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 Prevailed during the 17 th and 18 th centuries..

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Presentation on theme: " Prevailed during the 17 th and 18 th centuries.."— Presentation transcript:

1  Prevailed during the 17 th and 18 th centuries.

2  A nation’s wealth is measured by the amount of precious metals (bullionism) rather than by its productivity.

3  A favorable balance of trade- exports exceed imports- is made up of gold and silver.


5  Manufacturing for national defense.  Products unique to the nation and valuable in trade- encourage through subsidies and tax credits.

6  Creation of a nation that is economically self-sufficient.

7  Spain and Portugal- 16 th and 17 th.  Netherlands, France, England- 17 th and 18 th.



10  Europeans had been taking African slaves since the 14 th century, mainly for the rich.  17 th Century, the Church supported it.  As Europeans settled, natives died of disease.  The settlers needed greater manpower.  By 1540, 10000 slaves per year imported


12  Obviously not, but how did they (particularly the British) accumulate this plethora of slaves?

13  15 million from 1540-1850  Only about half who made it were productive. (many had died of smallpox, dysentery, or suicide)

14  Why was the slave trade so popular?  In 17 th century, a European could purchase an African slave for $25.  In America, that same slave would be worth $150.  When the slave trade became illegal, prices soared.

15  Came from the West Indies.  Philadelphia, Richmond, Charleston and New Orleans were major slave- trading cities.

16  Death rate amongst slaves was high.  Women were expected reproducing at the age of 13, by 20, she was expected to have 4-5 children.

17  Slavery declined in Spanish America.  Brazil and the West Indies, it increased due to the demand of _____________.  During the 1 st 4 centuries, more slaves came to Americas than did free European settlers.

18  In English colonies, slaves converted to _____________  In French, Spanish, and Portuguese colonies, they converted to _________

19  Emancipation Proclamation 1863  British made selling of slaves illegal in 1807.  Brazil made the selling of slaves illegal in 1888.

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