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A HISTORY OF SLAVERY IN THE NEW WORLD. Slavery Timeline  1472 - Portuguese negotiate the first slave trade for gold and ivory  1503 – Spanish and Portuguese.

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2 Slavery Timeline  1472 - Portuguese negotiate the first slave trade for gold and ivory  1503 – Spanish and Portuguese bring Africans to the Caribbean to replace the Indians working in the gold mines.

3  1610 – The Dutch brought slaves to the New World.  1619 – The Dutch bring slaves to Jamestown, Virginia  1641 – Massachusetts recognizes slavery as a legal practice (1641 Body of Liberties)  1651 – Rhode Island declares that a slave must be set free after serving ten years of service.  1663 – A Virginia court establishes that the child of a slave is also a slave.

4  1671 – The Quakers start the first abolitionist (anti-slavery) society.  1672 – The King of England encourage the slave trade by creating the Royal African Company to expand slavery.  1676 – Slavery is banned in the Quaker dominated area of West New Jersey.  1730 – Boston, New York, and Charleston become the largest slave trade ports.  1750 – Georgia is the last colony to legalize slavery.

5  1775 – Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and Benjamin Rush and others form the Society for the Abolition of Slavery in Philadelphia.  1780 – Slavery outlawed in Pennsylvania  1787 – The Northwest Ordinance outlaws slavery in the newly created territories.  1787 – The 3/5 th Compromise allows the south to count 3 out of every 5 slaves for representation.  1787 – Rhode Island outlaws slavery

6  1791 – The French slaves on Haiti rebel and gain freedom. Many flee the Caribbean and move to Philadelphia. Haiti becomes the first independent “black” country in the Americas.  1791 – The Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney increases the need for more slaves in the southern colonies.  1794 – Congress passes a law forbidding slaves to be transported from American ports.  1797 – First black petition to congress protesting North Carolina turning blacks set free during the American Revolution back into slaves.

7  1807 – British Parliament outlaws the slave trade.  1808 – The United States Congress outlaws participation in slave trading.  1820 – Missouri Compromise allows Missouri to enter the union as a slave state but Maine would be a free state.  1824 – many free blacks leave America to Liberia, Africa to establish a new nation.  1824 – The first segregated schools open for black students in Philadelphia.

8  1830’s – Ohio’s “Black Laws” restricting the freedom of free blacks sends many into Canada.  1831- “The Liberator” is the most widely published anti slavery newspaper in the United States.  1834 – Great Britain abolishes slavery throughout the British Empire.  1837 – The beginnings of the first black colleges develop.

9  1838 – Riots occur in Philadelphia among white workers that fear blacks will take their jobs.  1839 – Pope Gregory XVI condemns slavery and the slave trade.  1846 – The war with Mexico increases the size of America and the issue of slavery expanding west.  1848 – The Free Soil Party is organized to stop the spread of slavery into the newly acquired territories.  1848 – France abolishes slavery

10  1849 – Harriet Tubman escapes slavery and helps many other slaves escape to the north through the underground railroad.  1850 – The Compromise of 1850 compels all citizens to return runaway slaves into the authorities.  1852 – Congress repels the Missouri Compromise opening slavery in the western territories. Kansas is divided and pro and anti slave forces battle often (bleeding Kansas).

11  1857 – The Dred Scott Decision in the Supreme Court rules that blacks have no citizenship rights free or enslaved.  1861 – Abraham Lincoln is elected President and the southern states succeed from the union. The Civil War begins.  1863 – The Emancipation Proclamation frees all slaves in Confederate held territory.  1864 – Congress rules that black soldiers must receive equal pay.

12  1865 – The 13 th Amendment to the Constitution abolishes slavery in the United States. The Ku Klux Klan is formed in the south.  1868 – The 14 th Amendment is ratified making blacks citizens.  1870 – The 15 th Amendment allows black men the right to vote.  1870 – Joseph H. Rainey is the first black to serve in the United States Congress. During reconstruction 22 blacks will serve in the House of Representatives.

13  1875 – The Civil Rights Act of 1875 protects all Americans regardless of race.  1896 – Plessey vs. Ferguson Supreme Court ruling states that blacks and whites can be separated in schools as long as blacks have equal access to an education.  1909 – Establishment of the N.A.A.C.P (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).

14  1936 – Thurgood Marshal becomes the first black to serve on the Supreme Court.  1946 – President Truman issues Executive Order 9808 to ensure all Americans have civil rights and orders the military to ensure that civil rights are not being denied.  1954 – Brown vs. Board Supreme Court decision declares that segregation in public schools is illegal.  1968 – Assassination of Martin Luther King leading to massive riots.  2008 – The first black President is elected

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