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Thursday, January 16th  Write down at least 3 impacts that the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade had on African communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday, January 16th  Write down at least 3 impacts that the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade had on African communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday, January 16th  Write down at least 3 impacts that the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade had on African communities.

2 After today…  Students should understand why millions of African slaves were sent to the Americas.  Students should recognize the impact that the slave trade had on Africa.  Students should be able to define the terms “middle passage” and diaspora.

3 Olaudah Equiano - autobiography  When I looked round the ship too and saw a large furnace of copper boiling, and a mulititude of black people of every description chained together, every one of their countenances expressing dejection and sorrow, I no longer doubted of my fate and quite overpowered with horrow and anguish, I fell motionless on the deck and fainted.... I asked if we were not to be eaten by those white men with horrible looks, red faces and long hair?"

4 One day…


6 K-W-L  Create a Chart  List 3 things you KNOW about the Trans Atlantic slave trade.  Create at least 1 question of something you WANT to know about the slave trade.  Leave the 3 rd column blank until the end of the lesson

7 = Cotton equals cash

8 DEMAND  In order to make the plantation system profitable – more slaves were “needed” in the Americas.

9 Middle Passage  From the 1500’s to the 1800’s, slave traders sent an estimated 10 to 15 million Africans across the Atlantic. (source:Textbook)

10 Middle Passage

11 Dangerous Passage  It is estimated that anywhere from 20 to 50% of “cargo” did not survive the 5 to 12 week journey.

12 Class Notes  Slavery did NOT begin with the Trans- Atlantic slave trade.  However, Europeans introduced slavery on a massive scale.  At the height of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade in the 1700’s up to 60,000 slaves per year made the terrible journey.  The most common destination for African slaves was Brazil.

13 Diaspora  This diaspora or scattering brought great suffering.  African people were able to hold on to and spread (diffuse) parts of their culture.  Much “American” music (rock / rap / jazz) can trace its origins back to the spirituals sung by African slaves.

14 Much blame…  Europeans, Arabs and Africans all participated to some degree in the slave trade.

15 Read…  “Trade in Human Beings” from pages #93 & #94 in the textbook.  End at “Ending the Slave Trade” on page #94

16 Slavery EXISTED before the Atlantic slave trade of the 1600’s… and slavery STILL exists today!



19 Property

20 Role of Religion  Christianity played a small role by giving a level of “justification” to the slave trade.  Saving heathen souls  Religion, especially the Quakers, started the movement to abolish the slave trade.

21 Breaking Kunta

22 Read…  “Ending the Slave Trade” from pages #94 & #95 in the textbook.  What does the term “abolition” mean?

23 Ending the slave trade  England outlawed the slave trade in 1807 / outright slavery in 1833.  Abolition is the movement to end slavery.  Slavery continued in the US until 1865.

24 Class Notes – End Game  In the 1700’s abolition or the movement to end slavery slowly gained in some European countries.  The Industrial Revolution made raw materials more important than manpower.  Britain passed a law banning slavery in 1833.

25 LIBERIA  Liberia was a colony founded on the West Coast of Africa by freed slaves from the United States.  Liberia became independent in 1847.

26 Today  Do you think that the Trans Atlantic slave trade still impacts our society today?  What are reparations? Should they be given?

27 Today  Unfortunately the issue of slavery is still with us in the modern age.  Human Trafficking is a major problem around the entire world.  Child labor is used to make well known products

28 Point of View  Choose any 2 of the 4 characters listed below and write a 1 paragraph paper defending or condemning the Atlantic slave trade. (Opening sentence / supporting statements / Conclusion).  Plantation Owner  European sea captain  Slave  African king trading with Europeans.

29 K-W-L  Create a Chart  List 3 things you KNOW about the Trans Atlantic slave trade.  Create at least 1 question of something you WANT to know about the slave trade.  Leave the 3 rd column blank until the end of the lesson

30 After today…  Students should understand why millions of African slaves were sent to the Americas.  Students should recognize the impact that the slave trade had on Africa.  Students should be able to define the terms “middle passage” and diaspora.

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