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Slavery and Politics Prelude to Civil War. The Slave Community Southern Institution Southern Institution Plantation Economy: Cotton and Tobacco Plantation.

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Presentation on theme: "Slavery and Politics Prelude to Civil War. The Slave Community Southern Institution Southern Institution Plantation Economy: Cotton and Tobacco Plantation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slavery and Politics Prelude to Civil War

2 The Slave Community Southern Institution Southern Institution Plantation Economy: Cotton and Tobacco Plantation Economy: Cotton and Tobacco Slaves provided labor working from dawn to dusk Slaves provided labor working from dawn to dusk Physically beaten and psychologically abused( sold) Physically beaten and psychologically abused( sold) Slaves turned to Christianity and combinations of African traditions Slaves turned to Christianity and combinations of African traditions

3 Resistance to Slavery Religion: The story of Moses Religion: The story of Moses Escape: The Underground railroad-slaves to the North (Freedom) Escape: The Underground railroad-slaves to the North (Freedom) Revolts: (Slave) Revolts: (Slave) Gabriel Prosser, Virginia 1800 Denmark Vesessy, South Carolina 1822 Nat Turner, South Carolina 1831

4 Harriet Tubman

5 Nat Turner

6 Conflict and Compromise The Missouri Compromise The Missouri Compromise The War with Mexico The War with Mexico The Compromise of 1850 The Compromise of 1850 The Kansas-Nebraska Act The Kansas-Nebraska Act

7 Mexican American War 1836 Texas secedes from Mexico want to enter Union as a Slave State 1836 Texas secedes from Mexico want to enter Union as a Slave State 1845 Manifest Destiny the belief that it was God’s intention that the US have control from ocean to ocean 1845 Manifest Destiny the belief that it was God’s intention that the US have control from ocean to ocean United State wanted to buy California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and New Mexico United State wanted to buy California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and New Mexico 1846 U.S Defeats Mexico: Pays 15 Million For losing ½ of its territory.( Guadalupe-Hidalgo) 1846 U.S Defeats Mexico: Pays 15 Million For losing ½ of its territory.( Guadalupe-Hidalgo)

8 Conflict New landNew States New landNew States New StatesFree or Slave ? New StatesFree or Slave ? Series of compromise: the balance of power needed to be redrawn. Series of compromise: the balance of power needed to be redrawn.

9 Other Factors Dred Scott Case Dred Scott Case John Brown John Brown Theses event pushed the North and South further away from each other. Theses event pushed the North and South further away from each other. Uncle Tom’s Cabin Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1860 The election of Abraham Lincoln led to South Carolina to “leave the Union” 1860 The election of Abraham Lincoln led to South Carolina to “leave the Union”

10 John Brown

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