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The African Slave Trade. 1500’s – 1800’s 1500’s – 1800’s Slave traders sent approximately 10-15 million Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas.

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Presentation on theme: "The African Slave Trade. 1500’s – 1800’s 1500’s – 1800’s Slave traders sent approximately 10-15 million Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas."— Presentation transcript:

1 The African Slave Trade

2 1500’s – 1800’s 1500’s – 1800’s Slave traders sent approximately 10-15 million Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas. Slave traders sent approximately 10-15 million Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas.

3 First Contact The first contact came in the 1400’s by Portugal’s Prince Henry. He knew there was a great deal of gold and he was looking for a sea route around Africa to India.

4 By the late 1400’s, the Portuguese and other European countries set up trading stations along the West coast.

5 The Europeans traded with Africans. Traded cheap clothes and beads for fish, ivory and gold.

6 Christian missionaries from Europe also converted many Africans into Christians.

7 Europeans had brought Native Americans to mine the land in Africa but they died too easily. Immune systems were not built up to withstand diseases found along equator.

8 When Native Americans did not work, they turned to African’s. Europeans introduced slavery on a massive scale around the 1500’s.

9 Trading posts were set up along the coasts. Slaves were kept in what was known as “castles” – chained at the feet and neck.

10 Many died before making it to land from beatings, starvation, and disease. They were fed only enough to be kept alive.

11 1700’s – the height of the slave trade. Up to 600,000 Africans a year were packed on slave ships. And, as the demand continued to grow, so did the profits.

12 Europeans relied on African kings and Merchants to help them. They would supply guns and other goods in exchangefor slaves.


14 The slave trade lasted approximately 400 years. Abolition – the movement to end slavery.

15 1807 – The British outlawed the slave trade. 1805 – Outlawed in the US. Continued illegally until 1865.

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