN Justin Zagorski, M.A. Preferred Gender Pronouns: He, Him, His Residence Life Coordinator at Humboldt State University Jörg Vianden, Ed.D. Associate Professor, Department of Student Affairs Administration University of Wisconsin - La Crosse @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM

2 Throughout the presentation, please send comments and questions to @justinzagorski @jvianden #STR8WCM @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM I NTRO AND O VERVIEW

3 L EARNING OUTCOMES Articulate why White male students and educators find difficulty in acknowledging their responsibility to help dismantle systems of oppression Identify what White male students perceive they need from White male educators to effectively take responsibility for fostering social justice Co-construct specific actionable strategies for engaging more White men in social justice advocacy at their own institutions Draft action plans for how institutions can engage #STR8WCM best practices to move forward and transform their communities. @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM I NTRO AND O VERVIEW

4 C ONTEXT @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM W HY D ISCUSS T HIS T OPIC

5 R ESEARCH P ROJECTS S TRATEGIZING A CTION P LAN C ONCLUSION W HAT W E K NOW “We’re doing enough or too much…” 78% of male student respondents @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM W HY D ISCUSS T HIS T OPIC

6 @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM W HY D ISCUSS T HIS T OPIC

7 @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM W HY D ISCUSS T HIS T OPIC

8 “[Social injustice] can’t be solved unless people who are heterosexual or male or…White…feel obligated to make the problem of privilege their problem and do something about it”(Johnson, 2000, p. 10). “[White males] are responsible for acknowledging the reality of racism… we are responsible for the daily choices we make about how to live in a racist society. We are only responsible for our own part, and we each have a part (Kivel, 2002, p. 41). Focusing teaching, research, and practice solely on men’s privilege may not only overlook men’s conceptualizations of their lived experiences but may keep unintentionally from developing social justice ally behaviors and attitudes (Davis & Wagner, 2005). @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM W HAT D O W E K NOW


10 When interacting with White men on your campuses, what oppressive attitudes or behaviors have you noticed? What socially just or advocacy behaviors have you noticed? @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM W HAT D O W E K NOW

11 @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM S TUDY #1 – J ÖRG V IANDEN

12 @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM S TUDY #1 – J ÖRG V IANDEN

13 Themes ●Advantages and Drawbacks ●Responding to -isms and hompphobia ●motivation to engage in D/SJ ●Sensing Responsibility @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM S TUDY #1 – J ÖRG V IANDEN

14 @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM S TUDY #1 – J ÖRG V IANDEN

15 Study Focus Investigated how five White Male Student Affairs administrators had come to understand privilege and grow as advocates in Higher Education. @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM S TUDY #2 – J USTIN Z AGORSKI Purpose M.A. Research Project Personal Identity Development Find Support and Mentorship Contribute to Social Justice

16 Study Type: Qualitative study, 45-minute interviews Sample: criterion sampling based on dominant identities Analysis: One round of open coding followed by thematic coding Researcher Bias: White male, new professional @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM S TUDY #2 – J USTIN Z AGORSKI

17 Participants had a limited awareness of racism and white privilege. “I don’t think [race] is a huge issue. I don’t think it’s a huge deal.” “I still have that privilege of being unaware all of the time” Participants gain the deepest understanding of racism through their relationships with People of Color. “When issues of racism are brought up it is usually by my colleagues of color.” “It should not be upon People of Color to educate the group.” @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM S TUDY #2 – J USTIN Z AGORSKI

18 There is a desire for community around the white identity. “It is interesting to talk about power and difference when the majority of the room is white.” “I think if there was a sense of solidarity around [the White] race, there would be more of a commitment to how that would be a present part of our practice” Participants feel they contribute to dismantling racism, but conversely, often feel as if they do not do enough. “I don’t know that we’ve ever talked about it to be honest, or thought about it through that lens”. “I know colleagues in the field that are really committed to dismantling racism, and I am really in awe of the work. Compared to them I really don’t do anything.” @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM S TUDY #2 – J USTIN Z AGORSKI

19 @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM S TRATEGIES FOR ENGAGING WCM 1.What do you do to assess the perceptions of #STR8WM professionals and students around the topics of diversity and social justice? 2.What specific practices do you personally use on your campus to engage white men n diversity or social justice conversations or advocacy or to develop it more effectively? 3.What strategies can you personally commit to starting over the next 30 days Divide into Groups: Dialogue around the following questions and share realizations via #STR8WCM

20 ● Formal or informal mentoring programs ● Structured workshops and Intergroup Dialogue ● Restructure Hiring Practices ● Have an Action Plan @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM S TRATEGIES FOR ENGAGING WCM

21 face to face → side by side large group → 1:1 distancing/correcting → joining/ appropriate self-disclosure relying on marginalized colleagues → taking responsibility premature judgment → vigilant empathy/radical patience co-curriculum → curriculum (work with academic partners) mass announcement → personal invitations (challenge) safe spaces or hammer → progressive discomfort & disorienting dillemmas @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM S TRATEGIES FOR ENGAGING WCM

22 @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM S TRATEGIES FOR ENGAGING WCM

23 Found at @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM S TRATEGIES FOR ENGAGING WCM

24 @justinzagorski@jvianden #STR8WCM Justin Zagorski, M.A. Residence Life Coordinator at Humboldt State Website: Jörg Vianden, Ed.D. Associate Professor Department of Student Affairs Administration University of Wisconsin - La Crosse

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