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 1911-Year 0- Portia May White was born June 24.  1917-Year 6- Sings solo’s at church.  1919- Year 8- Her father returns from World War 1. Family moves.

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2  1911-Year 0- Portia May White was born June 24.  1917-Year 6- Sings solo’s at church.  1919- Year 8- Her father returns from World War 1. Family moves to Halifax.  1929- Year 18- Graduating from High School, goes to Dalhousie University, becomes a Teacher.  1935- Year 24, 1937-Year 26, 1938-Year 27- Portia wins the Helen Campbell Kennedy silver cup. She sings wherever she can.  1939-Year 28, 1945-Year 34- Canada goes to World War 2  1939-Year 28- Halifax Ladies Musical Club gives Portia a scholarship. She begins to learn from Dr.Ernesto Vinci. Monica


4  Birth: June, 24- 1911  Birth place: Truro, Nova Scotia  Death: Feb, 13-1968  Death place: Toronto, ON  Cause of Death: Cancer Monica

5  Dad- Rev. William White (1874-1936)  Mom- Izie White (1890-1972)  Brothers and sisters  Helena Isabelle (1908-1991)  James Rommey (1909-1919)  Portia May (1911-1968)  Nettie Jean (1914-1979)  William Andrew (Bill) (1915-1981)  Mildred Elizabeth (1917-1980)  Milton Aurtor (1920-1921)  George Albert (1921-)  June Aurora (1923-1994)  John Edgar (Jack) (1925-2002)  Vera Izie Evelyn (1927-1939)  Ronald Lorne (1928- )  Lucille Yvonne Grace (1930- ) Maya

6  Born in Truro, NS and moved to Halifax when she was 8.  She moves to Toronto in 1952. Maya

7  Portia went to St.Pats Alexandra Public School in Halifax and goes to Dalhousie University to become a teacher. Monica

8  She was a school Teacher, concert performer and voice Teacher. Maya

9  Oct 2 1964 sang for Queen Elizabeth, Prince and Duke of Edinburgh for the opening of confederation Charlottetown, PEI  She wins the Helen Campbell Silver Cup Monica

10  Maya- I think she is very important because she is an amazing singer. When I was little I always wanted to be a professional singer, so I picked Portia May White to see what it was like to be a singer back then and it seems very hard even more because of racism.  Monica- She is a important because she stood strong through everything and she is very talented.


12  Book- Singing towards the Future By: Lian Goodall     Let Me Walk With You Jesus. Singing By Portia White, Josh Etter And Penny Etter. 2012

13  Accomplishments, Family, Birth Date, Birth place, Death Date, Conditions, Brief life story, Location, Schooling, Work- Singing Towards the Future By: Lian Goodall  Death Place-  2 nd moving place, Quitting Concert-  Music-Let Me Walk With You Jesus. Singing By Portia White, Josh Etter And Penny Etter. 2012

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